I Can Make Everything Level UP

Chapter 544 Surveilance (4)

Chapter 544 Surveilance (4)

   Although Billy joked about it, perhaps it would be fun to create a magic suit that was simpler, and that could be used most of the time. However, that was also an idea for the future… As of now, Billy had too many things to do, and he couldn't ignore his plate.

   In any case, Billy quickly made a simple one since he only needed a tube and some magnifying glasses. He made one of those a long time ago in a school project, so he knew what he had to do. Moreover, he could quickly improve it with his magic…

  "While this one doesn't have the features that I want, it will help you check the path ahead," Billy said and then gave the prototype to Icarus. "Its range should be a couple of dozen kilometers."

  "You made it in less than five minutes…" Icarus said and then sighed. "Wouldn't you make a lot of money if you mass-produced this kind of thing?"

  "I don't need money, and I also don't want to create something that might become a scope that will eventually give birth to the creation of rifles," Billy said.

  "You sure are a worrywart," Icarus said. "I thought that you didn't care about anything else aside from your family, but it seems that you are considering a lot of things with your actions."

  "If I weren't, I wouldn't have accomplished half of what I had, and I also wouldn't have half of what I have now," Billy said. "I thought that I wasn't the only one living my life with caution in order to use all the granted, but I guess I was wrong."

   Lucyna didn't have many opportunities in her second life since she lost a lot before she could obtain any real power, but things were different for Icarus. Still, no one knew his past well to confirm that.

  "For how long are we going to keep just scouting that continent?" Lucyna asked. "We should look for the necromancer and deal with them before they realize that we found their home."

  "While they damaged our reputation and caused problems to us, we can't say for certain if they are an enemy," Billy said. "They didn't attack us directly. They only got the relics of the precious reincarnated… With that in mind, we need to do more research and find more clues about them before launching a possible attack. We also need to confirm if the necromancer has allies. How many zombies and skeletons they have and things like that before devising an attack plan."

   That seemed like a pain… Lucyna liked when life was more simple. Chase her enemies and then kill them at the first opportunity.

  "That being said, you can go with Icarus and do whatever you want there. It isn't like our alliance forces each of us to work together no matter what," Billy said when he saw the impatience in Lucyna's eyes.

   Lucyna wondered what she should do… While Billy wasn't the type that complained a lot, it was clear that he wasn't exactly patient with those that acted impulsively. Icarus and Lucyna already tried to pull one on him when they tried to defeat the summoner by themselves, so something like that repeating itself would probably be the last straw. Billy wanted to work with them, but he wasn't desperate enough to keep ignoring such blunders.

  "I am going to help Icarus on scouting, but we aren't going to fight anyone there, at least not yet or if the situation forces us to do so," Lucyna said. "You have my word."

  "I don't really need your word for anything, but you can do as you see fit," Billy said and then shrugged.

   Billy wasn't the one to tell, but he was pretty sure that it was only a matter of time before those two together did something stupid. He almost felt like sighing… Was he a control freak? He couldn't see many points in keeping working with those two. While they can be useful from time to time, he was starting to feel that it wasn't worth the headache to keep going like that. He truly had to finish one of the armors for himself and then make one for his friends as well. They had been working together for decades, so he had a lot more trust in them…

   In any case, Billy gave more memory crystals to Icarus, and then those two left again. Icarus wasn't against the idea of having someone to watch his back. In fact, he seemed pretty happy about it.

   Over the next few days, while working on the armor, Billy recalled what he saw on the memory crystals. It was soon to say if the people of the other continent had more advanced technology. Still, when it came to magic and strength, it was almost certain that they were on a whole new level. In most situations, it would be beneficial to contact them and make an alliance. Billy was someone who liked to learn new things, after all. However, considering that the tribes there were fighting one another, it was too risky to have too much contact.

  "If the necromancer decided to gather strength in our continent, others might think the same, and they won't be that careful," Billy thought. "Based on what we saw, the demi-humans are violent in nature… at least the ones who keep attacking and destroying villages. Some pacific ones must exist, but they must be a minority since they would be easy targets for the others."

   In any case, Billy was almost finished with the second armor, so he would have the chance to check things by himself soon enough. He added enough features to keep himself hidden and undetectable in most circumstances, and he also improved the speed of the armor a bit in order for his travels to only work for a few days as well. Once he finished that, it was time to check the new continent.

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