I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 147: Wu Jia

Chapter 147: Wu Jia

When I saw the antidote in front of me, a smile formed on my face as I realized what the Hundred Poison Lady wanted to do. She didn't want to get rid of me in the first place, she was just testing me. 

"Who said you can accept defeat?" I asked as I pulled something out from my storage ring. 

The Hundred Poison Lady cluelessly stared at me as she tried to figure out what I was tring to do. Just like the audience, the Hundred Poison Lady eagerly watched me as I concocted a poison in front of them. 

"These are the Purple Mist Grass, the Blue Bell Grass, and the Mountain Top Grass. Get the right proportion and you can come up with one of the most basic poisons in the world. In and of itself, these three types of grass are never poisonous, to begin with, but mix them up together and you can make one." I explained as I continued mixing the three ingredients together. "Master Duyao, you are called the Hundred Poison Lady because you probably know a hundred poison and know how to use them, right? What if I tell you that I know every antidote for those poisons. And what if I tell you that you don't know a thing about the poison I'm making right now? If I were to put it in your terms, let me just say that this is your one hundred first poison?" 

"That's impossible, there are only a hundred existing Poisons in the ancient records." The Hundred Poison Lady exclaimed but I didn't say anything about it. 

After a few minutes of mixing and grinding the grass together, I finally turned it into a complete liquid. Without further ado, I put the poison in a bottle and gave it to the Hundred Poison Lady. "This is called the Grass Poison. Such a simple name but I don't think you know of it." 

Zeng Meihui's eyes sparkled as she watched me concoct and finished the poison with a live audience. After a few seconds of pause, the audience erupted into cheers. The winner for the match was as obvious as daylight after all. 

Simultaneously, the second semi-finals match has come to an end as well. Just as I had predicted, it was Wu Jia who won. I didn't know what kind of element Wu Jia was using since I was too preoccupied with my match but I'm guessing she's a speed type just like Yang Mei Mei. I wouldn't be all too surprised if she had the Wind Element. 

Deep inside, I was hoping that she had the Wind Element since my Wind Element might be superior to hers. If that were the case, then the finals match would be a walk in the park. 

"Master, that means I can be his disciple, right? Right? Right?" Zeng Meihui clenched her fists as she gave puppy eyes to her master. 

For a moment, I thought that the Hundred Poison Lady would actually lash out at her own disciple, but to my relief, she just heaved a sigh. And then, she gave a heartwarming smile as she patted her disciple on the head. "I might've been too audacious to call myself a master when I was just a frog in the Wall. Clearly, Yong Rui is more suited to be your master. I may be possessive as a master since there aren't that many Poison Element users in the world, but I'm not that cruel enough to keep you to myself when you have a much better potential under a better master."

After saying that, the Hundred Poison Lady then eyed me from head to toe as if she was examining my very being. "I just hope that this young man right here would really take care of you as I did." She continued, purposefully making me hear what she has to say. 

"It will be my pleasure, Hundred Poison Lady. And also, if you want to learn more about poisons, I will gladly answer any questions that you might have. Of course, the knowledge won't be for free." I said. "And Zeng Meihui, feel free to tell your master anything that you've learned from me. Just don't tell her too much since I'll be teaching her the ropes of poison-making myself." 

The Hundred Poison Lady's eyes widened as she heard what I just said. Truly, my offer was too good to be true. She squinted and rubbed her eyes, probably to see if she was dreaming. But she realized that she wasn't. 

"Then, will you take me in as a disciple too?!" The Hundred Poison Lady said. 

"No, you're too knowledgeable to be my disciple," I said, shaking my head and waving my hand in front of her. Quite frankly, I just didn't want to take her in since she was too old to be my disciple. That's why I thought of a better idea. "I see you as an equal, Hundred Poison Lady. It would be in my best of interest if you see me as a rival as well. You're welcome to share anything you find out and I'm willing to exchange ideas with you. In return, would it be too much if I ask you to be an ally for the Tang Sect?" 

"Tang Sect?" The Hundred Poison Lady asked. 

"I mean, the Tang Shelter, sorry." I chuckled.


In the end, the Hundred Poison Lady accepted my offers and in return, I gave her the correct proportions on how to make the Grass Poison. It was easy, just three clumps of Mountain Top Grass, two clumps of Blue Bell Grass, and a clump of Purple Mist Grass. I remember having read about the Purple Mist Grass in a certain novel. But in that novel, it was portrayed that the Purple Mist Grass has a hundred beneficial uses. But that's not true. In this world, the Purple Mist Grass can only be used as a substitute for lemongrass when you're cooking chicken stew. I don't think there are any other uses other than that. 

It is a good substitute for lemongrass though. 

Well, back to the Red Sea Tournament! After my match with the Hundred Poison Lady, I returned back to my seat beside Yang Mei Mei and Wu Yan. Just like before, they were pouting at me as if I just did something wrong. But I ignored them. Right now, I felt like I was on top of the world. 

It was one of the best feelings as if I just achieved one of my greatest dreams. If I were a ghost, my main body would've dispersed by now since my regrets have finally been fulfilled. I heaved a sigh of happiness as I sank down on my seat. The finals can wait... 

... right now, I got my first disciple after five years! The return of the glorious Tang Sect is well within my grasp! I'm not overestimating myself or anything. After all, getting a disciple is just proof that my abilities are acknowledgeable. Ultimately, it was thanks to the System and the System Shop. But then again, I did get the Shop Coins through killing countless rabid humans. So if it all comes down to it, my efforts played a part in me getting that knowledge about the Poisons. 

"Why are you smiling?" Luo Zhen teased as he tapped me on the shoulder. "Something good happened aside from getting another girl?" 

"Girl? She's my first disciple! She's not just any girl." I defended. "Now, my goals can finally be achieved." 

"And what's that goal?" Luo Zhen asked. 

"Making my own Sect, of course," I answered confidently. 

In response, Wu Yan fidgeted as she made eye contact. "T-then... does that mean I'll be a part of your Sect too?" She mumbled. 

"Do you want to?" I said, although I already know what her response should be. "Yes, you can... well, I did ask you to go with me to the Tang Sect so... "

"Yes. Yes, you did." Wu Yan mumbled as she covered her face with her scarf. I don't know what kind of expression she was wearing but she definitely looked flustered. 


Nothing noteworthy happened for the rest of the time I stayed in my seat. Shen Rong just wasted everyone's precious minutes talking about how grateful he was for everyone who managed to attend the Red Sea Tournament. 

"And now, for the finals match, please welcome! Wu Jia from the Immovable Mountain Sect!" 

A series of cheers erupted as a young girl with black hair and fox-like eyes entered the scene. She had quite a figure and just as I had predicted, she was the speedy type. The moment I blinked my eyes, she was already on the stage. I didn't even see her walk the rest of the way. 

I'm quite fast but she's definitely faster than me. 

But just when she got onto the stage, a weird portal began forming right above the Coliseum. We all stared at Wu Jia but she also seemed clueless about it. 

"It wasn't me!" Wu Jia vehemently denied. 

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