I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

In the past few days, through the Empire Sandbox, Lin Beifan observed that the Emperor of the Mo Kingdom and his family had been keeping a low profile, behaving rather modestly, which made him nod in satisfaction.

In reality, even if they had fled, Lin Beifan wouldnt have cared because these people no longer posed a threat.

Even if they had the chance to make a comeback in the future, they still wouldnt be a threat to him.

Thats because he had the Empire Sandbox cheat, and his strength would continue to grow faster and faster with the increase of national power.

Unless someone is the son of destiny and possesses a similar cheat, they will never have the chance to turn the tables.


At this time, the An Kingdom, Shang Kingdom, and Peng Kingdom had finally conquered the Mo Kingdom. Due to disputes over land, some friction occurred among the three nations, but in the end, they divided the territory through negotiations.

Originally, it was thought that expanding the territory would herald a brand-new beginning.

However, the three kingdoms gradually realized that this was not the case.

First, they discovered that almost all the valuable goods in the cities of the Mo Kingdom had been plundered, even the food supplies were completely consumed.

Then, they found that the mineral resources within the Mo Kingdoms territories seemed to have been exhausted, with nothing left to mine.

Finally, they noticed something had gone wrong with the rice fields of the Mo Kingdom; the soils fertility had severely diminished. Many rice seedlings and fruit trees were malnourished and withered, unable to yield grains or produce fruit.

Even the green trees and wild grasses in the wilderness began to dry up, gradually exposing the bare earth, and the number of birds, beasts, insects, and fish all diminished.

They were all dumbfounded. They had expended so much effort, sacrificing troops and losing commanders to conquer this land, which now seemed to have no value at all.

Moreover, they had gained over a million mouths to feed, all clamoring to be nourished.

They had reaped no benefits, only to attract a host of troubles.

The Emperor of the Three Kingdoms suddenly felt a pang of frustration.

Whats going on here? The Mo Kingdom wasnt like this before!

The former Mo Kingdom was rich in resources, with fertile lands and a strong populace! But now it has turned into

How did Long Paopao manage it? A fine country, all ruined by his hands!

No wonder he fled, leaving such a mess for us to deal with, even the foolish emperor of Xia Kingdom is better than this!

How infuriating! I want to kill him right now!

The Emperor of Mo Kingdom, who had unwittingly shouldered a great blame, sneezed loudly.

In the imperial palace of Shang Kingdom, the Emperor of Shang Kingdom asked with a headache, My ministers, do you have any good strategies?

The Prime Minister said loudly, Your Majesty, we do not have enough food to sustain those hundreds of thousands of refugees! Keeping them here might lead to unrest! But Xia Kingdom is currently mining, reclaiming land, and digging canals, arent they in great need of manpower? Therefore, your humble servant suggests that we drive all these refugees to Xia Kingdom!

The Emperor of Shang Kingdoms eyes lit up, Good idea, lets do that! Firstly, we can get rid of this burden! Secondly, it will deplete their food supplies, and they will be caught in their own trap! Haha

His Majesty is wise!

Thus, they loudly proclaimed throughout the Mo Kingdom, inciting the refugees.

We have no food, but the Xia Kingdom does!

If you want a full belly, head to the Xia Kingdom!

They have plenty and plenty of food, guaranteed to keep you alive!

After such encouragement, the refugees, filled with great hope, set off for the Xia Kingdom.

Following suit, two other countries sent a massive wave of refugees towards the borders of Xia Kingdom, swarming like zombies in absolute droves.

Overwhelmed by the sheer number, the soldiers of Xia Kingdom were on high alert as if facing a formidable enemy!

An Lushan led the troops at the front line and bellowed, Soldiers, take up arms; do not let them cross! If they step over the border, they will be dealt with by military law!

Yes, General! the troops responded in unison, raising their spears and shields.

Then, An Lushan shouted towards the sea of refugees ahead, This land belongs to Xia Kingdom, no further advance is permitted! If you come any closer, this general will show no mercy!

The refugees began to plead desperately.

Please give us something to eat, we havent had a full meal in so long!

Even a bowl of porridge will do, Im really about to starve to death!

As long as I can have a full meal, Ill do anything!

Please, I beg you!

Chai Yuxin watched with compassion and said, General An, let them come over! His Majesty has said that we should accept all refugees, no matter which country they come from!

An Lushan remained unmoved: His Majesty did say that, but a general has the right to make decisions when abroad. These refugees are clearly sent here deliberately by those three countries. With a population reaching over a million, do you think our country can afford to support so many people? We cant just look after the citizens of other countries and neglect our own!

Moreover, what if enemy spies have infiltrated their ranks? Who will take responsibility for the problems that arise?

An Lushan spoke with a heavy and resolute tone, As a commander, one cannot afford to be soft-hearted! General Chai, you were born into a noble family of military leaders; you should understand this principle better than I do!

Chai Yuxin replied, I understand the principle, but we cant just ignore the situation! It seems to me that the vast majority here are refugees! This is a difficult decision to make. Why not report this matter to His Majesty and let him make the final decision?

An Lushan turned his head to look and, after a moment, nodded, Very well!

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