HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 58:

Chapter 58:

Looking at Dora, who had, by now, activated occlumency and made her expression neutral, I also had to used a bit of occlumency to stop the smile that was threatening to burst from my lips.

Well, me being me, I won't let it go just like that.

Gently getting out from the Andrea's grasp, I gave her a smile,

"Captain Andrea, you go on, I'll join you in a minute. I need to talk to her." I said with my thumb point back in Dora's direction.

"Oh..sure, sure. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so excited."

"Well, I can understand why, Miss Biggest Fan." I grinned. And with that, I turned and walked up to Dora.

"Why are you back?"

"Why, of course, to say bye to you."

"Oh, there's no need for it though. Weren't you having fun with your 'fan' just now?"

"Nopppe. On the contrary, it was rather uncomfortable. Now, just come with me for a moment."

With that, I dragged her out of the great Hall. We were already closed to the door.

Even when as we exited, Dora still wasn't having it.

"Hey, why all of a sudden-"

I cut her off when I pushed against the wall, and kissed her on the....cheek.


"It is only fair that I return the favor." I said as I licked my lips. "Hmm...that should be my first kiss, Dora." I said as I looked at her reddened cheeks.

"I would have done this earlier in the forest if that creature hadn't suddenly ruined the mood by walking in on us. Anyway, bye Dora." I walked away with while waving hand.

As I walked back into the great hall, Andrea beckoned me from where she was sitting.

I was introduced to the rest of the team. All of them were 5th year or above. Andrea herself was a sixth year. She was an excellent chaser and but the reason she's the captain is because of her tactics. In the Canon first year, in Harry's absence, Ravenclaw had beaten Gryffindor by a significant margin of points. Infact, they beat them so bad that it was described as Gryffindor's worst defeat since1692.

So, the Ravenclaw team right now only lacked a good seeker. Hence why they were treating me like their savior now.

As soon as I had sat down on the table, students had started coming from all over to comment on my showmanship today. After some time, my back was already sore from people slapping it again and again. And hair were thoroughly ruffled by hands, some of which weren't even clean...

Almost all of them, at least acknowledged my flying skills, though some people were very creative about it...

""In our next match, we have decided to dedicated all our bludgers to you"" (Fred and George)

Don't know how much of the race they saw, but when saying this to me, but they seemed, by far, the most serious than I'd ever seen them. Though they still had the same trademark mischievous glints in their eyes.

Anyway, I was more concerned about what happened in the forest today. What if that parasite somehow managed to track us down? After all, he's is... well, Lord Voldemort. I should research ways of tracking someone, in case there are some preventive measure that I could take to stop it.

I can already eliminate some simple methods. He couldn't have tracked us by sight, since as soon as I had seen him, I had casted my own disillusionment as well, which was powered by trigger, so he at least shouldn't know our identity. And there's no chance that he could have tracked us by smell, he simply lacks the necessary organ to do that...


" , , . , -



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I closed the ancient book that I was reading, and checked the time. I didn't need to read more. I've already read it.

'Anyways, it's showtime.' I thought seriously.

I stood up to leave, though I flinched immediately as a stinging hex came my way and landed between my legs.

"Where are you going?" asked Dora, who was practicing some advanced spells.

I sighed, I was trying to act badass, but she had to ruin it!

Though I can still aft mysterious...

I gave her my best Morgan Freeman smile, "I'm going, to get myself a new pet."


"Any moment now..." I muttered, as I waited for my target to appear. It's March now, by the way, and there are about 10 weeks before the exams start. And I've been waiting for this day ever since I read that book about magical bonds.

I was currently sitting comfortably on a big armchair. A big black dog was lying silently by my side, it's eyes closed and mouth dripping with drool.

I was currently in Hagrid's hut and the dog laying stunned on the floor was, of course Sirius Black.

kidding, it Fang.

Just, I heard Hargrid coming back. I disillusioned myself and moved to a smaller seat.

A few seconds later, Hagrid's came in, drunk and singing some some old song while giggling. And clutched between his two hands, was the pet I came here for.

I had decided that I was gonna try and make a familiar bond with a dragon. If the bond is made, I wouldn't need to fear it, since the master and creature can somewhat communicate and the creature becomes loyal to the master. If not, then no thankyou, I'm not keeping a real dragon with me after it grows enough to be even slightly dangerous without a bond. Then I'd try searching for the already old fashioned Phoenix or Thunderbird.

Though, there was this one guy who went above and beyond. The guy keeps a Lethifold as his personal scarf.

Anyways, they were all fictional, I'm gonna try the real thing.

I just waited patiently as Hagrid sang a lullaby which would even wake up a dead man sleeping.

After doing some more nonsensical actions, the giant finally fell asleep, if the abnormally loud snores were any indicator.

After that, I brazenly walked up, took the egg, and covered it with a cloth on which I casted a disillusionment charm.

"Stupefy, stupefy, stupefy, stupefy, stupefy."

You know, for good measure. Sleep peacefully.

Then I replaced the egg with a transfigured one. It's so close to the real thing that it took a long time and my cheating methods to make it. About 15 minutes.

Whistling a jolly tune, I shot a Renervate on Fang and Hagrid as I kicked the door closed behind me with the egg in my hands.


A.N.: Tell me your opinion about this. All in favour?


Anyway, I just found out that .. 'italic' text doesn't work for those who are translating the English into their own language. So, I'll try to write the next chapter in a way that those who couldn't read that part magical bond theory part would also be able to understand.

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