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Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Chapter 310: Magneto!

Since Dracula had long expected that the Avengers would choose to fight during the day, he had already mobilized the senior vampire near the Blood Temple in advance.

This allowed Sweetdream to gather all the senior vampires after a short while.

Boom boom boom!

The steel army had begun to attack.

But at this moment, Dracula suddenly laughed madly after seeing his Blood Clan almost reach a million. Hahahaha!

I wonder what these pretentious guys would look like when they saw that these Blood Clan had become fifth-level mutants? Dracula thought drunkenly while spraying out all the power of blood that he had cultivated in one breath!

A violent energy strong enough to make the sun be dyed blood was emitted.

All the Blood Clan on the scene were like ants seeing sugar, turning into bats rushing to absorb the blood energy that could make them laugh and wake up in their dreams!

Even the first-level Blood Clan, drinking the blood of the sixth-level Vampire God, could evolve into a fourth-level vampire.

Whats more, they were all elite Blood Clan members who had at least reached level three at?

It was destined to be a crazy day for them!

Outside the Blood Temple

Captain America was slowly advancing with the steel army.

Professor Xs expression suddenly changed.

Before Dracula released blood power, he used the Vampire Gods power to seal the situation inside the Blood Temple. He couldnt see whats inside.

But now, a burst of blood burst from the Blood Temple.

Even with his mental power, he dared not continue to look inside.

Something extraordinary must have happened inside!

Just when he was about to inform Captain America, they discovered that the sky changed.

The sun in the sky seemed to be blocked by blood mist and became dim.

The Avengers quickly discovered this change, and they looked up to the sky strangely.

Captain America also raised his head, and he felt like a cloud suddenly clouded his heart, but he knew that he would never retreat, so he said to Thor, Thor, use your axe to open the door. We cant drag it anymore!

Thor nodded.

Thors eyes flashed white, his body was entwined with thunder, and raised the axe in anger. He then flew into the sky.

A white light flashed.

Thor turned into thunder, struggling to hack towards the huge gate outside the Blood Temple.


The door that had resisted the beam of the steel army was broken into pieces by Thors lightning.

Thors body faintly revealed the aura of Rules of Thunder.

Obviously, the current God of Thunder had understood the power of Rules of Thunder.

After the impact of the Hela incident, Thor regretted that he was beaten, and finally learned from it painfully for many years.

It had now been declared that he had surpassed Odin and entered the God Level!

Seeing Thors power, the people affected by the blood day regained their confidence.

But at this time, the iron gate that had been blasted by the Thunder God was reorganized on its own. It turned into a huge steel spear about 100 meters long and rushed towards the God of Thunder.

The spear broke all the Iron Man armor on its wake. The pieces gathered together and were sucked into a hole in the gate.

Inside the black hole, a domineering man wearing a helmet floated.

At this moment, there was no breath of life around him. He calmly observed the thousands of armor around him.

His face even showed a hint of sarcasm.

What Thor Axe?

Aerospace carrier?

Iron Man Army?

In his eyes, everything was a joke!

As long as there was him guarding the door, the gate would not open.

Eric! seeing the domineering man at the entrance of the cave, Professor X yelled hysterically.

Eric! Are you crazy? Why are you helping these monsters?

However, Magneto raised his hands, as if he hadnt heard him at all.

Today, he must let everyone know what a terrible ability magnetic field manipulation was.


The Earth began to shake, and the core of the earth 3,000 kilometers away from everyones feet suddenly seemed to be activated.

The violent magnetic vibration was like the roar of the earth.

In an instant, all the armors declared a short circuit.

The giant propeller of the aerospace carrier also stopped rotating.

All electronic devices staying in the sky fell to the ground one after another!

Bang bang bang!

Looking at the steel army falling to the ground like a meteor shower, Tony, who floated using the armor, felt that his heart was bleeding!

I must make an Anti-Magneto Armor. We are not finished yet, Magneto! I will take revenge for this

Looking at the aircraft carrier that turned into the most tragic firework in the world, Nick Fury opened the parachute and floated in the air.

Go to Nimas space dream!

With Magneto, a madman, can human beings really break out of the earth?

Why do the gods give lunatics such an ability? Its not fair

Captain America never expected to encounter this situation.

Their ace against the Blood Clan turned into a joke in an instant.

Who will stop this lunatic!

Captain Americas angry lips trembled, and he was about to throw his shield but took it back in embarrassment.

No way. Vibranium alloy shields were also made of steel!

Magneto! Thor shouted.

He swore that he had never hated people so much in his life. If there was any, Thanos who killed his brother was the only one.

Today, Magnetos name must be written on this list of enemies.

The furious Thor threw his axe, and then flew towards Magneto like a bolt of lightning. Thors speed had exceeded the limit, reaching the speed of light.

The speed of the physical gods could not be deflected by Magneto.

Just when Thor looked at Magneto, who hadnt reacted, he thought that he could kill him. However, a blood-colored figure greeted him like another black lightning.

The light and shadow met, and Thors advance stopped abruptly.

You seem to forget about me?

After a cold greeting, Thors fist was held by Dracula.

It looked like things were going to be difficult.

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