I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 153: Race Level Up!

Chapter 153: Race Level Up!

The blue lightning was like the bringer of death as it struck me.

"Raaaarghhhh!!!" I let out an ear-piercing scream. My body seemed to crumble into pieces as it slowly burnt and became ashes. For a moment, I thought that I'll really die at this rate. Once again,  countless thoughts streamed through my mouth as I approached death itself. My body started to disintegrate and even as a rabid human, I know that it wouldn't take long before I meet my demise.

Ahh, am I finally going to meet Natalia?

Wait... no! She's still a rabid human. Even if I die, she'll still roam the earth as if nothing happened! That's intolerable! Wouldn't that mean I'd die sooner than the person who killed me?

As I watched White slowly turning his frown into a satisfactory smile, I held my ground and tried to sustain as much damage as I can. Fortunately, I'm still in my berserker state so the damage was reduced by who knows how much. In any case, my activated skills helped me in combatting the blue lightning to an extent.

However, that wasn't enough. The blue lightning still continued to come down from the skies.

My Qi Cores, who were about to get out of control a few moments ago, now became even more uncontrollable as they ballooned up in size. Who would've thought that the blue lightning coming down from the skies are filled with pure Qi Energy. It was quite a surprise.

System! Do your thing!


<Since the user has requested the help of the System, the System cannot deny the pleas of its user.>

<You've force-activated the passive skill Automatic Qi Absorption!> 

<You've gained enough Qi to form your fifth Qi Core>

<Your body will now undergo the forming of your Fifth Core>

"What? No! I don't need that! You'll kill me!" I screamed. It was the first time I lost my cool over something that the System was doing. I scared out of my wits. I know that at this rate, I will surely die a horrible death.

Right now, my body has disintegrated at an irreparable level. And furthermore, my Qi Cores were agitated to such a state that I only have a few seconds before they explode or in a more specific term, my body will explode, along with my Qi Cores.

When I first died, I just had someone hug me passionately and then bit me on the neck. That's nothing compared to what's happening right now. It would've been way better if I died a painless death but right now, the pain was so unbearable that I just had to scream my lungs out as I suffered.


I felt like something cracked within me as the Fifth Qi Core started forming. Original Qi Core, Virus Qi Core, Dark Qi Core, and the Fiery Qi Core long ago, the four Qi Cores lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fifth  Qi Core was formed.

Yeah, something like that.

The crack that I heard coming from within me started spreading until I felt like my whole body was like glass being shattered. I screamed in agony as blood and water spilled out of my body. I was being reduced to a pulp and there was nothing I could do about it.

All that I could do was patiently and silently wait as I die in the most painful way possible.

<Congratulations! Due to your persistence, you have survived the forming of your Fifth Qi Core!>

<Your fifth Qi Core has heard your pleas and has become a Holy Qi Core. You now have the ability to learn the Healing Element.>

<Notice: Your Holy Qi Core has shielded you from death>

<Notice: Your Holy Qi Core has stabilized your other Cores>

<Notice: Your Holy Qi Core has healed your body!>

<Notice: Because of your passive skill: Healthy Body, the Holy Qi Core has synergized with your whole body.>

<Recovery rate has increased by 100%!>

<Survivability rate has increased by 100%!>

<Regen Speed has increased by 100%>

<You have avoided death once again>

<The Throes of Death was canceled. The Harbinger of Death is now angrily cursing at you>

<Harbinger of Death intimacy has increased by 30 points!> 

Just like that, I avoided death once again. For some reason, an uneasy feeling started creeping up to me as I tried to understand what the System was doing. Recently, the System has been giving me a lot of advantages and cheat-like abilities as if it was using me for something I don't understand. Aside from that, I could imagine the System asking me for something in return one of these days.

And what did it mean when my intimacy with the Harbinger of Death has increased by 30 points? Who is this Harbinger of Death anyway and why is he watching me? Is he a he? Or a she? And why do I have intimacy with him or her? I have no idea.

'Hui-ying? Do you know anything about the Harbinger of Death?' I asked in my head as I tried to keep myself from exploding. Since my newly-formed Qi Core has helped me recover a bit of my health, I could now focus on the recovery of my whole body.

It still wasn't enough, however. I can still feel my health points draining away as the Lightning continued to strike from the skies. What a cheat skill. This White is something else, I guess.

"No, I don't know why the System is acting like that. But still. I think you need to be wary of that being. That being sounds dangerous enough to befriend." Hui-ying responded.

"Are you giving up now, Tang Yongrui of the glorious Tang Sect?" White shouted from a safe distance, egging me on. "You do know that it's only a matter of time before you die, right? If you don't give up now, it wouldn't be my fault if you die a horrible death."

"I'm already in a horrible state, thanks to you!" I shouted back as I writhed in pain. Nevertheless, I kept myself standing since falling down would mean I'm defeated.

"Yongrui, you have to give up on this right now. You can trick him by showing him some sort of Ancient Power and he might fall for it." Hui-ying advised. "Your life is draining away. Any more than this and you'll die along with me."

"That's funny. This time, you said 'you' first instead of saying 'I'. Do you like me that much now?" I teased.

"Yongrui, this is no time to be joking." Hui-ying hissed. "You have to concede right here and now! Don't think about pride or anything like that, just give up, and then we'll regroup. I'll think of a way."

A way?

No... wait... this is

That's right! Why didn't I think of that! That should work! 

A mischievous smile formed on my lips as I raised my hand. "Fine! White! I give up!" I screamed.

<Notice! Your health point has fallen below 0%>

"Wait, wha "

<You died>




<Congratulations! You've met all the necessary conditions to undergo a change.>

<Your Race will now undergo a change.>


< Your race has now changed from a 'Human' to a 'Zombie Overlord'>

<You are now immune to the Virus>

<Your zombie barracks has increased to 50,000>

<You can now communicate with the zombies>

<You can now revert a zombie back to their former selves>

<This means you can now turn a zombie back to a human, idiot.>

<You've also gained insight on zombie hordes.>

For a split second, I felt like I really died since my consciousness completely left me. But after I died,  heard a surprising amount of notifications in my head, making me wonder if I had really died.

In conclusion, I didn't die. Apparently, I underwent a change that has changed my race forever. I don't know what kind of race a  'Zombie Overlord' is... but it certainly didn't sound human. It sounds like what you'll call a leader of a rabid human horde. In short, it sounds creepy and disgusting and that's what I am now.

A Zombie Overlord, this is definitely weirder than hearing that my intimacy with the Harbinger of Death has increased by thirty points. Yes, definitely a lot weirder.

Finally, the lightning surge has stopped and I found myself gasping for air as I fell on the ground. The audience was appalled at the sight of me, naked.

As for Yang Mei Mei, Shi Meili, Wu Yan, and Xiang Xiaoqing, they screamed in shock as they covered their eyes with palms open. I quickly covered my dangling third leg as I stood up, my face reddened with embarrassment.

Zeng Meihui, however, had a different approach. She immediately leaped out from the audience seats and landed beside me. She then gave me a hooded robe. But even with all that, she still couldn't hide the embarrassment on her face as she saw my bare skin.

Who would've thought that the blue lightning would completely burn all my clothing! Why didn't I think of that!

"So, you surrender, huh. By the Blood Oath, that means I won, right?" White announced as he approached me.

Sigh~ and here goes another problem.

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