I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 195: Wild Goose Chase

Chapter 195: Wild Goose Chase

Well nighttime, how do I describe it? Let's just say that the full moon is surreal. And I'm walking underneath the moonlight as graceful as I could, putting my hands on top of each other as my robe flitted with the breeze.

"You really mean that, Yongrui? Do you really have someone who could travel with us to the Middle Plane? If that's the case, then who is that person? Is he or she a part of this Tang Shelter?" White's curiosity was piqued as he tried to match my pace.

"She's part of the Tang Shelter, for sure. That's all I could say. Anyways, you've met her before."

"You mean that girl? Is she really that strong?" White didn't want to believe me. Of course, with that face, blond hair, and blue eyes, anyone would mistake her as one of the gentlest of creatures. When in fact she's a genius. A genius that could best everyone in her generation.

And also, I'll be the judge of how strong she is since I witnessed it first hand. For centuries it had been a common misconception that becoming an infected would actually lower your cultivation but such is not the case. It varies from person to person but the majority would actually just keep their overall cultivation. But there is a one in a million case where a person would actually double their cultivation and rule over the horde. These types of rabid humans are so influential and dominant that no one would be able to overthrow them. Hence the birth of rabid humans that leads a horde. Natalia is one of them. Not only did she not lose her cultivation, she also cultivated more efficiently, making her one of the strongest rabid humans to ever exist. Because of that, no one dared venture into the ruins of the Tang Sect. It's as if it's drilled in her subconscious to stay there as a guardian of the place.

Now that I've reverted her back to being a human, she never lost an ounce of her Qi Energy. Well, she did lose the majority of the virus in her body but the Virus Qi Energy dwelling within her never left her. Until now, she's still subconsciously cultivating the Virus Qi Energy using her Original Qi Core which got used to it. She might not know it but her cultivation is already well above the Dao Realm. She might already be in the Transcendence Realm as well, I'm not sure though, I might have to check it again.

" Master Yongrui! There you are!" Someone called from afar. I immediately recognized the voice belonging to Xiang Xiaoqing. Her face lit up as she waved her hands. I waved back, trying to act as dignified as I could since I'm already her Sect Master

"Master!" Zeng Meihui called out as well. "Is it true that that lady over there is your disciple?"

I nodded. I didn't want to address them longer than possible so I cupped my hands and went my way. "Sorry, but I need to talk to her alone. Can you give us some time?"

Zeng Meihui and Xiang Xiaoqing nodded and didn't speak any further. As for White, he stayed a little distance behind me so as not to disturb what was happening. He was a bit reluctant to go with me so, in the end, he decided to stay back. Not that I mind, however.

From afar, I could see Natalia sitting atop a rock in a graceful manner. She hung her head down, her hair slipping past her nape. I gulped as my face flustered. For the moment I met her, I already knew that she was more prepossessing than most. But right now, she seemed to have matured a little bit... or maybe it was because her cultivation level rose to a level that gave her the smoothest of skin. Before, her skin was already as white as pearl, but now, it seems to glisten under the moonlight, just like the pristine and unblemished ivory with the attributes of a jade. Well... needless to say I missed my chance to call out her name so I slowed my breathing and eased my approach.

"Natalia!" I called out. After mustering all the courage I could. It didn't come out as awkward as I had expected.

When Natalia turned her head around, our eyes connected and I felt like I was drowning. It was the same look she gave me when she approached me that fateful day. I was so mesmerized that my footsteps stopped. It's as if the earth stopped rotating and me along with it.

"Natalai can we " I began but before I could finish what I was saying, she hastily stood up, lifted her skirt, and tottered down the path leading to the center of the Tang Shelter. She glanced a couple of times towards my direction but she didn't pause for a moment. She was keen on escaping my view... making me rethink of my past actions.

Did I do anything wrong? Why did she have to run away like that? Am I displeasing in the eyes? Or maybe there's something in my face?

All those questions filled my head as my feet completely balked. I was trapped in my own inferiority with no idea how to resolve the problem. As far as I know, I did everything for her, even planning to put her in the position of my right hand back then. But right now, she was fleeing from me as if I were the plague itself.

What's going on?

"So, you got rejected huh... and a bad rejection at that." White patted me on the back in consolation.

"I didn't need to hear that from you," I called him out, suppressing myself from clicking my tongue in annoyance.

"You know I'm kidding right?" White chuckled a little bit as he gave me a shove. "Go after her, she's probably just a little confused. You know how it is.. after everything that's happened, do you think she'll easily face you just like that?"

"You're right... " I trailed off.

Maybe she was angry because I didn't come back for her for five years... or maybe she felt betrayed since she guarded the ruins of the Tang Sect even with her life... and I didn't even give her a single thank you. Or maybe I was just an ass back then and I never knew. Whatever the case, I probably did something wrong and the only thing I could do is apologize to her.

That's right, if I want her to be the first person to come with us in the Middle Plane, I should do what I can to understand her... or rather, make her understand me.

"I'm going after her," I told White after steeling my resolve. Frankly, I have no idea what to say to her but I know that I can't hold my apology off. The sooner I'm done with it, the better. That's how it always is.

As I ran forward, trying to figure out what to tell Natalia, I saw White behind me, jerking his thumb upwards as he gave me a reassuring smile. Maybe he was cursing me underneath his breath but I doubt it. White is not that sinister, who knows.

When I got to the center of the Tang Sect, there existed a pavilion on it, just like how it is in the Red Sea Shelter. The only difference was the Pavilion was surrounded by trees with orange leaves. It wasn't that unnatural since we were already approaching the autumn season. But then again, I couldn't fathom just how beautiful the place was. Even though the people are on the brink of extinction, they could still make such a beautiful structure and landscape. As expected of my disciples. I not only taught them how to wield their strength but also how to appreciate beauty.

Don't get ahead of yourself, Yongrui. The only thing you did back then was hide under your cave and give them occasional instructions. Not that your instructions are awful, but you just spend way more time on yourself.

I could see Natalia running up and down the stairways of the Pavilion and I resumed my chase. I don't know why she was running! As each second ticked, I gradually grew more curious. And by now, I really have to know no matter what!

"Natalia!" I called out for the last time as I skipped a few steps on the ladder. By the time we got to the top, Natalia was already peering over the railings, determined to take a leap even though the platform was ten stories high. Her face was pale with shock as she saw me and she immediately decided to take the leap.


<You've learned a new skill>

[Skill: Time Stretch... ]

I didn't read through the description since I was too busy rushing towards Natalia. Time slowed down and I managed to grab her by the hands. "Natalia!" I screamed as I pulled her back to the platform. "Are you okay? Look, whatever I did, I'm sorry. Please tell me what I did wrong and I'll quickly rectify it. If you just run away like that, how would I know what's going on? You're my disciple, and I'm your Sect Master, right?"

Natalia nodded as she covered her face. Tears streamed down her cheeks while she softly whimpered. "I... I'm so sorry, Sect Master... " She wept.

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