I Became a Villain’s Hero

Chapter 60: Weight Class Difference (4)

Chapter 60: Weight Class Difference (4)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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With her eyes wide open, Song Soo-yeon stared at Min-Bom.

Min-Bom, with a flushed face, scratched her cheek and gauged Song Soo-yeon's reaction.

"I know it's sudden... but, well, it happened."

Even without reading minds, it was clear.

This was genuine.

That she had fallen for Jung-gyeom.

Song Soo-yeon took another look at Min-Bom, who was all dressed up.

She wore earrings and a necklace on purpose.

Even asking Jung-gyeom to cook steak and bringing wine were all intentional.

She had a vague feeling, but knowing the truth made the shock double.

The intent behind these actions seemed even more detestable.

She wanted to flip over all the food.

Seeing Song Soo-yeon silent, Min-Bom continued.

"...It's shocking, isn't it? I never thought I'd like someone-"


Song Soo-yeon, frozen, asked without realizing.

It was an implicit question that encompassed hundreds of questions.

Min-Bom paused upon hearing Song Soo-yeon's question, then asked.

"Why did I fall for oppa?"


"Or why him?"



Min-Bom pondered for a moment.

She then looked over Song Soo-yeon's shoulder at Jung-gyeom in the kitchen.

A faint smile appeared on her face.

Min-Bom answered both questions at once.

...Because when I'm with oppa, I can be myself.

Sweet honey seemed to fall from her eyes, showing her happiness just by looking at him.

The more Song Soo-yeon confirmed Min-Bom's sincerity, the heavier her heart sank.

She could name that emotion.

It wasn't the usual anger or jealousy.

It was fear.

Fear enough to make her hands tremble.

She might have instinctively known.

That she was no match for Min-Bom.

That Min-Bom had the power to take Jung-gyeom away from her.

And that Jung-gyeom could come to love Min-Bom.

Between them, there was no wall Song Soo-yeon had built around Jung-gyeom.

Unlike Song Soo-yeon, who still called him 'mister,' their names for each other were already intimate.

From the beginning, they treated each other kindly and gently, like old friends.

In contrast, even after getting close to him, Song Soo-yeon called him names like loser, nerd, idiot, and pervert for months.

These subtle differences might have led to the current changes.

The very fact that Min-bom was a hero would appeal to Jung-gyeom's heart.

Given his desire to help the vulnerable, he would like someone like Min-bom.

Min-Bom was also wealthy.

Different from Song Soo-yeon, who struggled with financial difficulties from the start.

Given his own modest circumstances, Min-Bom's wealth would be a tremendous help.

Even Song Soo-yeon could list reasons to choose Min-Bom.

So there was no reason Jung-gyeom couldn't.


Song Soo-yeon opened and closed her mouth repeatedly.

But in the end, she couldn't find any words to say.

She didn't know what to say.

"Let's get along well, okay? Please."

Saying that, Min-Bom adjusted her posture.

Her gaze still directed over Song Soo-yeon's shoulder.

Min-Bom even smiled brightly in that direction.

She could tell Jung-gyeom was approaching from behind.

"Are you two getting along?"

Jung-gyeom gently placed his hand on Song Soo-yeon's shoulder and set down the steak in front of her.


His kindness today was painfully heartwarming.

Imagining this warmth becoming Min-Bom's alone, jealousy almost drove her mad.

This couldn't continue.

A change was needed.

Song Soo-yeon closed her eyes tightly, pushing away her thoughts and emotions.

She couldn't just sit in silence when Jung-gyeom had cooked for her.

With difficulty, she lifted the corners of her mouth and expressed her gratitude.

"...mister, thank you."

"It's nothing, I'll always do it for you."

Song Soo-yeon hoped his casual promise was true.

She extended her wine glass to Jung-gyeom.

She wanted to get a little drunk today.

"Could you pour me just one more glass, please?"

Jung-gyeom smiled.

"Just don't get too drunk."



As the meal was coming to an end.

As expected, Song Soo-yeon was dozing off, drunk.

It made sense after a tiring part-time job and drinking.

Also, unlike when she drank soju, it seemed she liked the wine as she instantly raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Looks like she enjoyed alcohol, after all.

In fact, our tastes in alcohol seemed to match well.

Both the first impression of soju and this wine.

It was a wine I liked back when I was a villain, so recalling old memories wasn't too bad.

I realize anew how precious this moment is.

I'm still sharing simple stories with Solace.

It's been over 15 hours since I've been with her, and we still have plenty of topics to talk about.

It was fun.

Getting to know Min-Bom, not as Solace, felt quite unique.

It's like witnessing the birth of the hero Solace, who eventually changed my heart.

She was establishing her own values, overcoming her fears and concerns one by one.

I could feel her gradually relying on me.

It's a delicate matter.

I don't know how she might change under my influence.

But it seemed I didn't need to worry too much.

After all, she's already ranked fifth in the hero rankings.

Just as Solace was about to start another conversation, I raised my hand to stop her.

"I was quite moved back then, but I couldn't say it-"

"-Ah, Bom?"


I checked the time.

Regrettably, I had to say it.

"...It's too late. We should stop for today."

She blinked as if waking from a pleasant dream, checked the time, and sighed quietly.


"Don't be too disappointed. There'll be other opportunities."

She looked at me, nodded quietly, and smiled.

"...Right, that's true."

"Don't worry about cleaning up today, just go. I'll take care of it. Considering what you did today, it's the least I can do."

Solace pondered for a moment, then nodded and said to me,

"Oppa, but like I said earlier... you really looked cool today."

"Thanks. You're pretty too."


Solace's eyes then shifted to Song Soo-yeon, who was dozing off.

"Oppa, should I take Soo-yeon home?"


"It's more convenient that way. Better than you going back and forth."

"That's true. But first, Soo-yeon needs to wake up."

I gently shook her.

"Soo-yeon, wake up. It's time to go home. You need to wash up and sleep. You have to go out again tomorrow."


Song Soo-yeon frowned sharply.

Her beauty only intensified the sharpness of her expression.

But perhaps because we had built a relationship, she now seemed cute to me.

Just like before, as soon as I woke her, Song Soo-yeon curled up, then sluggishly leaned on me for warmth, burying her face in my shoulder and wrapping her arms around me.

"...Can't get a grip again. Heh."

Looking at her, I felt a bit proud.

It seemed like a result of my regression, my first friend, the first person I helped.

I saved her from a future of paralysis and villainy.

I couldn't help but feel proud.

Who would have imagined this villain would lean on me like this?

I didn't mind being trusted by someone.

It made me feel useful.

Eventually, I couldn't resist and pinched her cheek lightly.

I swallowed the urge to mutter how cute she was.

Perhaps the alcohol made my actions a bit bolder.

"...Oppa really adores Soo-yeon, huh."

Solace murmured while watching me.

I shrugged my shoulders, not denying it.

"Honestly, she's cute like this. And pretty too."

Solace rested her chin in her hand and stared intently at Song Soo-yeon.

"...I get that she's pretty, but isn't this a bit much..."

"How can I not admire her? Overcoming past trauma, trying to heal, and working without complaints."

Considering the kind of villain she would have become, it was impossible not to admire her.

Solace chuckled.

"...It sounds like you're looking at a daughter or a younger sister."

I laughed too.

Thinking about it, I couldn't deny that feeling.

Our relationship had developed that way over time.

"Yeah, it does."

At that moment, Song Soo-yeon hugged me tighter, like she was awake.

"Soo-yeon, are you awake?"


I asked, but she didn't respond.

Solace stood up from her seat.

"Then, oppa, I'll be going. Soo-yeon doesn't seem like she'll wake up."

I also stood up to see her off.

"I'll walk you out."

I gently pushed Song Soo-yeon aside and unwrapped her arms that were coiled around me.

After covering her with my coat, seeing her shiver from the cold, I followed Solace out of the cafe.


"Come on, Bom. Let's go to the bus stop."

Min-Bom looked at me, hesistating, then spoke.

"...No, oppa, you don't have a coat. I'll go by myself."


"It's okay, oppa. I appreciate the thought."

Comforted by her words, I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled.

"Alright. Got it. See you next time."

"Yeah. Oppa?"

I met her gaze.

And at that moment, Solace tiptoed and pecked my cheek.



Warmth spread from the spot where her lips touched, making me forget the cold even though I wasn't wearing a coat.

I slowly touched my cheek, unable to believe what just happened.


Then, turning briskly, Solace hurried away.

I stood there, gazing blankly at her retreating figure.

The atmosphere today had been different, but now it was clear.

She had feelings for me.


I remained motionless for a while, needing time to calm my complex thoughts and racing heart.

My goal was to make friends after regression, and having a lover was a hope.

But I couldn't believe that Solace might be that person.

Is there really such a thing as fate?

How far is she willing to go to save me?

I lost track of time.

As the warmth of the kiss faded and the winter chill seeped in, I began to smile.

Smiling to myself, I touched my cheek for a long while, then turned around.

Going back into the cafe.



As I took a deep breath and looked inside, I noticed something different.

Song Soo-yeon had woken up, leaning her forehead on her hand, supporting her weight on the table.

Her body was trembling slightly.

"...Soo-yeon? Are you awake?"


She didn't respond.

I began to sense the seriousness of the situation.

Slowly, I approached her.


Upon calling her a second time, she turned her head to look at me.

Her clear eyes were brimming with tears.

A single tear trailed down her cheek, leaving a long path.

But I forgot to comfort her.

I was too shocked by the look in her eyes.

It was the same gaze I had always seen in Luna before regression.

Her eyes seemed conflicted, or perhaps resolved, as they bore into me.


I quickly shook my head.

It seemed I had gotten too caught up in the past, influenced by the nostalgic wine and the help from Solace.

Song Soo-yeon is no longer Luna.

She relies solely on me, so I must never doubt her.

Reacting as slowly as I did, I quickly approached her.

I moved the chair I was sitting on and knelt beside her, embracing her.

"Why are you crying, Soo-yeon? What happened, what's wrong?"

I continued to pat her on the shoulder.

Song Soo-yeon's eyes softened.

Another tear rolled down her cheek.

"...I can't fight anymore... it's not working..."

She murmured.

"...What do you mean? Soo-yeon, what happened?"

She turned her head away from me.

And then she wiped her eyes.

Song Soo-yeon stood up.

I too stood up to meet her gaze.

I persisted with my questions.

"Soo-yeon, you have to talk to me-"

"-Hug me, mister."


She continued wiping her eyes and said,

"...I had a tough day."

"...Did you meet someone strange...?"

"...I met someone I wanted to kill."

...She must have had a tough time today.

She had been hiding it all this time.

It had been a long time since I saw her this angry.

A feeling of concern surged unbelievably fast.

The fact that she, who rarely cries, was shedding tears spoke volumes about the gravity of the situation.

"...But I think I'd feel comforted if mister hugged me."

She confessed with difficulty.

Naturally, I opened my arms and gently embraced her.

Patting her back, I said,

"...Soo-yeon, just talking about it can make you feel better. Tell me what happened. I'm on your side."

Song Soo-yeon shook her head in my embrace.

"...Not like this, mister. Not just a hug."

She began to push me.

I let myself be pushed back until I fell into the chair I had set aside earlier.



Song Soo-yeon didn't stop coming towards me.

Perhaps it was the alcohol.

She climbed onto my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into her embrace.


I was surprised by her aggressive request for physical contact; she had never done this before.

It wasn't incomprehensible.

Various things must have combined to make her act this way.

But regardless of my surprise, she didn't stop.

She held me tightly, as if she was determined not to let me go.

She buried her face in my neck.

I could feel her tears, making her breathing uneven.

Occasionally, she trembled in my embrace.

I thought she had a certain aversion to men... but perhaps she needed comfort more.

What could have hurt her so much?

What made her so sad that she cried like this?

My heart was racing.

Was it because of Solace's kiss earlier, or shock, or the action itself, I didn't know.

I just moved my awkwardly stiff arms to embrace her.

Comfort came first.

With that action, Song Soo-yeon began to cry even more violently.

It was a kind of weeping that conveyed her sorrow just by listening.

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