I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 69:

Chapter 69:

“Well, since it’s come to this, there’s no other choice. I need to go and fetch Lady Cynthia.”

Phillip muttered as he looked at Castler fall into trance. He didn’t want to disrupt a moment that might not come again in his lifetime, but neither could he just stand here endlessly guarding him.

“Where is she?”

Asked Lisriel, and Phillip pointed to the west.

“If you walk about twenty minutes in that direction, you’ll come across a spring. The kids are probably playing in the water there. Could you go there? It might be scary, though.”

Lisriel snorted at Phillip’s concern.

“What, do you think I’m still a little kid? There’s no problem.”

“Of course it might not be a problem for you, but the idea of ghosts might be different. I won’t stop you if you want to go, but be careful.”

“Well, what ominously cryptic words…”

Lisriel swallowed dryly, tense but not willing to give up. As she disappeared, Phillip turned to Privia and asked.

“How much profound insight do you think that man has gained?”

Privia hesitated briefly, then nodded.

“That’s not something others can know. But I can say that the insight he gained is different from what those self-proclaimed sages, who are revered as great beings by ordinary humans, possess. I’ve never seen a single one of those so-called great beings who were truly worthy.”

“What do you mean?”

“If we were to put it in human terms, it’s like wearing ill-fitting clothes forcibly. Hm? You there, why the strange expression?”

Phillip momentarily hardened his expression at Privia’s words but quickly returned to his original demeanor. Privia’s statement had come quite close to the secrets of those known as sages.

“No, it’s nothing. Just an unexpected opinion.”

“You’ll end up meeting all sorts of strange folks.”

While they were sharing their conversation, someone could be seen running from afar at a rapid pace. Although it wasn’t perfectly clear, the flying dirt and leaves indicated that it was someone familiar.

“Oh my, dear!”

“Ah! Lady! Please let go of me!”

Cynthia Morrela was wrapped in a towel, and was dashing towards them while holding onto Lisriel as if they were flying. Lisriel clung to her and appeared to be on the verge of fainting.

As Cynthia Morrela reached the vicinity, she immediately attempted to check the condition of Castler, but Phillip intercepted her.

“I, if you don’t want to be tormented for a lifetime, it’s better not to disturb Castler. He’s on the verge of a great insight right now.”

“What, what on earth is happening?”

“While we were conversing, he suddenly seemed to sense something and ended up in this state. I’m not sure how long it will take, but it might be good if Lady Cynthia watches over him.”

“Oh… Thank goodness. She said my husband’s state seemed odd, and when I heard I should hurry over….”

“Lisriel doesn’t have knowledge about situations like this, so it’s an unavoidable matter. Moreover, it’s not exactly an incorrect statement, right? It’s my fault for not conveying the information properly.”

“How could I possibly blame any of you? You’re practically benefactors and dear friends to my husband. Something miraculous seems to have happened to him. I’m truly grateful.”

Cynthia Morrela kneeled down to Phillip, expressing her gratitude, and her voice was filled with sincerity.

‘… Huh?’

Phillip heard a faint sound, as if a knot was being untied, and with a superhuman reflex, he swiftly turned his body backward.

“Oh my!”

In her hurried rush, Cynthia hadn’t properly secured her clothes, and when her towel slipped off, she quickly covered herself in embarrassment.

“To react like that…!”

Even the dragon, Privia, was surprised by his remarkable reaction. The decision to turn his body instead of just relying on reflexes was impressive.

“I’m truly sorry. This is such a disgrace…”

“It’s okay.”

Soon, Janice, Lua, and an elven girl named Lisriel came running after Cynthia, carrying her clothes. Their hair was wet, and their lips had turned blue, indicating how enthusiastically they had been playing.

“… Why are the Instructor and Older Brother here?”

Janice asked, swallowing nervously, sensing the somber atmosphere on the outskirts of the forest. Phillip chuckled and replied.

“The Elf Elder mentioned that there’s a very powerful and ancient spirit here that needs to be expelled.”

Janice’s face turned pale in an instant. She tried to maintain an unflinching smile while her finger joints trembled.

“Uh, a ghost in the Elf Forest, strange things happen.”

“Coincidentally, one of the major mages just failed their out-of-power test. It would be great if you could help.”

At Phillip’s request, Janis visibly trembled.

“Of, of course! Just… trust me, Instructor! Of course, I should help.”

In truth, Janice could no longer consider Phillip as a stranger. He had saved her life, shown immense kindness to her dearest family, Castler Morrela, so treating him as an ally and protector was only natural.

Having rarely placed anyone above her parents, Janice was eager to display as much kindness as possible.

“Are you going to take the kids with you again?”

Privia asked, and Phillip nodded.

“Well, we’ve come this far, so we don’t have much choice. Isn’t this all part of gaining experience? We might never know when we’ll have to face spiritual entities in our lives, and meeting them under safe circumstances could be quite helpful in the future.”

“Essentially, spirits don’t possess a physical form by default. That aligns with the fact that our means of attacking spirits is quite limited.”

Phillip briefly explained to Lua and Janice before they embarked on their quest to find the spirit. 

“If our goal isn’t to completely extinguish the spirit but merely to expel it, we don’t necessarily have to resort to combat. Typically, spirits with grudges are those who died unjustly, so when we alleviate some of that resentment, they often ascend.”

“W, what if the spirit intends to fight?”

Janice raised her hand with an anxious expression.

“Usually, curses or mental attacks are the primary means, but some individuals possess strong physical abilities as well. Depending on the intensity of the grudge and the accumulation of unfinished business during their life, this particular spirit we’ll encounter is likely to utilize all these methods.”

After Phillip’s supplementary explanation, Lua raised her hand this time.

“So, what should we do?”

“Lua, there isn’t much you can do right now, so just observe how I and the mage handle the spirit. Janice, when I give the signal, try using spirit magic. Spells that cause confusion or hinder perception should work well.”

“This is the first time I’m hearing about all this.”

Janice tilted her head, amused by the unfamiliar concept. On the other hand, Privia was astonished by Phillip’s knowledge.

“How does a human know about this?”

Phillip’s method was something that dragons used to expel very powerful spirits.

“There’s no need for an extensive search. We’ll head in the direction of the strongest energy presence. Everyone stick together. Janice and Lua, stay close to me.”

“… What about me?”

Lisriel raised her hand and asked. Phillip wordlessly looked at Privia.

“Stop messing around and come here. If you’re scared, you can cling onto me as much as you want.”

Frustrated by the initially blocked attempts at mischief, Lisriel stood next to Privia with a pout. With an impish expression, Privia wrapped her arm around Lisriel’s waist and pulled her close.

“Get even closer. If you stay this far apart, I won’t be able to prevent the spirit from possessing your body.”

“Why, why are you doing this…?”

Seeing Lisriel, who had become Privia’s plaything in an instant, Phillip felt sympathy but deliberately ignored her.

Finding the spirit wasn’t all that difficult.

As they moved a little northward, a negative-shaped object made of dark fog appeared. It appeared as if it was calling them. 

It was around a few trees and hovered in the air.

“… Eek.”

Even the usually tough Lua clung tightly to the edge of Phillip’s clothes, evidently frightened by the eerie and ominous sight.

“Oh… ah…”

Janice grabbed onto Phillip’s sleeve as if her life depended on it and hid herself completely behind him.

“…This… human… human?”

The spirit seemed to sense the presence of the group.

The negative fog soon condensed in one spot, transforming into a circular entity with two empty eyes and a large mouth.

“… I am… This place is… my homeland… I miss… betrayal… humans… Who am I…?”

After muttering incomprehensible words, the spirit stared directly at the group.

“It seems the consciousness hasn’t fully regained. In that case, it’s an easy task. Young one, your power alone is more than enough to overcome it. Though it possesses strength, it hasn’t regained its rationality, so it won’t be able to use its power effectively.”

Privia kindly explained to Phillip.

“Th-the spirit… No, will spirit magic really work?”

Janice gained confidence and asked, prompting Privia to nod.

“In that case…”

Janice raised her staff. At that moment, something began to dawn on Phillip.

‘Elphenia Forest, grudges, spirits, betrayal, and homeland…?’

If this were a few years ago, something might have clicked in Phillip’s mind instantly. However, it had been a long time since he last cleared the original game, so the necessary information didn’t come rushing back to him immediately.

‘This should do.’

Janice decided on the spell she would use, shook her staff, formed a hand gesture, and memorized the incantation.

It was the intermediate spirit magic, ‘Mind Shock,’ a spell that confused the opponent and made their thoughts stop.

The moment Janice completed her spell, fragments of memories in Phillip’s mind also came together. Phillip hurriedly covered Janice’s mouth and pulled her outstretched arm towards him.

“Mind… Shock!”

As she was about to complete the spell, Phillip covered her mouth, and Janice ended up biting his finger. Without even blinking, Phillip apologized to Janice.

“I’m sorry, Janice. Just wait for a moment.”


Perplexed, Janice responded while still gripping Phillip’s finger in her mouth, then suddenly regained her senses and stepped back.

“Why are you doing that?”

Privia smirked. There was no reason for Phillip to stop Janice. Phillip looked at Privia as if he couldn’t believe it and muttered.

“I think I know this ghost.”


“Exactly as I said. I believe I know the identity of this ghost.”

Phillip approached the spirit a few steps. As he did, dozens of tendrils emerged from the dark body of the spirit.

“No way, it seems it hasn’t fallen into the hands of demons yet. This changes things. Doesn’t it, Elseyus?”

As Phillip mentioned the name Elseyus, the movement of the spirit came to a halt.

“… Name… Familiar….”

‘Looks like I’ve caught a mouse after taking a few steps back. Who would have thought I’d encounter one of the Archdukes of the Demon Realm here?’

Elseyus was a name Phillip could never forget. If the story progressed as it should have, the spirit would become an Archduke of the Demon Realm several years later.

A thousand years ago, during the era of Master Solvain.

Elseyus was the very first Swordsman among the High Elves, who had served as his comrade. 

It was the true identity of the spirit.

Of course, this was the story when Phillip’s hunch was correct.

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