Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 91: Shangguan, how are you after not seeing you for two years?

Chapter 91: Shangguan, how are you after not seeing you for two years?

Chapter 91 Shangguan, how are you after not seeing you for two years?

Thats right, Miss Shen is back, what else does she have to do?

"Who knows, before Miss Shen comes back, let her play harrass again."

Through the door panel, Su Fu vaguely heard the maids' mocking words.

Miss Shen is back?

Who is Miss Shen?

Xu Xiaomin just left, and another woman comes back?

Su Fu returned to the bed and sat down. The substitute Shangguan Ling found was Miss Shen?

Soph pondered, what should she do...

Today, her voice has not yet recovered, and the scars on her face must be treated by Shangguan Ling.

What to do, what to do now.

Soph anxiously clutched the sheets. Just when she was at a loss what to do, the bedroom door opened.

The two maids looked at her with strange expressions, "The young master is looking for you."

Su Fu was stunned for a few seconds before she realized what she was doing. She chuckled and walked out.

There is no time to argue with these maids.

She has more important things to do.

In the luxurious and gorgeous hall, Shangguan Ling crossed his long legs and held a cigarette dotted with flames between his fingertips.

Just hold it in your hand, not **** it.

Harry jumped on his shoulder and rubbed his furry head against his handsome face. He grabbed him irritably and pressed him down on the sofa to warn: "Be honest!"

"Meow~" Harry wagged his tail aggrievedly and lowered his head.

Master, are you looking for me? Su Fu raised her eyes and looked at Shangguan Ling.

He looked like he was in a bad mood.

Where is Miss Shen?

Isnt Miss Shen back yet?

Looking around, Su Fu found no one who looked suspiciously like Miss Shen. Su Fu felt slightly relieved.

"What are you looking around for?" Shangguan Ling's cold voice sounded, with a touch of troublesome annoyance.


Whats that look in your eyes? Youre not convinced?

Su Fu endured her discomfort and said, "Master, what do you want to hear from me?"

Shangguan Ling took a deep breath of cigarette irritably, exhaled a long puff of white smoke, and stared at her with his deep cold eyes.

The figure is excellent and the voice is flawed, but the half face ... it is difficult to say.

Where did the mask I gave you go?

Shouldnt she always wear a mask?

You dare to wander around with an ugly face!

"Master, have you forgotten? The mask is in your bedroom. When you kicked me out, you didn't have time to pick it up."

"Okay, no one wants to listen to your reasons." Shangguan Ling interrupted her irritably, "Go take a shower."

Soph lowered her eyes and said, "Yes."

Although she didn't know why, he was obviously in a bad mood, and she didn't dare to ask more questions.

I dont want to hit the muzzle of the gun when he gets angry.

In front of the majestic gate of the castle, He Junbai's McLaren stopped.

After the bodyguard saw who it was, he quickly let him go, "He Shao, please come in."

He Junbai looked at the quiet and elegant woman in the passenger seat, "Are you ready?"

Shen Ruoxi tilted her head and smiled at him, "Yes, I'm ready."

Shangguan Manor, after two years, she came back.

Shangguan, we havent seen you for two years. How are you?

Suppressing the surging heart in her heart, Shen Ruoxi took a deep breath. As He Junbai drove the car into the manor, her heart became calmer.

Soph had just finished taking a bath and walked out of the bathroom in her bathrobe. She was immediately held down by the maid who came in at an unknown time and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"The young master has given you a task, you just need to follow it." The maid didn't have time to explain, so she quickly took her to the cloakroom.

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