How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 426 - 427 Don’t be reckless.

Chapter 426: Chapter 427 Don't be reckless.

The first thing to go to is a terrestrial planet without satellites or rings. As for the specific proportion of the planet, you will know.

However, it is certain that there will be a large number of resources that collectors currently need on that planet, such as aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur and other elements, but there are not many on the satellite. The most important thing is uranium ore. There is no such thing on that satellite, only terrestrial planets.

There are also meteorites in the Kuiper belt, but they are far less fast than those found on terrestrial planets. The distance between meteorites in the Kuiper belt is very large, and it is no problem to plug a few Earths, let alone search for uranium ore between meteorites in the Kuiper belt, which is far less fast than that on the planets.

On the route, it first unfolds its mushroom blanket again to maintain its life activities during its journey through photosynthesis. In its spare time, it begins to consciously observe its own star in the stellar system. It is a golden-white star, releasing a strong flow of charged hydrogen ions. The flow of charged hydrogen ions is not the only one. At first, you can still feel the flow of charged calcium ions, which is second to the flow of charged hydrogen ions. In addition to these, there are other metal ions, but there is no concentration like the first two. High.

Thanks to these ion radiation, when the satellite was colonized, it was only when it was possible to get enough electricity for the disassembly and processing of materials in a short time.

But this is also a problem, that is, heat dissipation in this stellar system is a problem that needs more attention. The high energy emitted by the star also means that the heat dissipation efficiency needs to be enhanced, otherwise it will be killed by heat. Fortunately, there is no need to think about this at the beginning. They have already occupied a satellite with enough resources as heat dissipation materials, and they do not need to use heat dissipation. As long as the shell is equipped with reflective coating, all problems will be solved.

After crossing a long distance of dozens of astronomical units, he finally reached the terrestrial planet.

This time it does not need a light sail. It is higher than the impulse but less efficient. It uses chemical propulsion to deflect its trajectory and cut into the synchronous orbit of the planet at an external angle.

During this period, it constantly uses radar waves to measure the distance to ensure that it is enough, otherwise if it is too far away, it will be thrown out of the synchronous orbit, and if it is too close, it will fall directly into the planet.

Although it is to land on this terrestrial planet after all, there are two different concepts: preparedness and unpreparedness. One is that if you don't grasp it well, it will directly destroy the insect, so you still have to be careful. It's good to have radar, which is much more reassuring than before.

At the beginning, he sighed that when he was just preparing for satellite colonization, he was worried and afraid of any accident. It was like walking a tightrope blindfolded. Even if he wore a seat belt, he was still muttering in his heart.

"Here it is. Let me have a look."

The planet is covered with green. From space, it looks like a lush emerald green. It seems that there is a dense forest, but it will not be fooled at first. There is a saying on the earth that 'the one who rides a white horse is not necessarily a prince or a Tang monk'. The green of the planet is not necessarily a plant, or it may also the color of atmospheric chemistry, than Such as chlorine.

It moves around the planet in a synchronous orbit and enters the back yang surface of the planet. From here, the concentration of the atmospheric planet can be measured by observing the stellar light. The essence of this special algorithm is to obtain an approximate value through the influence of matter on light. This is a formula summarized by the collectors themselves based on multiple planetary colonial data. .

"ChLORine is the main body of the atmosphere and contains a small amount of nitrogen. The atmospheric pressure is very strong, at least more than 100 times the atmospheric pressure. The preliminary estimate should be 106 times. Chlorine cannot lock the temperature and has good radiation absorption capacity. Therefore, it can be boldly speculated that the surface ambient temperature is within the appropriate range."

"... Everything else is fine. A hundred times the atmospheric pressure can be solved, but this chlorine is more troublesome. Its chemical properties are too lively. If I rush in like this, the moisture in the body will soon combine with these chlorine to form hydrochloric acid, and absolute physical isolation must be carried out.

But this is impossible. After all, I can't do without material interaction with the outside world."Don't be reckless. Pay attention to methods. I won't land on the planet so stupidly."

At the beginning, we immediately conducted radio communication with the satellite and let them find a way to get a large amount of ice.

Soon, it received a response from the same clan. On the side of the clan colonizing other planets, a satellite completely composed of solid ice was found, which was surrounded by a gas giant.

The collectors on the ice satellites received the information transmitted by the ethnic satellites and began to enter the intensive preparatory stage, giving priority to the tasks in the information.

Although the ice satellite is full of solid ice, this does not mean that it is completely composed of ice. Collectors can still find enough material from it to reproduce the individual to evolve themselves. The honeycomb, a material processing plant, is evolved, and then the rhizome network is laid to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis, and the water molecules are disassembled into Hydrogen and oxygen are stored.

Thousands of biological anti-aircraft guns have been set up, and their principles are no different from that of artillery. The difference between is that one is dead and the other is a living thing.

With the transmission of a signal, thousands of such anti-aircraft guns concentrated fire and fired in one direction. Hydrogen mixed with oxygen were ignited in a confined space. The resulting explosion pushed the ice shell out of the gunpit and fired it into the deep starry sky.

The angle has been calculated. Through the distance and orbit and the gravity between the planets, these ice shells will form a micro-curved ballistic trajectory around the star after being designed at this angle, hitting the poison gas planet full of chlorine.

According to the initial instructions, the collectors are ready to launch five million tons of such ice shells to the gas planet and completely transform the planet.

This satellite can support such chaotic behavior of collectors. Its mass is 1.7349x10^23 kg, which is converted into a tonnage of 1,74.9 billion tons. The loss of 5 million tons of solid ice is only a dime.

The ethnic satellites will also deliver a large number of compressed carbon blocks to the ice satellites, which can solve the shortcomings of the lack of carbon resources of collectors on the ice satellites.

The star system is like a game of throwing sandbags between planets.

After receiving carbon resources, the collectors continued to expand the number of biological anti-aircraft guns, but this time it was heading elsewhere. After that, another group of long-distance collectors arrived at the planet they were going to colonize, and they also encountered trouble and needed a large amount of solid-state ice for transformation support.

It is a lava planet full of carbon dioxide and sulfur. Don't be reckless!

Collectors are not brainless fools. They won't spend a lot of time and lives of their peers on things that can be solved with their brains!

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