I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Have you ever heard of sacrificial rituals? The man with his back turned to Lynn was undoubtedly Wizard Harin.

This marked Lynns first encounter with Wizard Harin.

With a head of lavender curls, dressed in an exquisite robe, and features tinged with a hint of gloomhooked nose, thin lips.

Ive heard of it, Lynn replied.

In colloquial terms, sacrificial rituals involve specific magic ceremonies where offerings are made to powerful entities in exchange for feedback. In some worlds, sacrifice is also referred to as offerings or tributes.

Entities accepting sacrifices are typically formidable beings, with occasional exceptions.

The items sacrificed are generally those favored by the revered life, including but not limited to life itself, souls, flesh and blood, and faith.

Sacrifices are usually categorized into random sacrifices and specific sacrifices.

Random sacrifices involve offering to any unit from multiple dimensions. The entities accepting these sacrifices are either powerful beings or races endowed with unique talents. This type of sacrifice carries a significant probability of failure, yet paradoxically, many wizards are enthusiastic about employing random sacrifices as a method of fishing.

On the other hand, specific sacrifices typically target a designated entity. Such sacrifices, as long as the precise ritual is followed, generally do not fail due to the predetermined target. However, specific sacrifices have stringent requirements for sacrificial materials. If the sacrificial offering can satisfy the entity being sacrificed to, its good, but if not, its a disaster.

Lynn shared his knowledge about sacrifices with Harin.

Hmm, a very textbook answer, remarked Wizard Harin with a somewhat soft voice, resembling a piece of plush silk.

This is a sacrificial ritual, and the target is a demon, Wizard Harin waved to Lynn.

Approaching, Lynn stood behind Wizard Harin.

Sirens, in fact, have little value as experimental materials. Many experiments related to sirens have been conducted. Sirens are intelligent beings created by the Sea God, and these intelligences created by gods are naturally favored by demons, explained Wizard Harin.

You practice the Hellfire Meditation technique? Harin asked Lynn.

Yes, Lynn admitted.

He wasnt sure where he had given himself away, perhaps practicing the Hellfire Meditation made him give off some kind of special attraction.

Lynn secretly thought in his heart.

Wizard Harin smiled, though the smile on his face seemed a bit scary to Lynn.

Then we should be in the same academy. I am currently a teacher at the Abyss Wizard Academy, Wizard Harin said meaningfully.

Wizard Harin was also a wizard from the Abyss Wizard Academy?

Lynns heart was initially startled, but then he considered that Angley was also a wizard from the Abyss Wizard Academy. Considering the possibility that the two might know each other, it didnt seem impossible.

Wizard Harin briefly mentioned this and then shifted the topic, not pressing Lynn on how he acquired the Abyss Wizard Academys meditation technique.

However, after this discussion, Wizard Harin became somewhat more amiable toward Lynn.

Well, its a good opportunity to broaden your horizons and witness a sacrifice, Wizard Harin said, chanting an incantation as he spoke.

The sacrificial array in front of Lynn emitted a faint purple light, becoming increasingly dense and tinged with a bloody, sulfurous odor as time passed. The air was filled with a strong smell of blood and sulfur.

The siren corpses, arranged in a fixed posture, gradually turned black, solidifying together, forming a black gate. In the center of the gate, a rotating crimson vortex appeared, revealing a figure.

Standing nearly three meters tall, with six arms, an oppressive figure emerged slowly from the sacrificial array.

As Lynn observed her specific appearance, he couldnt help but marvel.

This was a woman with six arms on the upper body, and her lower body transformed into a snakes tail covered in sharp spikes on crimson scales. She had pointed ears, shining eyes with dark yellow snake pupils.

Upon seeing her, Lynn felt as if a dense darkness had appeared before him. An intense aura of evil emanated from this six-armed snake demon.

Simultaneously, an extremely violent killing intent instantly filled the entire room.

This was an adult six-armed snake demon!

Lynns expression changed slightly, and he quickly discreetly moved behind Wizard Harin.

The combat strength of Abyss demons was notoriously strong among professionals of the same level. Generally, it required an entire professional adventure team to challenge an Abyss demon of the same level.

This was because Abyss demons typically possessed powerful racial talents and evolutionary abilities, making them natural warriors forged in constant battles and killings.

Moreover, many higher-level demons typically possess the racial talent to summon other demons.

On the surface, you might think youre only facing a higher-level demon, but in reality, you soon find yourself confronted by a group of demons.

The six-armed snake demon undoubtedly belonged to the category of higher-level demon races.

So, a wizard summoned me. The six-armed snake demon, after being summoned, surveyed the surroundings with a hint of disdain, finally casting a slightly contemptuous glance at Harin, extending reddish tongue.

I require a demon proficient in tracking or assassination for a trade with your clans leader, Harin said without hesitation.

If you need someone proficient in tracking and assassination, I believe I fit the criteria, the six-armed snake demon said with a cold smile.

In the next moment, the figure of the six-armed snake demon gradually faded, blending into the surrounding shadows within Lynns sight.

Harin nodded, A six-armed snake demon skilled in shadow lurking, indeed quite rare.

Theres another wizard on the ship. Your task is to assassinate that wizard. Since you are skilled with a dagger, all you need to do is leave a wound on him, Harin said, taking out a silver dagger from a ring.

In the void, the figure of the six-armed snake demon gradually materialized, and an arm emerged from the air to take the dagger from Harins hand.

Lynn felt numb. He sensed he might have overheard something he shouldnt have. Could he be silenced to keep the secret?

This is the capability of our Abyss Wizard Academythe ability to negotiate with Abyss demons and even temporarily recruit and hire them. While others who summon demons need to worry about demonic backlash, our academys wizards dont face such concerns, Wizard Harin explained. Tidy up the experiment table. Ill be going out for an errand for a bit. As long as you stay in this room, youll be safe.

After Wizard Harin left the room, Lynn observed his surroundings.

This Wizard Harins attitude towards him seemed oddly better than expected, but Lynn didnt dwell on it. Instead, he honestly cleaned up the experiment table.

However, the chaotic arrangement of experimental materials on the table gave Lynn a strange sense of dj vu. After tidying up everything on the table, Lynn noticed that Wizard Harin hadnt returned.

As Lynn looked at the demon-summoning array in the room, a curious itch gnawed at him.

Ill just take a look and not mess with anything. Learning a bit about how this demon sacrificial array works should be fine.

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