I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 127: Size Matters

Chapter 127: Size Matters

"Who dares try to enter this Void Tower?" The entity spoke in a cold deathly voice.

The voice was followed by a large figure that came out of the Void Tower itself. I even wondered how it was able to fit through the small door that led to the entrance to the Void Tower. It didn't even seem like it has the power to transform or something of the sort. It's just that, it was relatively bigger compared to when it was coming out of the doorway of the Void Tower.

Roaring furiously, the creature spread it wings as it mightily glided a bit in the air. Its horrendous face was its most relevant feature as it got nearer towards us.

There was no doubt! The craeture in front of us is a gargoyle-like entity.

Aside from its terrible face features, it was made purely out of stone. Its wings had the span that is double its body and it had four legs. Aside from that, its third leg was nowhere to be seen. How pitiful.

"Can we go in?" I casually said, jerking my thumb towards the entrance to the Void Tower which the gargoyle so carefully blocked. "We have business inside, if you get what I mean."

The gargoyle looked at me incredulously, and then stole a glance towards Liu Zhi and the others. He was probably wondering why a ragtag bunch was willing to go into the Void Tower. I didn't want to sound so prejudiced but I think gargoyles have a smaller brain compared to other on the planet. Why would it seem like it was thinking about something so obvious? Of course we want to go inside for the rewards. That's all there is to it.

"How dare you try to enter the Void Tower! Only those who are worthy can go through this entrance." The gargoyle growled in its deepest voice. It tried to sound as intimdating as it could but compared to my Astral Lion, it was only but a speck of dust.

After a few seconds of contemplation, I finally decided to let out my Astral Lion, summoning it in front of the gargoyle. At first, the gargoyle was confused why I summoned such a small cub in front of it. But before the gargoyle could say a single word about it, my Astral Lion grew in size. It became ten times bigger than the gargoyle itself. And to add to the Astral Lion's majestic presence, it began roaring towards the sky.

The gargoyle cowered in fear and I could more or less make out a whimper that escaped from its mouth. There was nothing the gargoyle could do except bow its head towards the higher being, that is, my Astral Lion.

"I'll ask again, can we go in?" I asked the gargoyle after taking a step forward.

"Uh, y-yes sure. Go ahead." The gargoyle backed out, gesturing that we enter the Void Tower. It made the right decision since I could tell that the Astral Lion could easily send the gargoyle to oblivion. And even without him, if Liu Zhi's party and I teamed up to take it down, it wouldn't stand a chance against us. It's just a measly old gargoyle after all... and it's level of cultivation wasn't even in the King Realm yet.

That could only mean one thing, for sure. Either this Void Tower dungeong thing-y is a low level dungeon, or the gargoyle is just one of the few guards who would stand against those who tried to enter. If the latter were to be true, then that means we have to fight higher-leveled guards every time we descend the dungeon.

Since the gargoyle had no business with us anymore, it returned back to its proper place and turned to stone once again. I heaved a sigh of relief. At least we didn't have to think about the weak gargoyle anymore.

"Yongrui, Yongrui." Hui-ying interrupted my thought process, making me flinch in shock since we were in an unfamiliar place and it was giving me the creeps.

"What is it, Hui-ying? If it's not important then can you save it for later?" I whispered.

"It's about the Void Tower. I have some information about it." Hui-ying informed me. "If you don't want to hear it then fine, I can just keep quiet and you can go about your way trying to figure out the Void Dungeon."

"All right all right, I'm in the wrong. Can you please tell me everything you know about the Void Tower? And how did you even know about it in the first place?" I asked.

Hui-ying paused for a few seconds, making me stop short in my tracks as I awaitefd her answer. This, in turn, made Liu Zhi, Blade, and Wu Yan worry about me. After glancing at my direction, they backtracked to where I was.

"Yong Rui, are you all right?" Liu Zhi voiced out. "Keep it together. We can't have you panicking inside a mysterious dungeon like this."

"Yong Rui, keep it together." Wu Yan followed.

"Thanks, let's go." I said with great confidence.

Hui-ying then responded soon after. Her voice was so fidgety that for a moment, I thought she was the one getting nervous instead of me. "Yongrui, actually I "

"You what?"

"I was the one who created this dungeon."


And yes, Hui-ying just dropped the bomb just like that.

Once again, I stopped dead in my tracks as I tried to figure out what Hui-ying meant by her statement. If what she said was true, then that means she purposefully created this dungeon just so she could store away some of her treasures for herself. And if that were really the case, then that means I would greatly benefit from it.. assuming that I could clear it, of course.

"Then, if you really did create this dungeon. Can you tell me everything about it? And also, what's the difficulty level of this dungeon?"

"Yongrui, don't be surprised but... " Hui-ying began. "The difficulty level of this dungeon is Eight. And its a Void Tower dungeon so it's filled with spirit beasts with the Element of Space."

"So its difficulty level Eight. Then I need at least a team of cultivators in the Dao Realm or higher. Why did you put the difficulty so high, Hui-ying? How can we conquer this tower then?"

"We can't. But I know of a shortcut that can get us straight to the last room where the rewards are. But, there's a very powerful guardian waiting for us there so we have to be careful. For now, we can just scout the first floor and then make a move tomorrow after the tournament. You need those Elemental Orbs, right? We can't afford to get injured right now since we have the semi-finals and the finals coming up tomorrow. And also, have you don'e your daily quests, yet?"

Liu Zhi and the others started to look around the first floor while I just casually stood on one corner as I conversed with Hui-ying. It's obvious that Hui-ying was telling me the truth and she was actually the one who created the dungeon. Although I'm a bit surprised that she ramped up the difficulty level of the place for personal reasons, I was jut relieved that Hui-ying was with me. If I didn't know better, I would've dived straight into the Void Tower and ultimately kill myself. If there really were hundreds of Titanium Rank Spirit Beasts here, then that means there's no way someone could clear this dungeon.

Unless of course, they have a guide of some sort like Hui-ying who knows the ins and outs of the place. I'm lucky that Hui-ying was on my side. If not then I would have died a long time ago due to my recklessness.

"I can do it later, Hui-ying. It's just easy and I already found the easiest way to complete it. These daily quests seemed hard at first but now they aren't." I confidently said.

"I know, just don't forget to complete it before the day ends. Otherwise we'll get ourselves into deeper trouble than this Void Tower." Hui-ying softly reprimanded me.

I blindly followed Liu Zhi and the others as we explored the rest of the first floor. It was just a plain room with nothing in it, sort of like a preparation room for the trials and tribulation down below. Needless to say, there was nothing we could find here unless we commence going down.

And as if reading my mind, Liu Zhi approached me with a straight face. "There's nothing here. Should we head down?" Liu Zhi asked as Blade and Wu Yan rejoined us.

I immediately related Liu Zhi's question to Hui-ying.

"No, we can't go down. It will be instant death if we did." Hui-ying gravely warned. She was legitimately afraid for our lives.

"We can't." I simply answered. "I'm sensing a powerful presence on the next floor under. And I think it's on par with Transcendence Realm cultivators. I suggest we pull out for now and continue our investigation tomorrow."

Of course, I lied as naturally as I breathed.

"Then we'll trust you and pull out for now." Liu Zhi said although he didn't detect any powerful presence down below.

And as for Wu Yan and Blade, they also couldn't detect a speckle of presence on the next floor. That's why they were left confused just as Liu Zhi was.

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