I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 4: Chapter 1: Part 1

Book 4: Chapter 1: Part 1

Im sorry to my dear patrons and readers, I just got back from training and business tripm so thats why I wasnt able to deliver the chapters as usual. Im sorry for the inconveniences, and thank you for your patient. Thanks for the Patrons for bringing us another chapter for today, but rest assured, there will be more to come for this week, enjoy~

Chapter 1 The Adventurers Guild

Part 1

IYuuya Tenjou, who had come to the royal capital of the Alceria Kingdom to meet with Lexia-sans father, King Arnold-sama, and had an audience with him. At that time, I gave Lexia-san a [Paradise Futon] as a souvenir, but it seems that giving bedding to the opposite sex means a marriage proposal in this world, and I made Arnold-sama angry.

I was in a panic just to offend the king, Arnold-sama, but then suddenly, an attacker came in during the audience. Moreover, the attacker used some suspicious tools and blocked the magic of Arnold-samas personal guards.

Furthermore, it seemed that they had deployed what looked like a barrier during the audience, and it was impossible to expect the support of the guards. I dont know why, but those attackers attacked not only Arnold-sama, but also Lexia-san and the others, and the battle began.

I was completely out of the picture, and in order to settle the situation, I defeated the attackers, but one of the attackers apparently possessed something that had the emblem of the prince of this country on it, and it turned out that this attack was all planned by that prince.

When Arnold-sama learned of this fact, he went back to his room, and Owen-san asked me to help resolve the ruckus and that was to escort Lexia-san. Of course, I accepted it.

All of the soldiers are also busy moving around the castle to take that prince into custody, but I cant just walk around without a second thought as a stranger. It would be a disaster if this makes them suspect me too.

Then, when I was wondering what I could do, Lexia-san suggested to me.

Then why dont we take a tour of this royal capital?


Lexia-sans eyes lit up when she unexpectedly returned the suggestion with a bare minimum of thought.

Yuuya-sama has come to this city and hasnt gone anywhere yet, right? So Im going to show you around!

Hey, Lexia. You think you can do that in this situation?

Although Luna, the former assassin, said something plausible while dismayed by Lexia-sans words, Lexia-sans attitude remained the same.

Ara, its fine. Theres nothing to do here; in fact, wed rather become a hindrance, wouldnt we?

Its not up to you to decide whether well be a hindrance or not; its the countrys soldiers.

Then, Ill ask. Owen, do you mind if I show Yuuya-sama around?

Lexia-san immediately asked Owen-san, who was guarding her nearby, but Owen-san held his head as if to suppress a headache.

Lexia-sama as Luna has said, why did you think that would be acceptable in this situation

I didnt say anything so strange, did I? Because the mastermind of this attack is. well, you know, my brother.

The fact that her own brother, the prince, had tried to kill her made Lexia-san look sad.

So, if it turns out that my brother is the culprit, of course, the people around him will be wary, right? Im sure even my brother knew that. And Im pretty sure he planned to kill me after the attack. If they failed to do so, the difficulty of killing me would be much greater. But that didnt happen because of Yuuya-samas contribution. Moreover, the worst thing that could happen is that they found out that the culprit was my brother. So theres no more time left for my brother. Even if he wanted to do something from here, he wouldnt have enough people to do it And it hasnt even been a day since the attack, so even if he wanted to gather people from the outside, that would be impossible in this high state of alert, right?


Isnt it easier now? I hardly need to worry about the assassins from my brother. He cant even send out subordinates or assassins to gather information. If he does that, and those men follow me, well know where my brother is in one shot. So even if I went out here, my brother wouldnt have any information that I had gone out. If so, dont you think its safer to stay outside than inside the castle, where assassins will be sent to kill me as my brothers last pawns?

Lexia-sama you just want to go out, after all, dont you?

Isnt it obvious?

Without seeming to be offended, Lexia-san replied with pride. No, is that okay?

Dont you want to take a tour of the city too, Yuuya-sama?

Thats well.

I mean, Ive come all this way. Id like to do some sightseeing, too.

You know? And thats why Im here.

Then it would be better if only Lexia stayed in the castle. Ill guide Yuuya myself.


Then suddenly, Luna interrupted Lexia-sans words.

For whatever reason, it would be bad for the royalty to leave the castle so easily, wouldnt it? Besides, no matter how unlikely it is that assassins will be sent out, it should be safer inside the castle where many soldiers are on alert. Therefore, Lexia should feel safe and secure staying in the castle.

I wont stand for this. Youre my bodyguard!

Couldnt Owen here be your bodyguard?

Kiiiii! I wont accept that! Or rather, Luna just wants to be alone with Yuuya-sama, right?

T-thats not true. This is a respectable job, yeah.

Youre lying!


Im completely out of the picture, and Lexia-san and Luna are getting more and more heated up before I could speak.


Well then, if I guide Yuuya-dono, and Luna and Lexia-sama wait in the castle, everything will be fine, right?


Owen-sans suggestion was exactly what I was thinking too, but it was rejected by the two of them, who were in perfect sync with each other. No, it was either in a good or a bad way.

However, the rejected Owen-san also seemed to have expected it to happen and let out a long sigh.

Haaahhh I understand. Then, Lexia-sama, Luna, and I will guide Yuuya-dono.

Owen, we dont need you.

This is non-negotiable. I am Lexia-samas bodyguard. Even if Luna is present, that will not change.


Besides, Ill be escorting you from a little distance. Luna will be by Lexia-samas side, so Ill be guarding from the surrounding area. Is that okay with you?

Then, well I dont really need to, but I allow it.

It cant be helped. Ill allow it, too.

Its strange I am definitely more experienced than you as a guard; why do you have to look down on me?

The cold attitude of the two of them made Owen-san hold his head as if he was tired. Really, thank you for your efforts.

Well then, Yuuya-sama, lets go right away!

Lexia-san pulled my arm, and we went straight to the royal capital.

Yuuya-sama! Come on, lets go to that jewelry store!

Yuuya. Instead of the jewelry store, lets go to the blacksmiths shop over there.


Although I went out to the royal capital, I didnt have any particular place in mind that I wanted to go. I completely left it up to Lexia-san and Luna, but as a result of that, the two of them said where they each wanted to go, and I was in trouble.

First of all, I dont even know the value of things when I go to the jewelry store, and most importantly, I dont have the money to buy something as expensive as jewelry No, I guess I could just sell the pepper or something else again.

And about the blacksmith, for now, Im satisfied enough with sage-sans weapons and Bloody Ogres drop items, the [Bloody War Demon Series] By the way, Owen-san is escorting us from a distance, so I cant even get him to do something about this situation.

Furthermore, since Lexia-san and Luna took both my arms and entwined them with each other, I can feel the touch of their breasts on my two arms! Besides, Im trying to get rid of consciousness from that feeling, so I cant stop the two of them from arguing even more, and its really chaotic.

The two of them are walking down the capital streets, with me between them, while arguing, and as one would expect from such a noisy city, people are starting to pay attention to us. They dont come to stare at us directly, but rather they come to glance at us stealthily.

H-hey is that guy a nobleman from somewhere?

Maybe but the way he dresses, and the way he acts, is very elegant.

Kuh! Having two such beautiful women on the side! Damn it!

As expected of such a face. Or is it because of money? I guess its both, huh?

Although I can feel the stealthy gaze, I dont feel any killing intent mixed in with the gaze, so I dont have to worry too much about it. If there were a gaze that looked dangerous, Owen-san would notice it, and most importantly, theres no way Night would miss it. This time as well, Night was the first to notice the attack on Arnold-sama. As for Akatsuki Well, yeah.

However, I noticed here that even though the princess, Lexia-san, was walking around the city, no one seemed to have noticed, and there was no one who came to observe her in a special way. This is because in case she was going out into the city, Lexia-san had changed out of her dress, and now she was dressed in a simple outfit, just like the people in the city.

Nevertheless, the clothes themselves are shiny, and if one looks closely, one can see that they are made of good materials, not the stiff clothes that everyone else wears. The reason why shes dressed like a commoner like this is what the high-status people called walking incognito. I have seen something like this in the movie Roman Holiday, and surprisingly, no one has found out so far, and it seems Lexia-san has often walked incognito in a city like this.

As they made a bit of noise, I bowed lightly to the surroundings and noticed a certain building. A sign with a sword and shield was posted on the front, and the wooden structure of that building resembled a merchants guild building.

Perhaps because of the western doors, the smell inside the building drifted up to me, and it smelled a bit like alcohol. Is it a tavern? Its an odd sign for that

As I was looking at the building, Luna noticed it and told me.

Whats wrong? What is it, Yuuya? Are you interested in being an adventurer?


Yes. The building youre looking at is the adventurers guild.


So this is the adventurers guild. To be honest, I dont know what kind of organization it is. It was easy to understand that the merchant guild was a guild for merchants, but as for adventurers, its hard for me to imagine, and I dont really understand what kind of profession that is. When I first invited Lexia-san and the others to my house, it was briefly explained to me about them, but the only thing I understood was that they were slaying monsters and such.

While I was looking at the building with interest, Luna asked me.

Do you want to go there?

Well, Im interested to know. On the way to this royal capital, I did register with the merchant guild. However, Im rather better at fighting monsters than doing business

Its not that I dont like to fight, and the reason I fight monsters is also meant to train and gain the strength needed to survive in this world in a sense, but either way, it can be said that Im better at fighting monsters than working as a merchant.

Then hearing my words, for some reason, Luna and Lexia-san make a delicate expression.

What kind of joke is it that a person who lives in that Great Devils Nest is rather better at fighting monsters?

Yuuya-sama in Yuuya-samas caliber, if you say youre a little good at fighting, its indeed a pity for the others


Is that so? My only experience of fighting against people is the attack in the audience room and the one with Luna before that, and I dont think my personality is suited for combat in the first place.

I fight to get stronger for the sake of survival, and I dont find any joy in fighting itself. If possible, Id rather spend my time living comfortably with Night and Akatsuki. In addition, Im currently training under Master Usagi, and I still have a lot of work to do in terms of combat using magic.

Well, its okay. Now that were here, why dont you also register as an adventurer?

Is that so?

The merchant guilds guild card is useful enough as identification, but if you want to trade monster materials or accept requests for a little bit of extra money, the adventurers guild is easier. Basically, the adventurers are doing as they please.

I see

Nodding at Lunas explanation, Lexia-sans eyes lit up, and she agreed.

Thats okay, then! I can see Yuuya-sama in action as an adventurer!

No, I havent even registered yet

I dont think I can be that useful. For my part, if Im going to take a request, I want something that isnt too dangerous.

Fumu then Ill register with Yuuya. That way, Yuuya and I can take the request together!

Eh, wait. No way! You cant, Luna!

Why not?

Youre my bodyguard!

But that doesnt mean were going to be together all the time, does it? Because Id like to have other ways to make money, too.

Luna tells Lexia-san that and then turns to me.

Come on, Yuuya, lets just get the registration over with, shall we?

Please waiiittttt!

Luna put on a victorious expression and entered the adventurers guild building, dragging Lexia-san, who was trying to keep her back, with her. I looked away from it, appalled, and turned my gaze to Night and Akatsuki.

Shall we go too?



A little later, we opened the western door and went in, and there was, as expected, a tavern-like area on the right as we entered, with some men and women talking and drinking what appeared to be alcohol.

At the front was what appeared to be a reception area, where people with armor and weapons were going through some sort of procedure. There is a large bulletin board to the left, and papers have been pasted up.

The moment I entered, I felt a lot of eyes on me. Its as if those eyes are assessing my quality; maybe they measure something like my ability. Could it be that they are looking at me with the [Appraisal] skill? But since Im hiding my status with the [Concealment] skill, I think its okay Maybe.

While receiving such a gaze, I was unintentionally impressed by the different atmosphere from the merchants guild. As I was looking around, I was approached by Luna and the others who had entered before me.

Hey, Yuuya. This way.

LikeIsaid! Luna, you cant register for that! You hear me?

Come on; well register together.

Listen to meeeee!

Without looking at Lexia-san at all, Luna smiles as she says that to me. As I approached her while twitching my cheeks at her sight, I suddenly noticed that Owen-san was not here.

Huh? Is Owen-san staying outside?

Hmm? Oh, that knight is probably waiting outside. The adventurers and the knights are the complete opposite in nature. The knights who keep discipline and the adventurers who seek freedom. Well, more than that, if he were here, he would stand out.

Eh, but is that okay? Will Lexia-sans protection be okay?

Im good enough to escort her on my own. No problem.

Yes, yes! There is a problem! The problem is that you arent allowed to register!

So, lets register.

Stop ignoring me!

At first, the relationship between the assassin and the assassinations target was complicated, but now they seem to be on good terms with each other. Thats good. Anyway, making too much noise would bother the people around us, so we headed to the empty reception desk.

There was a woman at the reception desk dressed in a brown outfit that looked like a uniform, with red eyes and beautiful blonde hair tied up in one piece.

Excuse me; wed like to register

Eh? Y-yes! Registration isnt it! Um, the one who is registering is

Me and


You cant!

Luna admonishes Lexia-san, who still continues to say that even though shes already arrived at the reception desk as if she was dumbfounded.

You know what give up for goodness sake. As I said before, Im not guarding you at all times. Or is there something else? Are you saying you wont even give me a day off?

I-its not like that, but

Besides, being an escort alone will slow me down. Its convenient for me to be an adventurer to prevent that from happening. Of course, I would like to take the request with Yuuya, but Im sure Yuuya will be busy, so we wont be able to take it together so easily.


After hearing Lunas words, Lexia-san looks at me but what should I say? As far as Im concerned, I couldnt say anything, so I didnt say anything I turned my gaze to Luna in confusion, and she glared at me as if to say, Just nod off. W-whats that

Well the reason I was able to come to the royal capital like this is that I had a little time to spare, and what Luna is saying is correct. Even after the current commotion is over, I have to leave immediately

I see

Lexia-san found out that I dont receive requests with Luna very often, and for some reason, she seemed relieved. Still, when she heard that I had to leave immediately after the current commotion was taken care of, her expression became cloudy again. These are the only things Im a high school student, anyway.


Ah, Im sorry! Its going to be me and this lady who is registering, please.

I hurriedly told the receptionist, who watched our exchange with bewilderment, and the receptionist nodded once and took out two sheets of paper. That paper, just like the merchants guild registration, seemed strangely coarse and difficult to write on. If this paper is so mainstream, maybe I can sell some copy paper or something.

Then the two of you should fill out this form.

Yes oh, by the way, what do you think of these boys? Theyre indeed monsters, but do they need to be registered, too?



I take Night and Akatsuki in my arms and show them to the receptionist. Actually, can Night and Akatsuki be considered as monsters? Theyre so much smarter than the monsters Ive fought so far, and when it came to Akatsuki, there was no hostility or harm from the start

Then the receptionist looked at them in a bit of surprise but laughed gently.

No, youre the only one who needs to register.

Okay, thank you.

While thanking the receptionist, I was about to fill out the paper that was handed to me when I realized that the contents were similar to what I had written in the merchant guild.

However, perhaps because of the dangerous job of being an adventurer, Im supposed to write down the weapons and magic attributes that I can use and so on. Do they look at compatibility with the request or something? However

I had to get my head around the magic attributes I could use.

Magic attributes? Isnt magic something you can do with most things if you have imagination and magical power? Sage-sans book said that imagination and magic power were important, but he didnt specifically mention attributes.

In fact, this method was also used to teach Usagi-san, so Usagi-san can use a variety of magic without being bound by the attributes. However, the magic that can be used depends on the amount of magical power, and imagination

And thanks to the magic circuit I inherited from sage-san, I can use magic without having to think about it. Im also increasing my magic power by leveling up. Its really various, sage-san.

But when I looked at the section of this form, it seems that the magic attributes are common knowledge. Ah the discrepancy between common sense and the sage-san himself is something that was worried about.

In other words, if I try to write all the attributes here, its going to be a big deal. In that case lets write something safe.

For now, I think water, fire, and wind I think that if there is a space attribute since I use teleportation magic, that will fall under this category as well, but I think thats just as important as writing all attributes. Lexia-san has told me that I shouldnt tell anyone about the teleportation magic. Its definitely not a good idea to let people know.

By the way, the reason why I chose water, fire, and wind is that its a magic that is inconspicuous and yet often used. You can use fire when youre camping out, and water is also useful when youre thirsty and can be drunk right away. And with water, you can use it in the forest without having to worry about your surroundings.

Also, the wind is invisible, which is very useful when attacking.

When I was filling out the form, my hand stopped at a certain column.

Um, whats this [Amount of Magic Power Possessed] category?

I tilted my head at the unfamiliar words and asked the receptionist, who was kind enough to tell me.

Yes. The column there is for you two to fill in the amount of magic power you both have. There are some requests for which a higher amount of magic power is recommended, so

I see

But what should I write? Is the amount of magic power I have supposed to be the number in my stats magic power column?

As I was thinking this, the receptionist took out a clear crystal from under the desk.

Then, I will use this crystal to measure your magic power level.

Um, arent those magic power numbers in status?

Although that is the amount of magic, adventurers basically hide their private parts in their own hands. Thats why this crystal is a magic tool that changes color depending on the amount of magic power, so it can hide detailed numbers and other details.

The measurement seemed to start with Luna first, and Luna placed her hand on the crystal. Then the crystal glowed yellow.

Yes, customer-san magic power is yellow.

Well, Im not very good at magic, anyway.

Luna doesnt seem particularly bothered by this, but how much is yellow?

Then, please.

I knew that the colors would tell the difference, but I had no idea what color was good and what color was bad. I was going to ask, but it was already prepared, so I put my hand on the crystal for now.



The crystal shattered. Theres an indescribable silence between us.

Wait a minute. Its broken, but was it my fault? Eh, could it be that I have to pay for it? To be honest, I dont understand the situation at all, but no matter how I look at it, it was probably my fault that the crystal was broken.

In that case, I should have to pay for it, but i-its bad! Will the money I have now be enough?

Just as I wondered if I had to sell the pepper again, the receptionist immediately came to her senses.

I-its surprising I didnt expect you to have enough magic power to break this crystal

When the receptionist said that with a quiver in her voice, Luna was taken aback.

Hah I didnt expect it to end normally since its Yuuya, but its really unexpected

Yuuya-sama, thats amazing! To break a [Magic Crystal] that is said to be impossible unless youre a legendary elf!

For some reason, Lexia-sans eyes sparkled even though I had broken the crystal, and the receptionist didnt seem to be angry at me.

Eh? U-um what about the reimbursement?

The receptionist smiles and shakes her head when I asked that fearfully.

No, its fine. I can see that it wasnt intentional

T-thank goodness! Apparently, I dont have to pay any reimbursement.

Even so, its amazing. Ive never seen someone break the crystal before

As I was relieved from the bottom of my heart, the receptionist said that to me while tightening her cheeks a little. It seems I dont have to pay for it, but apparently, Im a little out of the ordinary. No, I just put my hand on the crystal, and she said theres nothing she can do about

Despite the accident, I finished filling out the other sections with a quill pen that Im not used to and handed the paper to the receptionist. Then, just before I finished writing, Luna also seemed to have finished writing and handed the paper to the receptionist.

Its done.

Yes you must be Luna-sama. The entry itself is fine here. Just one thing Id like to confirm, is there anything else you can use other than the Thread in the Weapons to Use section here?

Hmm? Whats the problem with the thread?

No, theres nothing wrong with filling out the form itself, but the Thread weapon itself is so rare that if I were to appoint a request to Luna-sama, it would be difficult to make sure it was appropriate for Luna-sama.

I see Im sorry to say, but I cant use much of a weapon other than that Thread. If I had to say anything, Id say its only martial arts and dagger well, the Thread is very applicable. Im sure you wont make a big mistake, whether its a designated request or not. Besides, theres no rule that says you must accept a request just because its a designation request, right?

Yes, I suppose so. Of course, if the request is urgent, or if its a request that has to do with the survival of the country, it would be difficult to refuse

In that case, its not even a question of saying no or refusing, is it?


Then, I have no problem. If its too much for me, I wont take it.

Very well. So, I guess well just go ahead with it.

The receptionist nodded at Lunas words and removed the paper once and took my paper.

Uhm you must be Yuuya-sama. The contents of the form are Eh? You can use three magic attributes as well?

Thats right. is there something wrong with that?

Eh, its unusual using three attributes is just like the people in legends and fairy tales!

Oh, hey Im glad I didnt write all the attributes While I am relieved from the bottom of my heart, Luna stared at me.

Yuuya. Magic, other than non-attribute magic and life magic, requires talent to use in the first place. And that, you have three attributes

I knew that Yuuya-sama was amazing!

Luna seems to be dumbfounded, but Lexia-san looks at me with shining eyes. But this isnt because Im amazing; its just that the magic power circuit I inherited from sage-san is too amazing Besides, I only made the three attributes for the sake of convenience, but in reality, as long as I have magic power and imagination, its almost like its unlimited

Ahem. Im sorry for being so distraught. The magic one is fine here. No, its not okay, but this is all self-declared, so


Does that mean that if I write a lie, Im going to get ripped off somewhere? Lets be careful. Its not a lie, though.

The weapons are mainly spears and swords, correct?

Yeah, correct.

Those are the two that are used most often. The receptionist nodded in confirmation, and she set the paper Luna, and I gave her into a strange machine that looks like a photocopy machine.

And the moment she pressed the button, the paper disappeared, and an iron plate came out. I didnt see it in the merchant guild, but I wonder if the same machine was used to build a guild card?

Yes, this is Yuuya-sama and Luna-samas guild cards. Freshly registered like Yuuya-sama and Luna-sama will start at the lowest rank, F-Rank F-Rankers can only receive requests from the same F-Rank or one rank higher in other words, E-Rank requests. Also, regarding rank promotion, it will be based on the results of your requests and your attitude within the guild, so there will not be a specific number to promote you to a higher rank.

The content is almost the same as the dark guild

Luna murmurs quietly next to me. Is there such a thing as a rank in the dark guild? The receptionist didnt seem to hear Lunas murmurings and continued without seeming to change in any way.

Do you have any questions so far?

Uhm, the assignments is there a rule that you always have to fulfill the request or something like that?

No, thats not particularly true. Some people register with the adventurers guild in order to obtain a guild card to serve as their identification, so we leave it up to you to decide whether or not to accept the request.

I was relieved to hear that explanation. If there was some kind of quota, I had to take requests frequently. Thats because its tough from my point of view. After all, I usually want to do some sightseeing or have to go to school in the real world.

Next is the explanation of the request. As for the collecting type, you must collect the amount of material listed on the request form, but if you collect a lot of material, there will be additional compensation. However, please be careful not to collect all the plants in a cluster. If you collect all of them, there is a possibility that the plant wont be able to grow

Fumu if you collect a lot, you get more money, but that doesnt mean you have to collect all of it. Lets be careful.

After that, weve been given some basic information, such as the part of the monster that needs to be presented as proof of defeat when doing a subjugation request. Well, even if you dont bring the proof of defeat, it seems that the information is recorded on the guild card, so there is no way to cheat. I didnt understand what the principle was, though.

Welllast but not least, the guild basically does not interfere in conflicts between adventurers. Please be fully aware of that.

Eh? Oh, I understand.

A conflict between adventurers is this a fight? I dont know, but I dont want to fight like that either, so I nodded obediently.

Im sorry for the late introduction; my name is Emilia. And now that we welcomed Yuuya-sama and Luna-sama in the adventurers guild. I look forward to working with you in the future.

When she said that, the receptionist Emilia smiled. After we finished registering, we left the receptionist and had a little discussion.

Well, what do we do now? Now that weve come to the point, we might as well take the request

Eh? Are you sure? I mean, Lexia-san and the others have done all the work to guide me, but

Its okay! Ive always wanted to make my adventurers debut too!

No, youre not even registered.

Come on. Im in the mood. In the mood!

I dont mind the mood and the adventurers debut, but would Owen-san allow the princess to be an adventurer? While thinking about that, Lexia-sans momentum pushed us to accept the request that we ended up being able to do right away.

Heh there are so many different kinds.

Well, weve only just registered, so Im sure the requests well get will be limited.

Certainly, Luna was right, as far as the requests we could receive, most of them were of the type of helping people in the city, and beyond that, most of them were to defeat monsters with names I didnt even know. Then, Lexia-san is surprised while looking at the bulletin board as well.

Its amazing these many requests are coming in for adventurers every day, right?

Yes. The dark guild I belonged to has the same with the so-called adventurers guild designation request, so its refreshing to see the request posted all the time like this, or to be able to choose a request at will.

I honestly have no idea what kind of existence the dark guild is and what its for, but just listening to Lunas story, I thought it was a pretty decent organization. While the three of us were looking at the bulletin board for a while, we were suddenly approached by a voice.

You there.


I turned around and saw a woman standing there, dressed like a witch with a bright red face. Shes that, a witch in a big black hat and a black dress. However, this womans clothes were, how should I say sensational with her chest open so much that it was hard to look at her.

Besides she reeks of alcohol. Shes quite drunk. As Im thinking like that, Luna stands between the woman and me.

What, do you need something from us?

Oh, dont be so wary. I just saw a nice guy and called him out.

Y-you cant! Because Yuuya-sama is mine!

No, Im not really Lexia-sans thing, but

And Ive turned down the marriage proposal didnt I? I was starting to feel uneasy. As I was thinking like that, the woman in witch form slipped past Lunas side and approached me. Then, she held my arms to her chest just like that.

Hmm~! The more I look at you, the more I see you as a fine man! What do you think? Do you want to do something nice with onee-san?


H-hey! Get away from Yuuya-sama!

Eeh? Dont worry about it. Its okay. Onee-san will be sad if you reject her like that.

Well, I dont know who you are, but I think youve been drinking a little too much.

Luna, looking a little angry, grabs the womans hand in witch appearance and pulls her away from me. I-Im saved. However, the woman in witch appearance shows no signs of discipline and smiles brightly, and looks at me as if shes found some kind of prey.

Im sorry, okay? But Im an adventurer myself, and if someone looks a little stronger, Id like to get to know them.


I was watching the interaction at the reception desk earlier. The boy there is great, dont you think? If you can connect with someone like that, it might help you in some way.


Im still new to being an adventurer, but Luna seems to understand what the woman says and gives a small snort. The womans smile deepened at Lunas situation.

Well, thats the reason Im Grena. Thats about it for today, but Ill be happy to take the request with you at some other time.

After saying that much, the woman in the witchs outfitGrena-san left in a flash. Seeing that figure, I say to Night and Akatsuki.

Were not quite there yet, and were not as good as Grena-san says by now, are we?



Night tilted his head, and Akatsuki gave me a subtle look for some reason. No, why? Then Luna also looks at me with a subtle expression.

Hey Yuuya


No, its nothing. In a way, Id say its typical of Yuuya

What does that matter? Its more of a matter of that woman targeting Yuuya-sama! In order to protect Yuuya-sama from that woman, shouldnt I also have to register as an adventurer?

No, this Grena persons existence is indeed a problem, but beyond that, if you move any more freely, that Owen guy will collapse.

When Luna admonished her to do so, Lexia-sans mouth twitched in a trivial manner, but Yeah, I think she shouldnt do that either. It would be really hard for Owen-san.

Mmm it cant be helped. Then lets take a request that I could do as well! There was a request on the board for a herb collection! Even if I cant register as an adventurer, I can still help you with this, right?

Thats fine, but youll have to convince Owen to do that yourself.

Of course!

Im sorry, Owen-san. I dont think I can stop the two of them from doing this

While Lexia-san and the others were moving more and more freely, I apologized in my mind to Owen-san, who was taking care of her.

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