I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 111.1

Chapter 111.1

At this moment, Chai Yuxin, Wang Jinhai, and others have led an army of 400,000 into the territory of Great Yue, preparing to seize the first city.

This city is called Luoxia City, and it can be said to be one of the more important border cities of Great Yue!

Chai Yuxin, mounted on a tall horse, pointed her spear toward the city ahead and said, According to His Majestys wishes, our campaign is focused on plundering! We will conquer and pillage our way through, seizing all the wealth within the cities!

This first battle will start right here!

General Chai, this mission is very simple!

Wang Jinhai said with a smile: We have an army of 400,000, plus the aid of three heroes like Wine Sword Immortal and Empty Hand Master. How could we not be victorious?

Good! Chai Yuxin shouted loudly, equally brimming with confidence.

Just as they were about to lead the army to attack the city, Wine Sword Immortal called out, Everyone, hold on a moment!

Wine Sword Immortal, do you have something to say? All eyes turned to him.

Wine Sword Immortal took a sip of wine and chuckled, Since Im here, I might as well contribute! Sword, come forth!

With his loud cry, a sword clanged as it flew out from behind him.

It circled in the sky, turning into a white rainbow, and shot straight toward the city gates of Luoxia City.

I heard a thunderous crashthe city gates were breached!

Chai Yuxins spirits lifted: The gates have fallen! Men of Great Xia, follow me and storm the city!

Charge!!! The 400,000-strong army surged into the city with excitement.

And so it went, with the path cleared by the formidable trio of Wine Sword Immortal, Empty Hand Master, and Bai Zhu, Great Xias 400,000 troops cut through their enemies, capturing territories and advancing straight towards the capital of Great Yue.

In the capital city of Great Yue, the Emperor of Great Yue was convening an urgent court meeting within the imperial palace.

Esteemed Ministers, the 400,000-strong army of Great Xia has already descended upon us. Our lands are rapidly falling, and the situation is extremely dire! Esteemed Ministers, does anyone have a brilliant plan to resolve the Great Yue crisis?

Emperor Yues heart was in turmoil, but he had to maintain a facade of composure.

Your Majesty, our nations military strength has dwindled to a mere 350,000, 50,000 less than Great Xia! Moreover, the troops are scattered across the country, too dispersed. It will be quite difficult to mobilize them quickly!

Furthermore, their Innate experts far surpass ours! Although they have only dispatched five Innates, three of them are suspected to have reached the Astral Qi level. We cannot match this power!

Indeed, our forces are far too inferior!

Additionally, our troops have just suffered a major defeat, and their morale is extremely low. They simply cannot withstand the fierce onslaught of the Great Xia army!

Your Majesty, this humble servant truly has no solution, please forgive me!

The Great Yue Emperor grew increasingly annoyed as he listened and angrily exclaimed, Enough! I asked you to propose solutions, not to add to my troubles! The front lines are in urgent need of assistance, and I will give you the time it takes half an incense stick to burn. If you cannot come up with a strategy to resolve this, you will all be stripped of your positions and investigated!

Under the Emperors pressure, they finally came up with a plan.

First, they would recall the troops from all regions to avoid unnecessary sacrifices.

Then, they would concentrate all their forces, using the Chu River as a boundary, to resist the 100,000-strong army of Great Xia.

At the same time, they would also request support from the noble families.

With such measures, they should be able to withstand the military forces of Great Xia.

Consequently, the Great Xia armys campaign of conquering cities and territories became even more aggressive, encountering no resistance whatsoever.

Chai Yuxin discerned the opponents intentions and said with a smile, It seems that they have already abandoned these cities! Great Yue wants to concentrate all their forces for a decisive battle with us!

Wang Jinhai nodded, saying proudly, Exactly, this is the only strategy they have to resort to at the moment! Because our Great Xia has a strong army and formidable warriors to protect our path, we advance with overwhelming momentum, sweeping through thousands of troops, unstoppable! Great Yues forces are weak and scattered; they must unite to have the strength to stand a chance against us!

Advance at full speed; dont give them a chance to concentrate their forces! Chai Yuxin shouted.

Yes, General!

The troops of Great Xia accelerated their pace.

Within a single day, they had taken seven cities, pressing directly towards the capital of Great Yue.

Lin Beifan was at the rear, swiftly transporting resources through Empire Sandbox.

Iron mine, its mine!

Limestone mine, thats mine too!

Silver and iron ore, also mine!

All these good things, they all belong to me!

As Lin Beifan was transferring resources, he couldnt stop smiling.

This Great Yue truly lives up to its name as a great kingdom, not only is the land more fertile, but the resources are also more abundant! But now, they all come cheap to me! I really hope that Yuxin and the others will conquer all of Great Yue, not sparing an inch of land, and then Ill make a huge fortune! Haha

Chai Yuxin and her companions, advancing triumphantly, were very happy, and Lin Beifan, who was transporting resources at the rear, was also very happy.

The only one who was not happy was the Great Yue Emperor.

Upon opening his eyes, he was greeted with news of his lands being overrun every day. It was one lost city, then another. It felt like flesh being cut from his own body, souring his mood terribly.

How are the preparations? Have all the troops been called back?

The old minister, trembling, replied, Report to Your Majesty, we have already recalled 200,000 troops, who are stationed along the banks of the Chu River!

The Great Yue Emperor was furious, Only 200,000 after all this time? Where are the rest of the troops? Have they all died?

The old minister gave a wry smile, Your Majesty, the other troops are far away and need some time to make the journey!

Great Yue Emperor continued to rage: I dont care! If by tomorrow morning, before I wake up, the other codes have not been returned to the banks of the Chu River, I will hold you accountable!

Yes, Your Majesty! the old minister replied with a bitter smile as he accepted the decree.

The other officials looked at the old minister with sympathy.

Now that His Majesty is about to explode, its you who has to bear the brunt!

Great Yue Emperor paced back and forth in a huff and then asked loudly, What about the situation with the noble family? Have they agreed to send a master to assist me?

Your Majesty, they have refused, telling us to figure it out on our own!

Damn it! This is outrageous!

Great Yue Emperor gnashed his teeth in anger: These accursed noble families, selfish and without principle! They are the quickest to arrive when there are benefits to be had! But when theres danger, they run faster than anyone else! They leave me with a mess and just run off; I should never have cooperated with them!

To tell the truth, the Great Yue Emperor was filled with regret in his heart.

If he hadnt been beguiled by those three great noble families to send out troops to attack Xia, how could Great Xia have invaded Great Yue?

The real culprits were clearly those three great noble families, so why was he the one suffering?

If they wont come, then forget about them!

The Great Yue Emperors expression turned stern: Now, the troops of Great Xia have already invaded, and we in Great Yue are facing our most critical moment! If our nation falls and our homes are destroyed, not only I but all of you ministers will not escape death! Therefore, I ask everyone to unite with a common resolve and do your utmost to resist the Great Xia! I thank you all in advance!

Yes, Your Majesty! We are prepared to die a thousand deaths! the officials said in unison.

Thus, two days passed.

The Great Xia army sped like lightning and finally reached the Chu River.

After two days of preparation, the Great Yue Kingdom had already called back three hundred thousand troops, who were now stationed on the opposite bank of the Chu River.

Chai Yuxin stood on the riverbank, observing the enemys vast army, and laughed, It seems that Great Yue wishes to settle the battle of supremacy with us here!

This place is indeed not bad!

Wang Jinhai said with a grave expression, This river is known as the Chu River, with a width of 56 zhang and an average depth of 6 zhang. Moreover, the current is very rapid, making it extremely difficult to cross! There used to be a bridge here, but they destroyed it! So now, we only have two options: either we risk crossing over, or we return to the court!

Actually, we have a third option! Chai Yuxin said with a smile.

What road? Wang Jinhai exclaimed in surprise.

General Wang, look!

Chai Yuxin pointed at the opposing army and said, Over there, they have already assembled 300,000 troops, but Great Yue currently only has 350,000 troops. Great Yue has a total of 14 Innates, and three have already died, while here, eight are concentrated! It can be said that the defense of the Great Yue capital is extremely weak now! General Wang, dont you have any other ideas?

Wang Jinhai thought carefully, his eyes bulging with shock: General Chai, your idea is very bold!

Chai Yuxin nodded with a smile: Indeed, its quite bold, even fanciful, but if it succeeds, the rewards will be immeasurable! Initially, His Majesty and I captured the Emperor of the Shang Kingdom and win a very glorious battle! Now, we can completely replicate that! By catching them off guard, the chances of success are great! General Wang, dont you agree?

Wang Jinhai was very tempted: Its worth a try!

Then, they secretly summoned the Wine Sword Immortal, Empty Hand Master, and others and informed them of the plan.

After hearing it, the three set off stealthily in the night.

Chai Yuxin and Wang Jinhai stayed behind to attract the enemys attention.

Lin Beifan, who was secretly observing the battle, knew everything and laughed, Not bad! Capturing that dog of an Emperor would indeed be a great achievement! Let me think, how can I maximize the benefits?

After pondering, Lin Beifan immediately wrote a letter and had it sent with utmost urgency, covering 800 li.

The Wine Sword Immortal and the Empty Hand Master, along with one other, were very fast, taking only one day to reach the capital of Great Yue.


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