I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 3: Chapter 6: Part 4

Book 3: Chapter 6: Part 4

Heres the chapter, enjoy~

Part 4

Staring at Yuuya after he left, Reinhardt opened his mouth.

Even so [Japan], huh

Um, Guildmaster. So, even the Guildmaster hasnt heard of it?

The receptionist looked at Reinhardt in surprise, but it was related to Reinhardts achievements. Ever since he was young, Reinhardt has been traveling around the world, opening up sales channels for rare ingredients and foodstuffs one after another, and creating specialty products for poor villages to enrich them.

Having traveled to many countries and reached the position of guild master of the merchants guild now, Reinhardt was surprised to learn that there were countries that he didnt know about.

Yeah. But the guild card did indeed state that. In other words, hes not lying.

Although it hadnt been explained to Yuuya, lying on the guild card was not allowed.

For this reason, it was common for them not to lie about information that they didnt want to be known, but rather not to include it from the beginning. But, if there were something hidden, it would have not a small impact on the merchants who put trust first, so not many people would hide it.

However, it was surprising to see that Yuuya, who looked to be having special circumstances no matter how one looked at it, had sent out a neatly written statement without leaving it blank. And there doesnt seem to be a single lie in that description, which makes Reinhardt snort.

Anyway as well as this pepper, what kind of technology does it take to make a glass bottle that is so transparent?

With the other worlds technological power, many glass bottles were contaminated with distortions and impurities, so the clear glass bottles Yuuya left behind were impossible to find.

This one bottle is going to be bought by all the nobles.

Eh? I-is that so?

Many noblemen like to be seen as fancy. And they show off their familys wealth by collecting and displaying rare items.

Huh I dont understand them at all.

Dont worry. I am still not sure what a nobleman would think.

Reinhardt, who smiled bitterly at the honest receptionists reaction, looked at the glass bottle again.

Hmm I guess I could have recommended an auction for this. Well, this time, it seemed like they wanted money right now, including registration, but

Thats right.

If its an auction, the pepper will be twice as much as this purchase. Since its a good time, Ill let him know if he stops by this guild again next time.

The receptionist nodded at Reinhardts words and went straight back to her duties.

Lets keep an eye on his movements. Lets keep an eye on what hes up to and hope that it will benefit us. The day may come when he will change the economy of this world.

Then Reinhardt muttered a small word and went back to work as well.

As I walked out of the merchants guild and walked up to the rear gates boarding carriage, I saw a lot of people I never see on Earth, such as people with beast ears like I saw at the main gate and a short, muscular man who is as tall as a child.

I enjoyed looking at the buildings atmosphere and people in the surrounding area with the feeling like I was a complete country person.

What a beautiful place it is even more so than I imagined.



There are things like street trees and flower beds, and the whole place looks clean. I thought the atmosphere was on the civilization level of medieval Europe or so, so I had a prejudice that the streets were very dirty.

As I recall, I think Ive learned that in the history of the earth, feces and urine were everywhere around that time. But in this city, I dont feel that way. The air doesnt seem to have a strange smell mixed in with it, and it must be really clean. Rather, the air is cleaner than Japan, where the level of civilization is advanced.

Well, I know the air is clean because there is no exhaust gas or anything like that. But its still strange. Is the water and sewage system maintained? As I walked around with that thought in mind, I noticed a small light flying around the city.


The light had colors such as red and blue, and although they were few in number, there were black and gold colors flying around as well. The colored lights were gathering in large numbers in the street trees and flowerbeds, and they looked like they were somehow dancing.

Hey, whats that thing?



I asked Night and Akatsuki, but they didnt seem to know what I was referring to for some reason.

Huh? Cant you see them? You see, there are a lot of them gathered at that street tree and other places


Fugo. Fugo fugo.

Night squealed apologetically in response to my question, and Akatsuki shook his head as if to say, What are you talking about? E-eeh?

I rubbed my eyes and looked again, thinking it was an optical illusion, but the ball of light is still there. I looked around to see if the people around me could see it as well, but no one was paying attention to the ball of light.

Being curious, I activated my [Identification] skill towards the green ball of light that was nearby. Then, it was displayed as [Wood Spirit], and the other red spheres of light were [Fire Spirit] and so on, and anyway, I knew that the sphere of light was a spirit being. However, for some reason, the skill display that always appears doesnt appear, but why is that?

Hmm its a spirit that doesnt exist in Japan, or rather, I have never seen it, but maybe its so normal in this world that I dont pay attention to it, or perhaps Im really the only one who can see it

Probably because its so common, they dont care about it. In fact, the spirits dont seem to be approaching humans, and it probably doesnt affect them. After convincing myself that it was appropriate, we started walking again.

After a while, we came to a large plaza. There was a large fountain, several benches, and some sort of food stalls around it. In the square, some people are eating food that may have been bought from that stall, and children are playing happily, this may be the citys recreational area.

We didnt have enough time to do a solid tour of the city, but we arrived at our destination as we walked around the beautiful city.

Is this the rideshare boarding area that Reinhardt-san and the others mentioned?

There is a gathering of what looks like a riding carriage, a strong-looking man with armor and swords at his waist, and a group of people dressed normally, just like me. As soon as I approached the carriage, the man who was looking after the horses noticed me.

Oh, Welco a nobleman!?

No, Im not!

The man looked at me and said I was a nobleman, and I immediately denied it. Why is it that they think Im a nobleman like that?

Um why do you think Im a nobleman?

When I asked that question to the man, he gave me a puzzled look.

Its because you you are wearing such an expensive outfit, and the way you behave gives you an air of elegance. Thats why I thought you were a nobleman trying to travel incognito.

Apparently, it was because of my clothes and such. I-I see it seems normal clothing and behavior on Earth would make me look like a nobleman here.

Well, thats fine um, you are the coachman, right?

T-thats right, but do you perhaps want to ride in this carriage?

Ah, yes. Is it available?

Ah, it is.

Thank goodness Ah, and can these boys come along for the ride?



When Night and Akatsuki raised their paws in greeting, the coachman-sans eyes widened for a moment, but he immediately smiled.

Theyre quite lovely fellows, arent they? As long as they dont go on a rampage, that wont be a problem.

Thank you!

Well, I forgot all about it until we got here, but there was a possibility that Night and Akatsuki might not get a ride.

Here, get in. Were leaving now.

When the coachman-san urged me to get into the carriage, there were people sitting side by side who were going to the royal capital just like me.

I took a seat at the very edge among them, and the carriage slowly started to move.

The royal capital, huh what a place it will be, I cant wait to see it.



Listening to Night and Akatsukis replies, we were heading to the royal capital.

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