Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 50: A General's Power (P3)

Chapter 50: A General's Power (P3)

"Lotar." I bite my lips, "Well, this can't be any good."

He chuckles, curled up nice and comfy near the edge of the giant rock we stood on.

"And why can't this be any good, Asher?"

"I don't know, is it any good?" I retort.

Whatever mirth I perceived earlier disappears as the giant white wolf shifts it position, its eyes still half-lid but focused on me.

"No. Not for you anyway."

"Yeah, I thought so, not every day I get kidnapped by a wolf in my sleep."

"Oh no, you're still sleeping, I have simply taken privilege of our contract and summon your consciousness here."

Somehow tired, despite my current body being an illusion, I let myself get comfortable on the floor. "And why have you summoned me here?"

In the depths of my stomach, I knew why. It can't be a coincidence.

He snorts, the puff of air from its nose blows over, nearly knocking me over, "To remind you of your duties and the consequences of failing to perform them."

"Do you read my mind or hear around me at all times?" I find that I'm not comfortable with the idea that a giant wolf is constantly staring down at me in absolute surveillance.

"You are the most recent of my Warlocks, it is only natural I pay more attention to the weakest of the cub."

Weakest? How many people get to throw that jab at me this week?

"You should do more than pay attention if you want to help. How long before I get another boon? The Cultists, if you've truly been watching me then you know why I'm retreating."

Lotar simply shakes its head, "This is the advantage of the Cult, they weaponize experience in the most literal ways, this is why they are a threat. Phien must be defeated as they were once before."

Oh my god, don't tell me I've been roped into some chosen one shit.

"As for the boons I have promised, you will receive them in due time, even I have my own battles to fight, they drain me and limit my abilities." It speaks in a drawl

"Defeat the fourth, take the last blow and end the terrible servant's life and you will get your boon, you will gain my favour and the next boon shall come after the eighth servant has been slain."

So, my efforts are to be doubled each time I gain a boon. But I don't get a boon for killing the speed General? Unfair. I keep my opinion to myself however, I don't exactly want to anger this

"What exactly are you, Lotar?"

"What am I?" he repeats, puzzled.

"Are you a god?" I shake my head, the system said he was a Great Spirit, "No, you're not a god, you're a Spirit, but you're not like Anselm, is there a difference between Spirit and Soul? Is Phien the same with you? Or are they something else entirely?"

Again, Lotar simply snorts, "Some of these questions, you have to find the answer for yourself, as you have come to acknowledge no doubt, exploring the world around you and interpreting the knowledge that pervades it brings much progress."

"As for the nature of our enemy, Phien, they were and are one of the many gods that rule the cosmos and beyond, Phien is a bringer of unity to their followers, but the truth is, Phien is a ravenous devourer; hungry, for a cosmos where all is one with one and all that remains is the will of all coalesced into the will of one; theirs."

So basically, they want to swallow everything up.

"Why would a god want this? Aren't gods meant to be good? Like Anera? And if Phien is truly a god then why haven't they just gone ahead and swallowed us all themselves?"

Lotar guffaws, a light glittering in his previously doper eyes, "Gods are beings of great power, power you and even I cannot hope to truly comprehend. They are only bound to their whims; they are not obligated to have any semblance of good as you call it. Such notions are trivial to the gods."

It shifts, twirling around at the edge getting into another comfortable splay, "As per your notions of good and evil, wouldn't it be rightly evil for Anera, Goddess of Light, the light of life, to abandon the Souls that linger behind in between the realms for eternity? Punishing them for their refusal, and often confusion by binding them to their death place?"

I nod. If it weren't for my powers, I wouldn't have gotten Anselm out of that cave. As of yet, I still don't know how long ago he died, he never got to see the sun rise and set.

Humans came through the cave sparingly and none had the power to sense and release him of his prison. A prison of his own confusion and doubt, of his humanity.

"It is all truly frustrating, Asher," Lotar says, tiredly as if sensing my growing dread at the news that Gods are bound by no alignment, "As I told you, I have my own battles to fight, much more complicated and less straightforward than yours. Unfortunately; Phien used to be a God, a being of great power. Until they attempted to slay Anera and her twin to seize the world of for themselves, this action was widely unpopular among the Gods. They were struck down swiftly, but now, a millennia later, I wonder if perhaps being stripped of most of their power was their true intent." Lotar seems to whine at this, its eyes drooping, weary at the mere thought of it.

Still, I push. "What do you mean?"

It sighs but continues, "Previously being a god, a powerful god too, they reserve much of their previous strength despite being sealed off by their fellow divines. But the strength they lost still plays to their advantage because they can now exert greater influence on the mortal realms without shredding them to pieces by being present."

"Without shredding the mortal realm to pieces?" I nearly choke on my own saliva as I hear this, having to beat my chest for relief.

"Gods are not allowed in the mortal realms. Their very nature prevents such from happening." Lotar says.

Their nature? "What does that mean?"

Lotar's eyes begin to glow a bright silver, sucking me into the stare, "By their nature, even the weakest of gods will rip apart any mortal realm they step into in their true, pure form. To represent their interests, they guide and bless their followers and take on avatars. Now, enough questions, wake up and act!"


Jolted back into consciousness I find my bedsheets soaked deeply in my sweat. I'm not any better off, completely drenched in it.

Catching my breath and coming down from the adrenaline high jumping out of whatever dream wheel Lotar snuck me into, I reflect on his words.

The entire point of the conversation was to remind me that passing up on the opportunity to kill some more of Phien's servants, the Generals, would likely be a mistake that will be punctuated by the supernatural hunger I signed up to feel whenever I go long without ending one of their lives.

I honestly didn't think it would come into play so soon, and even if it did, I never expected to be pushed to grow constantly along with my enemies who happen to do it so effortlessly.

I suppose that's the difference between a boon from a Great Spirit and a boon from a bonafide God, or at least, a being that used to be a God.

But I've learned a lot from the conversation with Lotar. The Gods are obviously aware of Phien and their workings here in this world.

If it's all going according to their plan, and being sealed off was their true intent Well, I'm not sure about that, but for the most part, it is comforting to know I have some back up, even if it's not directly.

There's also the chance that I might have been sent to this world to save it.

Despite how narcissistic that sounds it could be true. Back home, back in my old world, there were many stories of heroes born in other worlds yet crossing and saving others. Perhaps I am one such hero, because this is sounding all very prophesy like.

Before I throw myself at the conclusion though, I'll have to speak to Anselm and perhaps Leriva, if she ever wakes up that is. Else I'll just have to entrust the truth of Phien and his servants to Matilda and hope for the best.

Right now, I don't bother trying to summon the warrior, he isn't here, I can feel when he's around.

Another thing about magic I've begun to notice; the more I use it, the less the System's guides. Now my mere senses feel his presence when he arrives and feels him leave, even when I have yet to summon him. Unfortunately, this doesn't work with other spirits, for the others I still have to use Sense Death to determine their position. I have theories for why this is, but none of that matters.

With Anselm absent to hear my tale, my next need lies in the pantry. I am thirsty and starved.

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