I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

“I need to borrow a place from you—the last time felt quite convenient,” Lynn stated.

“Brother, please feel free!” Big Goldtooth took out the key from the drawer and then eagerly led Lynn to the basement.

Typically, he used the basement to torture and extract confessions from those who defied him. Occasionally, it served as a public punishment space for disobedient underlings, intended to intimidate others.

He skillfully locked the person’s hands with a chain.

Big Goldtooth tactfully exited, even closing the door behind him.

Pa pa pa

Crisp slaps echoed in the cold, damp basement.

Observing the person still red-faced and unconscious, Lynn retrieved a steel needle from the “torture instrument” hanging on the adjacent wall.

Contemplating which part to target first—fingers or limbs—Lynn arrived at a satisfactory answer half an hour later.

“I hope you’re not deceiving me. I’ll have a doctor treat your injuries later. If I find out you lied, I’ll be back,” Lynn affectionately pinched his cheek.

“I didn’t lie. Everything I said is true,” Benji, who was chained, mumbled to himself continuously.

“Really? I can give you another chance—otherwise, the pain won’t be limited to this,” Lynn warned.

“Really!” Benji nodded frantically, revealing every piece of information he knew.

“I believe you,” Lynn said gently.

Benji breathed a sigh of relief, but the expression of surviving a disaster froze in that moment.

Because the next moment, a splash of Acid Missile hit his face.

This guy named Benji knew Lynn’s address, and leaving him here might provide Big Goldtooth with some information. To be on the safe side, Lynn had to eliminate the witness.

Once he left Bangor Port and arrived at a new place, no one would know about his family anymore.

All the smiles on Lynn’s face disappeared. It felt like it had been a long time since he last laughed. Today, when he suddenly smiled, his face felt a bit stiff. He rubbed his face, wondering what was going on.

Luck seemed to be on his side—he unexpectedly caught a big fish.

Lynn recalled the information Benji had shared earlier.

Unexpectedly, there was a suspected wizard in Bangor Port. The wizard was named Roger, according to Benji. Roger was Benji’s distant cousin with whom he used to play in the town when they were kids. Later, Roger’s parents went to Bangor Port for business and opened a pharmacy.

Benji thought their relationship would gradually fade away as he heard that his distant cousin’s family business was booming. However, one day, his cousin sent someone to find him and brought him to Bangor Port.

He discovered that Roger had undergone significant changes. He liked to stay in a dark room with the curtains always drawn. Many things Roger found inconvenient to do were assigned to him.

However, Roger also gave him a lot of money, an unimaginable amount. Later, as his cousin’s business grew, although he knew there might be problems, such as many secret shops or pharmacies changing owners behind the scenes in Bangor Port, his cousin asked him to purchase Blue Kingflowers. He also instructed him to pay attention to other people who deliberately bought Blue Kingflowers.

According to a crucial clue provided by Benji, during one delivery to Roger, he inadvertently noticed that Roger’s outstretched hand seemed only like bones. From that point on, Benji suspected that his cousin might be under some kind of witchcraft.

It was possible that he was possessed by a legendary demon. Benji became even more cautious around his cousin.

Lynn thought of more possibilities—the need for Blue Kingflowers, and a hand that seemed like bones.

Based on feedback from his knowledge of mutation, Lynn knew Blue Kingflower was a relatively common main ingredient. Many low-level potions related to mental strength would use it. Additionally, Blue Kingflowers were said to have a greater effect on undead creatures, such as Lichs, or wizards transformed through undead transformation rituals, and more.

Rubbing his chin, Lynn pondered the specific strength of a Lich. He wasn’t clear about that, as the provided knowledge only briefly mentioned Lichs.

Regarding wizards transformed through the undead transformation ritual, Lynn knew a bit more. Despite the various drawbacks of the undead transformation ritual, it undeniably had a substantial effect on a person’s lifespan. Many wizards supposedly underwent the ritual when their natural lifespan was nearing its end, achieving a form of alternative immortality.

From Benji’s account, Lynn learned Roger’s address.

If he was going to take action, today was the best opportunity. Putting himself in Benji’s shoes, there was no way the other party wouldn’t become suspicious if he didn’t return home for a whole night.

So, if he wanted to make a sneak attack, he had to do it early, the sooner, the less exposure!

Lynn turned and left the basement.

Going upstairs to find Big Goldtooth, Lynn asked if he knew about Fake Silver ore.

“Boss, do you need silver coins? I happen to have some here,” Big Goldtooth cautiously inquired.

“Oh, I originally just wanted some Fake Silver ore, but since you also have silver coins, give me some of those as well,” Lynn said nonchalantly.

Big Goldtooth almost wanted to slap himself.

Why bother asking so many questions!

Lynn gave Big Goldtooth a deep look. “Prepare more—I’ll come to collect in a couple of days.”

After saying that, Lynn left the old port.

Only after confirming that Lynn had truly left did Big Goldtooth breathe a sigh of relief. The look Lynn gave him just now seemed as if he had seen through his little thoughts. However, he was truly innocent—he didn’t intentionally test whether Lynn wanted silver coins or Fake Silver ore. It was just a professional habit, and he regretted it after saying it.

Fake Silver ore was not something he had in stock at the moment, but he knew where to find it.

It seemed like a significant amount of blood would be spilled.

In the room, only Big Goldtooth’s sighs remained.

He had thought about revenge, but he truly had no way. During this time, he secretly consulted trustworthy individuals and found out that the cost of hiring someone to take action was even higher than what Lynn took from him. Moreover, if he couldn’t guarantee a one-hit kill to eliminate the monster lurking underground, it was better not to act at all.

Anyway, he was just a tool man, and the other party wouldn’t come looking for him if they had no demands.

Unable to resist, he decided to lie low.

Exiting from the old port, Lynn first returned to the backyard of the house next door.

Before long, Lauren descended from the wall like a gecko.

“Haven’t you heard of using the front door? Why is everyone into wall climbing these days?” Lynn joked.

“I feel stifled staying at home all the time,” Lauren scratched his head. He didn’t know why, but whenever he saw stairs and walls, he couldn’t resist choosing the wall.

“Stifled? I think next time you can stifle the other sounds a bit,” Lynn remarked lightly. With his enhanced physical fitness, he also had his troubles. Previously, he occasionally meditated in his bedroom, but now, unless it was daytime, he was basically meditating in the Alchemy Laboratory at night.

Lauren chuckled.

“Master, do you have something to do?” Lauren asked.

“Going to deal with a nuisance,” Lynn patted Lauren on the shoulder.

Having this towering two-and-a-half-meter meat shield by his side gave him a sense of security. Humans always seem to have an inexplicable pursuit of size.


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