I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement

Chapter 105 - 105 At Crunch Time

105 At Crunch Time

It turned out that the giant zombie had taken advantage of the brief moment before Angelica fired her shot and hit her body with the metal hammer in its hand.

Then, Angelica realized she could no longer control Alice’s body in the game.

“What’s going on? Why can’t I move?”

Angelica was caught off guard by the situation and couldn’t react until she saw the reminder in the comments…

[Host, are you a pig? Didn’t you notice that you have changed to the third-person view?!]

[Angelica, you’re so stupid. Alice has been knocked unconscious by the hammer just now, so you can’t continue to control her body!]

[The host is foolish and naive. After being attacked so heavily just now, it would be a miracle if nothing happened to Alice!]

After reading the comments, Angelica looked around and found that Alice was unconscious on the ground with her eyes closed.

The giant zombie with the giant axe was slowly walking towards her. It had already raised the giant axe in its hand and was ready to cut Alice’s body in half.

At this point, Angelica had completely given up on resisting because there was nothing she could do, even if she didn’t give up. She had lost control of Alice’s body and couldn’t fight her fate of certain death.

However, suddenly, a few consecutive gunshots jolted Angelica.

Angelica said excitedly, “It’s Claire! Claire hasn’t entered the tunnel just now. She’s helping me buy time!”

After that, Angelica tried hard to regain control of Alice’s body, hoping she could return to the game as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, the giant zombie was attacked by Claire and had already started to chase after her for a counterattack.

Claire kept fighting the giant zombie in the bathroom, trying to buy more time.

Unfortunately, the giant zombie was too strong. No matter where Claire hid, the giant zombie could kill her with one swing of its axe.

Seeing the scene, the viewers all felt that it was a pity.

[Sigh, Claire is courageous and didn’t abandon Angelica, but with their strength, they would be wiped out by the giant zombie!]

[It’s such a pity. Angelica was so cool before, but she still fell at the hands of the giant zombie!]

[By the way, don’t you guys think that the giant zombie is too strong? It is simply unreasonable! Unless Angelica can still use her powers!]

[I also think Zombie Apocalypse IV is too difficult. Su Ping, can you consider adding the superpower back if you’re watching the live stream?]

In the game, Claire successfully dodged the giant zombie’s attack with a slide and slid under the giant zombie’s body.

Claire also used her scattergun to hit the giant zombie’s body.

The powerful impact of the scattergun directly knocked the giant zombie to the ground, and the giant zombie fell!

The scene shocked the millions of viewers in the live stream room, but before they cheered…

The giant zombie slowly got up from the ground. Claire thought she had taken care of this terrifying enemy and was now facing Angelica…

At this moment, the giant zombie’s axe was swinging at Claire extremely fast. Claire’s fate was already foreseeable.

[Damn! Claire is going to be dead!]

[What a pity. If Claire gets hit by the axe’s sharp side, she won’t have any chance of survival!]

[You still expect that she will survive being chopped in two?!]

[Where’s the host? Host, hurry up and wake up to save her!]

[Host, stop sleeping. The giant zombie will kill your teammates if you continue sleeping!]

The viewers were so anxious that they kept urging Angelica to stand up and fight the zombie as soon as possible.

Perhaps it was the setting of the plot or the viewers’ shouts that had an effect.

Angelica recognized that she had taken back control of Alice’s body at this crucial moment, which indicated that Alice had awakened!

Angelica thought, “Wow, as expected of Alice to wake up now! With such physical fitness, wouldn’t she be able to win the world championships in reality?”

As Angelica regained her ability to move, she pounced on Claire and pushed her to the ground.

Meanwhile, the giant zombie’s axe approached and flew past the two of them.

The scene made everyone watching the live stream feel their scalps go numb. Just a little more, and Claire would’ve been cut in half!

If Angelica had been a little slower in saving Claire, it would have been a buy-one-free one, and the two of them would have died together!

[Phew! Luckily, Angelica woke up in time. Otherwise, they will be doomed!]

[As expected of Angelica, I knew you could do it!]

[I remember seeing someone mocking Angelica just now. Why can they change their attitude so quickly?]

[Fuck! Zombie Apocalypse IV is even more exciting than World War Z. The axe that swung at them just now gave me goosebumps!]

[Haha! Me too! Although I’m facing the computer screen, I feel like a gust of wind is blowing across my body. I feel chills down my spine!]

Finally, Angelica and Claire were out of danger, and the viewers sighed in relief.

As Angelica and Claire had used a lot of strength to attack the giant zombie, it was in a state of stiffness after the attack.

Taking advantage of the perfect opportunity, Angelica quickly picked up the two scatterguns the giant zombie had knocked to the ground.

Angelica immediately aimed at the giant zombie’s head and fired two shots!

The two guns were loaded with special bullets made by Angelica. The bullets weren’t made of regular metal bullets but of countless coins!

Hence, no matter how big the giant zombie’s head was, it was instantly blown apart when the two bullets were fired.

At this point, there was no way the headless giant zombie could be resurrected!

Finally, the thrilling battle ended with Angelica’s victory!

Although the battle ended abruptly, the viewers believed it was because of Angelica’s precise shooting.

Moreover, Angelica had experienced many dangerous situations, so naturally, no one would say anything. The viewers also acknowledged the difficulty of Zombie Apocalypse IV.

After killing the giant zombie, Angelica and Claire could finally enter the tunnel to look for Chris and the others.

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