HP: The Arcane Thief

Chapter 169: Trial

Chapter 169: Trial


It was understandable that the princess was dumbfounded. "What was your request?" She asked again, thinking she must have heard it wrong, or maybe there was a fault in the translation.

"I want to join your side and participate in the war. I want to stay. I want a citizenship, or something." Axel stated his intentions as clearly as possible in case he hadn't been specific enough.

"Why?" The princess couldn't help but ask.

Axel shrugged. "Well, I have my reasons. What you need to know is that there is no one to object to my decision on the outside world. It's just a matter of whether you have the power to allow it or not."

"I can allow it, but…" The princess was genuinely at a loss. When Axel finally said he wanted something more, she had thought that sure enough, the kid couldn't resist asking for more of the benefits that Atlantis could provide, but after listening to his request…she was stumped. What kind of request was this?

"Let me make it clear to you. The situation here is actually very severe. Our enemy's strength is unpredictable, and they are extremely strong. There have been numerous deaths and your safety cannot be guaranteed."

"In such a situation, while I would have been glad to welcome you, but the longer you stay here, the more danger you will be in," said the princess, explaining the situation to him without holding back.

"Furthermore, if you do become a citizen, or if you stay here for more than a few days, you will no longer be allowed to leave, or have any contact with the outside world. "

Axel mentally rolled his eyes. This aunt is so overprotective even when I haven't revealed my identity. What would happen after I reveal it?

"Princess, I know the risks. I am an adult, and I can make decisions for myself. I am simply asking what I want in a fully conscious state of mind, knowing all the risks and dangers involved. Are you going to fulfill my request or are you trying to go back on your words?" Asked Axel. He was finding this situation a bit absurd.

"Besides, I am just a random nobody. In this time of war, why are you wasting so much time thinking when someone is trying to help? Surely you have much more important tasks than worrying about me?"

"I…" The princess's blue eyes widened, as her lips parted.

That's right. The princess realized that her behavior was a bit abnormal. This boy was just an outsider, and yet, she was caring for him a bit too much. It's war time right now, and there are many pending tasks on her list that could be considered much more important than this. Why is she paying so much attention to this matter?

It seems that his headstrong and reckless attitude, and along with the way he carried and presented himself seemed too familiar. This combined with the fact that he had helped her elder sister, she feels like he's linked with her elder. That's why she is subconsciously treating him more favorably.

'No, you can't go on like this anymore,' she chided herself. She was too soft. She knows that. The fact that she's here personally dealing with such trivial issues is a proof of that.

Even the boy in front of her can see that. But this is war time, and she cannot continue to go on like this. She has to put her focus on important tasks. She can't personally care for everything by herself.

Thus, the Princess hardened her heart as she nodded.

"If that's what you wish... then I will fulfill your demand. From today onwards, I declare you a citizen of Atlantis. Your living arrangements will be supported by the royal family. But," the princess paused there, levelling Axel with a stern gaze.

"Your selection in any of the enclaves, and your position, depends on your ability and merits. I cannot help you with that. Also, you will go through a strict screening beforehand to make sure you aren't a spy."

Axel nodded. "Thanks."

'Can't ask for more,' he thought inwardly. There are limits to how much he can get from that royal seal. It seems that while the princess is kind, she is not foolish.

The princess turned to Sylthia. "Take him to the trials."

Sylthia hesitated. "But princess, the Shinobi reinforcements are coming..."

"Don't worry. This is the royal castle. They won't try anything. Besides, I will have uncle Nort with me."

Sylthia very much looked like she wanted to protest further, but she held it in, knowing it was not her place to argue with the princess. Instead, she glared at Axel like he had committed a great crime as she began dragging him away.

"Hey! I can walk on my own!" Axel protested. The way Sylthia was dragging him was attracting a lot of looks. Most of it seemed envy. It seems that the people here have some weird interests.

Though, more annoying was the fact that they seemed to be recording them through the device on their wrists. "What are they doing?" He still asked Sylthia, pointing at them.

Sylthia only now realized the attention she had attracted. "For Triton's sake, do these people have nothing else to do?" She snapped. A strong gale blew in the area, causing everyone to stop staring in fear.

She tapped her wrist a few times and an interface popped up, showing photos of Sylthia and Axel with various comments below it.

The gale intensified when Sylthia saw the contents.

Axel took a glance. It was similar to social gossiping applications that the students of Hogwarts used. Since he knew the language, he could read the comments.

Most of them were simping for Sylthia while some were trying to guess his identity.

Axel sighed. 'Great, so the low profile plan is out I guess,' he thought with some irritation. It looks like Atlantis also has something like the magi-hive here as well.

"Why can't they leave me alone?!" Sylthia grumbled in annoyance.

"Well, maybe you should try dressing differently," suggested Axel. While most of the people here were dressed in similar uniforms or armours, Sylthia was wearing a vibrant green dress with deep slips along her legs. Whenever her emotions fluctuate, the wind blows, and her dress flutters, revealing her long legs. Combined with her long green hair and exquisite features, and her stern expression, it is apparent why she is attracting so much attention.

Axel's suggestion was extremely reasonable, given with sincere intentions, and yet, Sylthia gave him a murderous look. "Why would I change it? It's a rank four sub-relic, with thousands of years of history." she uttered, looking offended with the idea that it could be the cause of the problem.

"Suit yourself," Axel muttered with disinterest. "Why are you getting angry at me?"

"Because! You are disrupting everything by coming here! Instead of focusing on war preparations, the Princess is paying more attention to you! And with me not guarding her, the princess's security is being compromised because of you."

"How is it being compromised? Just a few ninjas are coming, right?"

"You won't understand! It's not a common occurrence. It's been 5 years since anyone legally entered or exited Atlantis. There's no telling what those tricky Shinobis would do." said Sylthia as she continued dragging him.

That means that they haven't heard anything about the outside world for years. Axel furrowed his eyebrows. A thought suddenly occurred to him. "Why is the entry and exit so strictly regulated in Atlantis?"

He was curious. Why does Atlantis not let outsiders in? Or let it's people go out? It couldn't just be an extreme aversion.

"It's because—." Sylthia suddenly paused, realizing that Axel was doing it again. She directly sealed his mouth again, dragging him to take the trials. This person is too dangerous. She was just about to spill royal secrets without resistance.

When Sylthia unsealed his mouth again, they had arrived at a place in the castle as huge as the Great Hall at Hogwarts.

Upon their entry, many students were pointing at Sylthia, their gazes full of admiration and worship, as if seeing a celebrity. But no one dared to recklessly approach her, all keeping their distance.

The place was quite crowded, just like the grounds they were previously in. The difference would be the fact that there were a lot less armored men and women and more boys and girls in uniforms. Meaning there were more students here and less soldiers.

It looked like a very advanced gym of sorts, with all types of machines. In the middle, there were several fighting rings where the students were sparring. It also happened to be the most crowded place. As Axel watched, one of the fighters in the ring knocked down the other, causing cheers to erupt among the onlookers who were surrounding the ring.

The screen above, which was projecting the fight, lit up brightly, showing the winner's face, and the numbers beside his name changing.

"Where are we?" Asked Axel, his muscles unconsciously flexing and unflexing, getting ready for some action.

Sylthia looked around at the place with some nostalgia.

"We're in the Academic Block. This is the trial field of the Royal Academy. We're here to test your qualifications."

Axel cracked his neck. "Well, what are we waiting for then?"

"The testing criteria is based on your enclave. Which enclave do you want to join?" She asked impatiently.


"It's the field you want your carrier in. I know that you want to participate in the war, but there are many ways you can do that. Military, Mending, Magical research, Technomancy… there are many enclaves. What do you specialise in? What are you interested in? Depending on that, I will check your qualifications."

'What I specialize in?' Axel thought about it. 'Stealth, assassination, infiltration, subterfuge, deception, stealing…' the things that came to the forefront on his mind weren't exactly good. Thankfully, he knew what he was interested in.

"I think I'll choose Military," he said. What he wanted was to fight Kraken head on.

Sylthia did not seem surprised by his choice. Only disappointed. "Which division? Frontline or Logistics?"

Was that even a question? "Frontline," answered Axel without blinking. Which cowardly idiot would join logistics?

Sylthia's eyes turned colder. "I suggest you rethink it. In the time of war, Military is the fastest way to gather merit and gain promotion, but it's also the Enclave with most risk. It also has the most number of members, and the fiercest competition. Your outsider status doesn't help either. You could be deployed to the most dangerous areas without taking your safety into consideration."

A grin came on Axel's face upon hearing those specifications. "Sounds perfect."

"Why did I even bother?" She muttered, walking away. If someone has a death wish, she's not going to try and stop them.

"Since you're in the frontline, physical fitness is a must, regardless of whatever specialization you choose. So the trial is going to begin by testing your physical parameters," said Sylthia as Axel followed.

"Strength, Agility, Stamina, Speed, endurance, flexibility, Coordination, Balance, Reaction time, and so on. After that, it's going to test the main factor, your fighting power. Your career ahead will depend upon this. But since you haven't gone through any preliminary training or enhancements, it's better that you don't hold out much hope."

Axel's eyes gleamed. "What kind of qualifications do I need to directly fight in the war? What do I need to do to reach five star authority?" He asked.

Sylthia gave him a dismissive look. "You can forget about that for now. It's impossible for you."

Axel frowned "Why is that?"

"Firstly, a student has to go through several years of schooling in the field they have chosen. Only when they are ready, can they graduate and get a star, meaning they can now enroll into their chosen enclaves military, court, Sanatorium, Research, etc."

"You," she said, looking down at Axel. "Haven't even proven to have the qualifications to even enter the royal academy, let alone graduate from it and get a star. So, right now, you can't participate in the war. As for getting 5 star authority, you know how unrealistic that is, don't you?"

Axel was deep in thought, not at all looking offended. "What… if I am more than qualified?"

"That won't be possible. Only the best of the best are admitted into the Royal Academy. The education here is much better compared to the outside world. There has rarely been a case that a Shinobi warrior has been able to match an Atlantian warrior if they are the same age."

"But what if… I can? What if I can even match a five star warrior?"

Sylthia rolled her eyes. "Stop daydreaming." She didn't believe Axel at all. He was what? 15? 16? But she knew that it was the age of delusion and boasting, so she didn't mind.

But, Axel was serious. Right now, the only thing he was concerned about was: How much should I show?


A.N.: Yep, there's no cliche underestimating and flaceslapping trope. He'll get the recognition he deserves

Next: Showing Off

Come read /Snollygoster

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