I Became the Genius of the Gigant Academy

Chapter 7:

Chapter 7:

Tito was only a level above Midget.

Because of that, there were people who believed they were not that different and that was an extremely moronic belief.

‘Their features are completely different.’

One Tito could battle three Midgets with ease. And if the riders’ abilities were at a different level, that gap between the two would become even wider.

‘The pressure’s really intense.’

The 100 Tito Gigants with a dark black tint brought out this intense sense of pressure, and at the same time, they had an attention-grabbing feel to them.

That was why it wasn’t only Abel; most of the kids in the room had this glimmer in their eyes while looking at them.

‘This isn’t the time for this.’

Abel was looking at the Titos walking in, mesmerized by the sight, but then he suddenly shook his head because it wasn’t the time for him to be so casually appreciating the scene before him.

Thud, thud-!

The hundred Titos walked up systematically and stood at the spot in front of the participants standing in the queue.

Once they were all perfectly aligned at the right spots, the cockpit of the Gigants opened up, and the riders exited from them.

“Okay then! All of you, focus!”

That’s when Magnus finally spoke up again.

Upon hearing his voice, the entire building that was in an uproar upon seeing the Gigants quieted down instantly, and Magnus continued with a pleased expression on his face.

“The first test!”

A powerful and vigorous voice.

“is to control Tito and get into the decided posture.”

When the first test was revealed, following it, all the applicants had a variety of reactions. Some seemed confident, and some got even more nervous. Abel was obviously among the first group.

‘Thankfully, it’s not much different from the game.’

He was a bit nervous that it may turn out to be different than the game, but till that point, everything seemed to be going as he expected.

‘The truth is, riding a Tito is extremely hard as well.’

It was unparalleled when compared to riding a Milles, but still, riding a Gigant wasn’t an easy task.

‘On top of that, it’s not just about operating Tito.’

Among them all, the ones who were thinking that it would end at just operating Tito, they’ll probably be on the verge of tears by the end of the first test.

Just as his thought was about to finish.

“Okay! Start now!”

Magnus shouted with his powerful voice.

After that, the man who got off Tito, looked around the kids near Abel and asked.

“So, who’d like to go first?”

The man in the black uniform was a soldier who was a professional rider affiliated with the Royal Family.

Abel waited for a few moments, but when no one stepped up, he spoke up.

“I’d like to try first.”

“Okay then.”

The soldier replied to Abel and just like that, he started helping Abel get onto the Gigant.


Soon Abel settled down at his spot inside the cockpit and snapped his neck to look around him.

It was a bit suffocating, but compared to Midget, it was way better.

The way to start operating Tito was similar to that of a Midget.

‘Time to focus.’

It began with raising one’s synchronization rate.

For riding a Gigant, synchronizing with it was essential and an ability that was the very foundation of riding one. For one to reach their highest potential as a rider, they needed to be able to raise their synchronization to the maximum possible value.

Of course, in Abel’s case, he was brimming with the ability to synchronize.


The Tito, who was drooping in the beginning, slowly raised its head. While that happened, Abel felt something strange. If it were an average person, they probably wouldn’t even sense that little noise.

But Abel’s synchronization rate was at a monstrous level, and the moment he sensed it, he was able to detect its source as well.

‘In the game, it only showed as a message of something being weird but it was about the hand placed on the core.’

With its unique mechanisms, when the rider feared something that had an effect on their focus which would crash the synchronization rate.


However, that didn’t pose a single problem for Abel.

Lose focus and crash the synchronization rate?

No matter how much the tuning was messed up, it was still way more comfortable than when he rode a Midget If one had to draw a parallel, it was like driving a junk car that was about to be scrapped and then changing to a brand new car.


Soon, the Tito that Abel was riding held his posture immaculately and nodded his head.

Standing beside him, the rider looked at the sight with utter astonishment because to him, as a professional rider active in duty, Abel’s speed was extremely high.

“I’m ready.”

When Abel spoke, the rider came back to his senses and responded.

“From now on, please take the posture that I specify for you.”

With that said, the rider let Abel know the different types of postures he was supposed to hold.

Most of them were all that difficult, so Abel didn’t take any longer than 3 minutes to complete the instructed tasks successfully.

There was no need to describe in words how natural and smooth his posture was.

“Yo-You’ve passed the test.”

The result was obviously positive. Not just the rider in front but the kids beside Abel were looking at him with wide eyes brimming with shock.

Once the mission given to him was complete, Abel got off Tito and casually returned to his spot. Only then did the rider return to reality and continue the test for the rest of the candidates.

The second boy who came forward was clearly nervous even before he got onto the Gigant, but unexpectedly he managed to operate the Gigant to start it successfully.

But while trying to take the correct posture, he stood up and then.


Suddenly the Tito’s legs got bent, and just like that it landed with its face crashing down.

“That’s the end. You’ve failed the test.”

The soldier said that with a stiff, cold voice and pulled the boy out of the cockpit. Following this, he pointed toward the outside and said.

“When you exit the building, an attendant will be waiting to assist you on the way out.”

The following events were similar.

‘Well, this is normal.’

For the time being, Abel watched the scene unfold as the other candidates took the test. The very count of candidates able to get the Tito to start was not a lot, but when it came to holding the appointed positions, the tally went even lower.

At best, one out of three candidates would maybe clear the test.

“Seems like it’s over just like that.”

After about 20 minutes passed, Magnus spook up. At that point, those who failed the test had already left and the only candidates in the building were the ones who’ve passed the first test.

Magnus glanced through the room and looked at each one of their faces. He then smiled and said.

“The test right now might have been quite simple, but it wasn’t easy. It actually implies that even to work in the military, you need at least enough talent to ride a Tito.”

But in an instant, the cheerfulness on his face disappeared and he continued the rest of his talk with a serious expression.

“However, Del Modor Academy isn’t just looking for the talented one with the ability to ride a Tito. The aim is much higher than that.”

Though the building was full of Tito riders, these words were something that could be considered outspoken.

But none of them held any discontent against the comment because Magnus himself was an example of someone who started at the lowest rank of soldiers and rose to the noble position he held by proving his strength.

“Milles and even higher. You need to get a hold of that explosive and overwhelming power and use it for yourself. Not swaying around or dragging it around, you need to dominate the Gigant,”

After he said that, he spoke with a grin on his face.

“But before that, of course, you must be able to ride Tito first. Okay then, from now onwards, the whole process will be accounted for to rank the candidates. Start!!”

At that moment, everyone flinched as if the exam was about to start, but that wasn’t the case.

The riders who were waiting instructed the remaining candidates.

“Please get on the Tito.”

Abel immediately got on the Gigant.

“Kindly wait for a while.”


Not a long time had passed when Abel suddenly felt the concentration of mana rise in his surroundings.


Infamous Scans

Later, along with a bright light, a bluish defensive barrier formed inside the building. It was the same ‘defensive shield’ he had seen quite often at the underground battle arena.

Of course, even if he’s seen it mainly from the outside, the intensity here was incomparable.

‘It looks like it won’t budge even if I try my utmost to swing my fist with Tito’s power at it.’

This thought was running across his mind, and then Magnus shouted.

“The mission this time is to last for 15 minutes! If your Gigant collapses before that, you’ll be eliminated. On the opposite side, it doesn’t matter if your Gigant is crushed or smashed in by the end, if it’s standing, you’ll pass.”

Upon hearing those words, a certain shock quietly spread inside the building. No one expected there to be such an unsophisticated and plain mission, Of course, with the exception of Abel.

Magnus didn’t regard the candidates’ shock and continued.

“You don’t need to worry about injuries! The Gigant have been adjusted to control their maximum output. Even in the worst case, your life won’t be threatened!! If you’d suffer any injuries, priests are outside waiting to treat you immediately if needed!”

If the situation was different and not everyone here would’ve been the ones to ride a Tito, there would probably be a few pale faces here and there.

‘If priests are waiting outside, I can jump around to my heart’s content.’

There were probably others who thought the same as Abel. After those startling remarks, Magnus didn’t spare a second before shouting.

“Okay, everyone. Get started!”

With those words, many of the candidates sitting absent-mindedly urgently began to start up their Gigants. Abel started up his Gigant before everyone and had the advantage.

After that chain of events, plenty failed to start their Gigant, but many succeeded too.

With several exceptionally talented cadets…


The riders who got on the Tito Gigant instead of the failed candidates were among them.

The Titos that were controlled by riders had the same exterior appearance. Still, it was very easy to distinguish them from the rest because, at a single glance, one could see the overflowing confidence in their handling of the Gigant.

Not long after that, everyone understood why they were inside the cockpits of the Tito Gigants.


The riders started attacking the Gigants of the test takers, who were able to start operating them without any hesitation. It was time to start ‘weeding out’ the candidates.


Ah, Ack!



In the middle of a situation where screams and shouts echoed in the building, Magnus seemed to be enjoying this the most and shouted,

“The test starts now!”

And thus, the second test started. Whether it was for his original goal, or the quest right now, it was the moment Abel needed to be the most proactive.

‘Let’s go.’

There was no place for any ambiguity in his mind. Abel intended to be the main character there and then.

»————- ★ ————-«

The inside of the building turned into a madhouse in just a few moments. But that was expected with all Titos with gigantic frames that were jumping around the place.

Among them, the Gigants controlled by the riders were just outstanding.


In all the loud uproar, just by looking around, one could see the Titos of the test takers knocked out. Like wolves attacking the sheep, the riders had turned the entire hall into a mess.

In just 5 minutes since the beginning of the test, dozens of Titos were all collapsed on the ground, unable to move. But even after looking at that, Abel had this thought.

‘They’re going easy on us.’

With a single look, it would’ve looked like the soldiers were mercilessly knocking down the test takers. However, by looking closely, anyone could tell that that wasn’t the case.

‘They’re giving them enough time to dodge and even making obvious, exaggerated movements to give them hints. If they can’t dodge those strikes, it can’t be helped.’

If the riders had revealed their true skills, it wouldn’t just be dozens of test takers knocked down, it would be double, triple, or many more times. That wasn’t the only attention-grabbing point.

‘They’re not attacking the test takers that look stable in their moves.’

Riders persistently targeted the weaker test takers. And if one were to give it some thought, that was somewhat obvious. After all, their target isn’t just to attack anyone. Rather, they’re supposed to cut out the dead wood, get rid of the weeds.

So, of course, their targets would be the ones that look nervous and doubtful. Maybe that was why Abel hadn’t been attacked even once. He could just stay still and easily pass the test, but Abel didn’t do that because his goal wasn’t just an easy pass.

Thud, thud-!

Abel started stepping out of his spot, and as soon as he did that, the Titos around him were noticeably cautious of him. They were all subtly being careful of Abel. But Abel wasn’t really interested in the Gigants around him.

‘There’s nothing interesting around here.’

Mainly because those around him were someone he couldn’t go against and have fun with. But, soon after, he saw a Gigant approaching him.

‘Who’s that?’

It was clear with a single glance. It may have looked exactly the same as the average gigants, but each and every one of its movements were of a different class. The posture was stable without a single tremor.

‘Is it a solder? Or..?’

The approaching Gigant didn’t even spare the surrounding Titos a glance and walked straight to Abel. When it came close to a certain degree, it spoke.

“Are you Abel?”

The Gigant stopped before him, and a modified voice came from it. Abel didn’t reply to the question, so he got another question from the Gigant.

“I want to find out if the rumors about you are true, so I came forward. You should feel honored.”

By the moment he heard that, Abel realized who it was.

‘It’s Luke.’

His annoying tone was exactly the same as the one he heard through the screen. Inside the game, his role was an evil character from a nobility background. Abel sensed it was him merely through his voice because Luke was an extremely important character in the game storyline.

‘He’s quite skilled too.’

The other key characters considered him a rival in the beginning. As time passed, the limits of his skills became clearer in the game, but that time would be an event far in the future for Abel.

Those thoughts kept popping up in his mind, making him nervous, and he thought, ‘But what rumor?’ He was about to ask about that in more detail but right then—


Luke got into position, pushed off the ground, and started closing the gap between them.


Abel observed the path of his trajectory and reflexively turned his head. Luke’s fist barely passed by without hitting Abel’s Gigant’s head. If his reaction were even a second late, he would be incapacitated entirely in a single blow.

But Abel didn’t lose his cool. He carefully moved his center of gravity, roasted his whole body, and landed an uppercut with his right arm.


He thought it’d definitely work, but Luke dodged his attack by suddenly moving his body backward. At best, Abel’s fist brushed past Luke’s chest. In reality, Luke was surprised by his dodging of the attack, but Abel kept his shock hidden.


His moves were unexpectedly agile. Luke quickly found his balance and swung his left leg at Abel.


In response, Abel quickly lowered his body from his previous position and, at the same time, raised both his arms.


Two metallic arms hit the opponent Tito’s thigh. Because of the unanticipated attack, Luke’s body was lifted up, but he still managed to find his center of gravity and land safely.

‘This is fun.’

After seeing that, Abel started grinning. His whole body was heating up while controlling a Gigant properly after so long. But he was cool-headed while analyzing the present situation.

Luke may have had a shitty personality, but his skills weren’t bad. Abel wouldn’t lose, but knocking him down completely could take a while.

‘Not bad, but somewhat lacking.’

Abel’s aim was to show an overwhelming sight. His aim didn’t match the goal of other test takers who just wanted to drag out the time and survive till the end somehow.

‘But it’s a bit earlier than I planned.’

So, he decided to change his plan a bit. It was a bit earlier than he expected, but it wouldn’t make much difference if he left a deep impression. There was no reason for him to hesitate.


His training mainly focused on increasing his strength and stamina for the past month, but he strived for more. He polished his ability to use his newly acquired weapon in an actual fight, and without any hesitation, he took it out.


The moment that word was spoken.


His heart started racing wildly.


Abel’s vision of the world transformed.

[To be continued.]

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