I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 190: Friendship and Camaraderie

Chapter 190: Friendship and Camaraderie

The torment lasted for about a minute and in-between those times, I incessantly tried to condense my Qi Cores. Even with my innate control over my Qi Energy, I still had an arduous time, partly because the pain was messing with my concentration. Fortunately, my Qi Cores were submissive. Despite currently having ridiculous amounts of Qi Energy in them, they were easily malleable. That's why it only took one painful minute before I accomplished condensing them, ridding myself of the pain.

"Yongrui! Are you all right?!" I heard a voice from afar, calling my name as if she was panicking. The voice sounded so familiar and yet I couldn't recognize who it was. Were my ears playing tricks on me? Probably so.

Now that the critical stage of using the Zombie State Reversion was over, the adrenaline completely left my System and I fell on the ground like a helpless meat bag. I couldn't move a muscle, nor could I keep my eyelids from folding over my eyes.

"Who are you? Why are you all over our Yong- er I mean, our master?"

"Yeah, are you taking advantage of him? And eek~ why are you removing his clothes?!"

"Isn't it obvious, she's planning to bear her child. If we don't stop her right here and now, we'll miss our chance!"

"Our chance? What do you mean?"

"Don't you know that our Master has never cooked rice before?"

"Why are you calling that your chance? Wait, don't tell me were you planning to cook rice with him?"

"W-w-what are you talking about? How vulgar! Of course, there are certain processes involved before taking that final leap. Establishing a good and amicable relationship is the key to perfectly cooking rice."

"Are you, by any chance, Sect Master's disciples?" This time I'm certain that it was Natalia who's speaking. Ah~ her voice is as heavenly as ever, just like a ripple in still lake.

"Yes, and who are you?"

"I... I'm Natalia Schirchstein, number one disciple of Sect Master Tang Yongrui. It's a pleasure to meet my younger sisters."

I could imagine Natalia cupping her hands towards Xiang Xiaoqing and Zeng Meihui. Judging from their voices, I'm fairly certain that they are Xiang Xiaoqing and Zeng Meihui

that or my ears are being overly delusional and I'm hearing things.

"Y-you're the number one disciple of... Tang Sect? Are you sure?"

"But, didn't the Tang Sect die five years ago. It's only been recent that Yong er I mean, Master started gathering disciples."

"You're right... then maybe... "

"Wait, what do you mean... five years ago?"

I didn't know what happened next. Before I could hear what they were about to say, I fell unconscious.


When I finally regained consciousness, I noticed that it was already dark outside. It was obvious that I was asleep for half a day since it was almost noontime when we arrived at the ruins of the Tang Sect. Sigh ~ even until now I still feel a prick in my heart every time I call it 'ruins'.

The room I was in was more sophisticated than any clinics I've ever been to. The bed was a king-sized one with a mattress that seemed to swallow my whole body whole because of its softness. The warm glow coming from the lamp beside my bed lulled me to sleep as well even though I just woke up. And adding to that, the room was fully carpeted with a red velvet carpet. The last time I've seen a red velvet carpet was when I was appointed as a Sect Master of the Tang Sect and I still couldn't forget how formal it looked.

Also, the room was regulated with the ice element, bringing the temperature down to the point that it felt like I was in an airconditioned room. It's been so long since I've been to an airconditioned room. No wonder it feels heavenly.

I guess taking a break like this wouldn't hurt every once and a while.

Just to make sure, I scanned my body to see if there are any discrepancies in there. To my relief, there were none. Even externally, I didn't have any wounds at all. Indeed, Hui-ying and the System did an incredible job patching me up.

With that out of my mind, I sank even deeper into my bed, wanting to resume my sleep since I'd probably never get a chance like this again. Surely, Natalia is safe in their hands.

I mean, Natalia may look frail and graceful on the outside but she's an absolute beast when it comes to her genius in cultivation. Even if Wu Jia and the others tried to bully her because of the misunderstanding that ensued a few hours ago, I don't think they'll be able to scratch her. Even though she lost a part of her cultivation when she turned into a rabid human, the amount of Virus Qi Energy she gained during her life as a rabid human all the more compensated for it. That's why even though she's relatively weaker compared to them, the amount of Virus Qi Energy she has left in her body is good enough to overpower them.

When a person is infected, the virus will stay in their mind forever and they won't be able to get rid of it. In order for that person to control that virus, he or she needs to control that Virus Qi Energy within. While some would develop another Qi Core during this process, some would actually be able to use their Original Qi Core to cultivate that Virus Qi Energy. In Shen Rong's case, he developed a new Qi Core after being infected by the virus. As for Natalia, she didn't develop another Qi Core but her Original Qi Core got stronger.

The virus will always remain there, but it's up to your own power if you manage to control it or not.

Knock! Knock!

After the series of knocks, I heard the doorknob being twisted open so I decided to pretend to sleep. Right now, I'm getting my well-deserved rest so even if I stay a little bit longer, it's perfectly fine. Hence, with that thought, I shut my eyes tight and carefully sensed the person entering the room. Even if my eyes were closed, I can still more or less sense where that person was.

"I know you're awake, Yongrui," White called out. "You don't have to pretend to sleep."

"White, how are you doing?" I greeted. If it were any other cultivators, they wouldn't have known that I was pretending to be asleep. But when it comes to White, it's unnecessary to pretend. After all, he's someone beyond whose cultivation is Beyond Transcendence Realm.

"You said you got some of your treasures left in those ruins, right? I got curious so I decided to take a look around." White casually said. To him, those mountains upon mountains of rabid humans must've meant nothing since he was capable of wiping them off from the face of the planet.

"Oh yeah, did you find anything?" I asked as I swallowed my dry saliva. OF COURSE, HE DID! He wouldn't bring it up if he didn't find anything. What was that saying again? Finders keepers? Even though I was partially at fault for telling everyone about it, it's still a no-brainer that he'll be able to keep the good stuff.

All those years hiding it under my cave meant nothing in the end. White managed to find it and he's probably going to give me the rejects in my treasures.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did." White smiled.

And there you have it. My only chance of retrieving my treasures was taken from me in a snap of a finger.

"I-I see," I muttered.


Before I could cry my eyes out, White tossed a storage ring in my bed. "I got everything there except that scary-looking object wrapped in talisman paper. You'll find everything there except that paper which I have here." White continued as he tossed me the object wrapped in talismans.

Even though White is still as friendly as ever, who knows what he's hiding behind that smile. I still doubt that he found everything since I carefully hid all of them in separate storage places. Let me guess, he's going to give me a reason that this is everything he found, all the while keeping the good stuff from me.

I guess no matter which Plane you are from, cultivators are all the same.

Since I was growing impatient by the second, I decided to just suck it up and accept the reality. Even if he kept the good stuff to himself, then that's entirely my fault. My carelessness got the better of me when I told everyone about it. You shouldn't have any hard feelings, Yongrui.

Without further ado, I accessed the storage ring. White was grinning from ear to ear as if he was out to trick me but I ignored him... wait...

Why is it all here?!

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