I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 4: Chapter 5: Part 2

Book 4: Chapter 5: Part 2

Hello everyone, from this chapter onwards, ultrabrandon12 wouldnt able to help with editing again since hes too busy with his school, so this chapter is only edited by me. I hope is still readable and didnt hindrance much of dear readers reading experience.

Heres the chapter, enjoy~

Part 2

The first thing I asked them to do was to come to my house and sit down with a cup of tea or something. At that time, Kaori introduced herself to Owen-san and Luna as well, so Ill be answering the questions from the two of them earlier

I opened my mouth, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the sharp looks from the two no, three people, including Luna.

Well first of all, Kaori, shes a friend of mine.

When I said that, Kaori looked a little dissatisfied, but on the contrary, Lexia-san and the others looked like they were missing a beat.

Eh? Is that all?

Other than that, its hard to explain

I sneak an earful to Kaori, who looks at me with a quizzical expression at my stalling.

I havent explained our world to those Lexia-san and others.


For some reason, they think Im a foreigner, too

I-I see

Before Lexia-san and the others arrived, we had talked about the technology and power of this world is dangerous to Earth, and Kaori was convinced that I hadnt told them I was an otherworlder.

B-but still only friend is


I-it was nothing!

Kaori seems to have muttered something after that well, if she says its nothing, it must be so.

The first thing you should know about Lexia-san and the others is that Lexia-san is the princess of a country called Alceria Kingdom.


Kaoris eyes widened in surprise at my explanation. Its natural, of course. Its not like shes going to meet a princess in her normal life.

And Luna and Owen-san are her bodyguards.

A princess and bodyguard

She seems surprised at the word princess, but I heard that even Kaori has a bodyguard, so its not that unusual. A knight would be unusual, though.

No, if I think about it, Kaori is also a person who lives in a different world than I do, right? Just having a bodyguard on Earth is very impressive, however

When I remember again that Kaori is a young lady, she came back to her senses and asked me.

S-so, how did that princess, Lexia-sama, and Yuuya-san meet?

Ara, you can call me Lexia if you want. You Kaori is the same age as Yuuya-sama, right? Besides, Ill call you Kaori too!

Eeh? N-no is that okay?

Kaori was feeling pressured by Lexia-sans push as usual, but Lexia-san smiled.

Of course. Im the one who told you, after all, so its okay!

Lexia-sama. Im sure its fine for this occasion, but if you handle it that way in your official duty, youll have to deal it with more

As you said, its fine here, right?

I dont care anymore.

Really, thank you for your hard work, Owen-san.

Now, if youre going to call Lexia like that, you should call me Luna, too.


Kaori looked at me as if to say what to do.

Well they said its good for them, so I guess its fine.

I-is that what it is but Im sorry. At least allow me to call you Lexia-san and Luna-san, please.

Hmm well, it cant be helped

Kaori is always polite, so it would be difficult for her to call them casually like that for now. Lexia-san seemed to have figured that out, and she nodded while smiling bitterly.

So, as for how I met Yuuya-sama one day, I was targeted by assassins who wanted to kill me, and I ran away to this forest to escape from them.


Kaori is suddenly dumbfounded by a word that is unlikely to be used in normal life in Japan.

But those assassins were killed by a monster in this forest, and I thought I would be killed as well. But Yuuya-sama saved me from that!

Lexia-san says that with sparkling eyes, and I feel very embarrassed when she says that again.

After that, I couldnt stay long; I came here to see Yuuya-sama again and asked him to marry me!

M-marriage proposal!?

Ah, wait. Thats awkward. This is going to complicate things. As expected, Kaori, who was surprised by Lexia-sans words, looks at me in a daze.

Yu-Yuuya-san the marriage proposal, was it true?

No, I mean, it was true, but I have refused it properly! Because from my point of view, we were complete strangers at the time!

T-thats right

Well, Im not giving up on it, though!

For some reason, Lexia-san proudly puffed out her chest. Whats really good about me

Then this time, Luna also opened her mouth.

And while Im at it, Id like to tell you about me, the assassin who attacked Lexia in the story earlier, one of them is me.

Eh eeeeehhhh!

Lunas words surprised Kaori again. Thats true too. A former assassin and his target are together now. Its usually hard to believe.

When I was hired to do that job, I visited this forest to investigate I was also attacked by monsters, and when I was close to death, Yuuya saved me. Well, a lot happened from there but thats a long story, so thats okay.

A different world is amazing

Kaori was, first of all, stunned by the many stories she had never heard on Earth, and then she muttered of such things. While I was smiling bitterly at Kaoris figure, Lexia-san suddenly stood up.

Well then, Yuuya-sama!


Let us take a bath, please!


The request was so abrupt that I involuntarily gave a distracted reply

Uhm are you here today to just take a bath?

No. I just got sweaty and dirty from running to come here

Geez Im sickened by your selfishness, but Im sick of sweat and dirt, too.

I-I see

It looks like it was really hard to get here, Luna nods, and I guess I have to let them take a bath. Then Kaori, who doesnt know about the bath I have, tilted her head in wonder.

A bath?

Yes, thats right! Since were here, Kaori should come in with us too!

Eh, me too?!

Kaori was surprised that she was also invited to join them, but it seems to be the decision between Lexia-san and Luna now. Since I have no reason to refuse to let them take a bath either, I prepare for it without understanding it well.

Ah, Yuuya-sama. You refused it last time, but do you want to come in with us this time?


When I finished preparing the bath, Lexia-san said something like that again, just like before, no way. Kaori blushes as I gushed at that statement.

E-eh!?! come in together!?

Yes. Is there something wrong with that?

How is that not wrong? Really, whats going on in your mindset?

Excuse me, okay! Its perfectly normal!

No, I dont think its normal

Unable to say so, I managed to convince them to give up, and the three of them went to the bath.

Theres really a bath

As I took off my clothes, I was surprised to see a bath with steam rising in front of me.

At first, I thought that I would take a bath in this house, but it seemed that one of the drop items that Yuuya-san had talked about before was a bath that could be carried around, and that I would be in it.

I didnt understand the idea of taking a bath with them, but I dont understand even more about a portable bath than that. How does one go about carrying a bath with them?

Thats what I thought, but the moment Yuuya-san somehow took out a square object and placed it on the floor, a bath was instantly created.

I was no longer at a loss for words. This world is simply astonishing because it defies all common sense on Earth. However I was told that we would be in this bath together, but even though we are the same girls I was a little nervous about it.

When I was waiting without knowing it well, Lexia-san and the others came over and prepared for it. Then we rinsed off, and when it came time to get into the bath.


I couldnt help but let out a voice at how good it felt. Then Lexia-san and the others, who were also soaking in hot water, also looked comfortably.

Phew It feels so good.

Yeah as always, the baths Yuuya has are the best

I can vaguely guess from their words, but after all, they have been helped by Yuuya-san and have used this bath before. Its probably okay, but I dont think its possible that they are in it with Yuuya-san, right?

Earlier, Lexia-san said something about Yuuya-san joining us too, but I think its okay, no, I think its okay to see Yuuya-sans reaction. The two of them told me how they met Yuuya-san, and I was happy to hear that Yuuya-san is still the same in this world.

After all, when someone is in trouble, he goes to help

Thats probably why Lexia-san was attracted to Yuuya-san like that.

And I also.

So, what about Kaori?


I give an unwilling response to Lexia-sans abruptly thrown words. I-is it okay? The other party is a princess. Ive met a number of important people through my fathers relationship, but as expected, I never had the opportunity to meet a princess, so I couldnt help but think so.

However, Lexia-san doesnt seem to be particularly bothered by this, and she looks straight at me.

So, I mean, what do you think, Kaori?

Uh what is it about?

Thats Yuya-sama, of course!


I stifled a few words, not expecting her to ask me so straightforwardly.

I-Im Uhm

You dont have to fake it or anything. I just want to know how Kaori really feels.

I couldnt look away from Lexia-sans eyes, which were staring straight at me as if to say that she would not allow me to lie.

I like Yuuya-san. From the first time we met, I was unintentionally attracted to Yuuya-sans kindness.


After that, Yuuya-san never changed and helped me so many times that I found myself feeling emotions that I had never felt before. And I guess this is what it means to love

With Lexia-sans prompting, I was finally able to calmly analyze my feelings.

I like Yuuya-san. I was confused because it was my first emotion, but when I finally accepted it, I felt embarrassed and somewhat refreshed.

Then Lexia heard my words and nodded.

I see Luna is the same, but why does everyone want to hide their feelings. Why dont you honestly say you like Yuuya-sama?

No, youre just too straightforward.

Its okay. You must keep up the positive feelings. Otherwise, people wont be able to understand you very well.

That may be but

Uhm from what I hear about it is Luna-san also about Yuuya?

Uh Yeah, thats right.

Luna-san blushed and looked kind of cute as she awkwardly looked away from me.

Oh well, fine. Even if I find out Kaori likes Yuuya-sama, it wont change anything I do!


I told you, right? I said I proposed Yuuya-sama. I havent given up yet!

Eeehh! B-but isnt it too early to get married?

Ara, is that the case in Yuuya-sama and Kaoris country? You know, in our country, marriage is commonplace at this age.

What a surprise. Its true that we women are just about the right age to get married on Earth, but Yuuya is not yet 18 years old.

But that is the law in Japan on Earth and I guess that would be legal in this world?

Lexia-san, who doesnt know that Im confused, continues.

So I wont give up on Yuuya-sama! Of course, Im not going to let Luna and Kaori beat me, either!

Huh? But Im one step ahead of you at the moment.

Mukiii! That was because Owen didnt want to stop the carriageeeee!

Well, leave this sorry princess aside as for me, Kaori, you are the biggest obstacle.


Youre from the same country as Yuuya, and from the exchange you just had, you must know a side of Yuuya that we dont know about.

Huh? Thats right! Kaori has an advantage that we dont! That means could it be that Im the most late on this case?

I dont know what made her think that, but I dont think that she is late about this, at least not when she is asking Yuuya-san to marry her. I just accepted my feelings honestly just now, but I really thought it was amazing that Lexia-san could communicate her feelings so clearly and even more so to her partner.

While Im feeling that way, Lexia-san points her finger at Luna-san and me.

Okay! Ill turn the tables from here, and Ill be the one to marry Yuuya-sama first! Brace yourself!

Hmph, Ill just pull away again soon enough.

Somehow, Luna-san laughed wryly at Lexia-sans statement like that, but I felt strange about Lexia-sans statement.

What do you mean by, err first?

Normally, once you get married, there is no later

Then Lexia-san and Luna-san looked at each other.

Eh, could it be that its not possible to marry more than one person in Kaori country?

T-theres no such thing, eh can you do that on your country?

Its pretty standard.

Its interesting. Its interesting how these parts of our culture can be so different!

Luna-san and Lexia-san looked curious, but I couldnt believe it from my upbringing in the Japanese way of thinking.

You mean that polygamy?

There are not only polygamy but also polyandry, as well. Especially for royalty and nobility, they have a tendency to do either.

My father has taken several other women besides my mother, you know. And I know the female heads of families who have married many men.

Im honestly amazed at the explanation of Lexia-san and Luna-san, but when I hear the words nobility and royalty, I feel slightly chilled. Those people have to leave behind an heir, so they will probably marry a lot of women and men.


Im sure that was understandable if you meant among the nobility and royalty. But that idea is indeed unthinkable for the average citizen, isnt it?

Well, its rare for a commoner to be polygamous, but thats because they dont have the economic power to do so. A commoner with money would have been married polygamously. A great merchant would be a good example. On this point, theres no problem with Yuuya-sama. The materials of the monsters in this forest are enough to make a tremendous amount of money, and if anything, he can do well as an adventurer.

And since hes going to marry me, hes going to be royalty anyway, right? Thats perfectly fine!

Im beginning to get a headache from the common sense of the other world that is told too much one after another. Its true that there are countries on Earth where bigamy is allowed, but its unthinkable in Japan, so to think that Yuuya-san would be adapted to that

When I was shocked by that one thing, Lexia-san changed the topic in a cheerful tone.

Well, well see what happens there! And I have to get Yuuya-sama to go for it too!


So, for my part, Id like to ask you about the things Kaori knows about Yuuya-sama!

Eh? T-the thing that I know about?

Yes! When it comes to this, we should be talking about what we know about Yuuya-sama with each other, right? Im sure Kaori would like to know the side of Yuuya-sama that we all know, wouldnt you?

Thats, of course!

I certainly dont know about Yuuya-sans activities in this world, so Id like to hear about it. Lexia-san laughed happily at my reaction, and from there, Luna-san and I were included in a discussion about Yuuya-san.

It had been a really long time since I had talked this much with a girl my age, and by the time we left the bath, we had become great friends.

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