I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 108.1

Chapter 108.1

An Lushan also felt that they wouldnt dare.

If they had really done it, they would have fled long ago, so why would they stay and accept punishment?

Besides, they were just a group of ordinary soldiers, how could they have the ability to do such a thing?

So, where did the grain go?

Who was it that stole their food supplies?

This matter is of no small significance!

It is well known that before an army marches, provisions must lead the way. With an army of 500,000 on the move, feeding them is of the utmost importance, and the security of the food supplies is even more critical. There is no room for the slightest negligence!

Therefore, to guard this batch of provisions, he dispatched the main force to escort it.

Yet, the food that was meant to supply an army of 500,000 was stolen right under their noses, despite their stringent protectiontaken without anyone being the wiser!

Such unfathomable tactics filled An Lushan with both shock and fear.

General, your humble servant has something to say, but Im not sure if I should

Speak your mind! An Lushan said impatiently.

Yes, General, then I will speak boldly!

The leading soldier said with a tremor of fear: General, could it be that our rebellion has defied the will of Heaven, and thus angered the spirits above, causing our food supplies to vanish?

Shut up! Thats nonsense!

An Lushan bellowed: We are the army of justice; our uprising is to enforce the will of Heaven, to punish the foolish emperor, to slay the treacherous officials, and to restore justice and order to the world! Therefore, you must not falter nor spread rumors and idle talk! If any of you continue to spread such deceitful words, I will have your head!

General, your servant dares not! The soldiers kowtowed.

Continue to make fire. I will go borrow grain from the Great Yue army!

An Lushan approached the Great Yue army, only to find that the commander of the Great Yue army, General Liu Daochang, was walking towards him.

An Lushans face broke into a warm and friendly smile: General Liu, your timing is perfect. I was just about to look for you to discuss some matters.

What a coincidence, I also have a favor to ask of General An! Liu Daochang responded with equal enthusiasm.

An Lushans expression became serious: Please speak, General Liu. As long as it is within my power, I will not refuse!

After all, when one needs help, it is best to solve the other partys problem first in order to borrow food.

General An is truly honorable. Then I shall speak frankly!

Liu Daochang became even more enthusiastic: Just as we were preparing to start a fire to cook, we discovered that our food had vanished into thin air! As you know, General An, its impossible for soldiers to march and fight on an empty stomach, so could you perhaps lend us some food? I would be immensely grateful!

The smile on An Lushans face gradually faded: Has your grain also vanished into thin air?

General Liu responded quickly: You said also, does that mean your grain has disappeared too?


An Lushan nodded, and with a wry smile, he said, Our grain has disappeared as well. I had intended to borrow some grain from your Great Yue, but I never expected

The two generals looked at each other in shock!

Someone had managed to steal all the grain right under their noses amidst the protection of a million-strong army!

Could this really be the work of a human being?

Or could it be the work of ghosts or gods

They shook their heads, casting aside the distracting thought.

They were all masters of the present time, believing more in the power in their hands rather than in ghosts and spirits.

Someone must have used a method unknown to them to steal all the grain.

But now, the most important thing was not to find out who was behind it but to solve the food crisis.

General An, we cant go on without grain. A million-strong army is waiting to be fed! Youre the local authority and know this area well, do you have any good strategies?

An Lushan pondered for a moment and said, There is a city 30 li ahead called Fengbo City. We can dispatch a troop to collect grain from there to address this urgent need!

Good! General Liu nodded.

Then, An Lushan dispatched Shi Siming with 5,000 troops to Fengbo City in search of food.

Two hours later, Shi Siming returned.

An Lushan walked up to meet him, his face full of anticipation, and asked, Younger brother, did you find any food?

Shi Simings face was bitter as he replied, Elder brother, I have disappointed you! By the time we arrived at Fengbo City, we found it completely deserted! So, I ordered the troops to search every house, but we couldnt find a single grain of food!

An Lushan was shocked: What? Not even a single grain?

Yes, not a single one!

Shi Siming said, infuriated: They cleared out too thoroughly, leaving nothing behind! Even a mouse would run in and come out in tears!

Ah how could this happen? An Lushan closed his eyes in utter disappointment.

At that moment, General Liu of Great Yue came running over: I heard that General Shi Siming has returned. Did he find any food?

Shi Siming once again explained the situation, and General Liu also felt very disappointed.

The soldiers have been hungry all night. If we dont have food, how can we march and fight? We dont even need the enemy to attack us; well starve to death on the way! General Liu said with a worried frown.

Lets do this

An Lushan said, Within a hundred li, there are four cities: Dingbo City, Anhua City, and Luonan City. We should dispatch troops to search for food there, and we mustnt overlook the villages along the way! By doing so, we can find at least some relief food to solve our food crisis!

Good, lets do that!

So, they dispatched several more troops to gather food.

By the morning of the second day, they had all returned.

How did it go? An Lushan asked anxiously.

Reporting to the general, we found no food in Dingbo City, please forgive us!

Reporting to the general, we found no food in Anhua City, please forgive us!

Reporting to the general, we found no food in Luonan City, please forgive us!

Upon hearing this, An Lushan staggered, his rage boiling over as he exclaimed, Not a single grain of food to be found? Have you really searched thoroughly? How can there be not a single grain?

General, we truly searched everywhere, we even didnt spare the mouse holes!

But no matter how much we searched, we just couldnt find any food, not even a bit of something edible!

General, weve done our utmost!

General, if theres even half a lie in what we say, we are willing to be dealt with by military law!

All these officers fell to their knees.

Useless fools! All of you are useless fools! Get out of my sight! An Lushan roared in anger.

Shi Siming approached, his face clouded with worry, and said, Elder brother, we have no food and the soldiers are hungry. What should we do?

An Lushan clenched his teeth: Sound the horn, the entire army must continue to march!

Shi Siming was shocked: Elder brother, but the soldiers havent eaten. They are famished; how can we march?

Little brother, do you think Im not aware of your concerns? But we have no choice but to move forward!

An Lushan gave a bitter smile. Theres no food to be found for hundred li around. Staying here means certain death! If we retreat, the imperial court will certainly seize the opportunity to kick us while were down. Therefore, we can only push forward. The closer we get to the capital city, the more likely we are to find food!

Elder brothers words are most wise. I will make the arrangements immediately!

Following that, the two of them, along with the generals of the Great Yue, discussed and unanimously agreed to continue the advance.

So, the million-strong army set off once again.

However, everyone had been hungry for a day, feeling weak and listless, their pace had slowed down considerably.

By the end of the day, they had covered less than 40 li, simply unable to go any further. (TLN: 1 li is 0.5 km)

At this time, the foraging teams returned one after another.

An Lushan asked anxiously, Whats the situation? Did you find any food?

His face was flushed with shame, Weve searched every city and village within a hundred li but still havent found any food. Please forgive us, General!

An Lushan bellowed, Then keep searching! If you cant find it, dont bother returning!

Yes, General!

Turning his head to glance at the soldiers lying dead on the ground from starvation, An Lushan couldnt help but sigh.

The foraging team searched for another whole night but still couldnt find any food.

By the third day, the army of a million had no choice but to set out once again.

Having gone without food for two days, their marching speed was even slower; they couldnt cover more than five li in half a day.

And just then, as if misfortune loved company, a light rain began to fall from the sky.

It was springtime, with a fine misty rain that was beneficial for the crops.

But for the million-strong army that had been starving for two days and was now on the march, it was truly a death sentence.


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