I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 4: Chapter 6: Part 2

Book 4: Chapter 6: Part 2

Another chapter brought to you by Patreon, Im sorry for the delay for and long delay for the others, I got some trouble in this past weeks, I hope I can deliver all of it ASAP, thanks for your understanding, I hope you can enjoy it~

Part 2

A few days after I saved Glenna-san with Luna. I checked the item I had obtained when I defeated the Assassin Chameleon, which I had completely forgotten about.

The item was this:

[Assassination Chameleons Discoloration Skin] :: Assassin Chameleons skin. Its very flexible and can be processed in various ways. Since its a B-class monster, its defense power is also reasonably high. Besides, because the color changes depending on how it is processed, this is a target material that people involved in armor and clothing work would like to handle at least once.

[Cloak of Disguise] :: Assassin Chameleons rare drop item. You can hide your figure from your surroundings while wearing this cloak. It is also possible to make your appearance visible only to any person while you are hiding. However, it is not absolutely undetectable. Once it has been noticed, that person will see through it even if you use it again, so you will need to hide somewhere to break their recognition.

[Bracelet of Replacement] :: Assassin Chameleons rare drop item. It is possible to switch to the equipment registered in this bracelet instantly.

Although B-class magic stones are also added here, this item is the most common among them.

The [Assassination Chameleons Discoloration Skin] is a strange rubbery material that changes color depending on how much light it catches, but since I dont have any plans or the place to process it at the moment, I decided to exchange it for cash at the Door to Another World, just like the Bloody Ogres materials.

And although [Cloak of Disguise] didnt seem to be necessary from my point of view as I have the skill [Assimilation], I suddenly thought it would be nice to be able to deceive the eyes of someone who cant use the skill, or who can see that youve used any skill and hide your appearance when they come out. I havent encountered such an opponent yet, but it wouldnt hurt to be prepared.

The rest is [Bracelet of Replacement]. This is the most useful for now. The reason for that is that when I registered a couple of sets such as the [Bloody War Demon Series] and the ordinary clothes that Sage-san left for me, I was able to switch into them in an instant.

For now, the only armor I have is the [Bloody War Demon Series], but if I get another armor later on, I can change into it in an instant, depending on the situation. This is really convenient.

So thats how I spent a fulfilling time in the other world, but on Earth, the test ended yesterday successfully, and all I have to do is wait for the return Im pretty confident this time.

How did Ryo and the others do on the test?

Im feeling pretty good as usual. But I dont think its that bad, though.

I-I think I did pretty well, too.

Apparently Ryo and Shingo-kun didnt seem to have any particular problems, but seeing as how Akira and Kaede were burned out, it would be quite dangerous. If it becomes a supplementary exam, Ill help them out.

Its not that Im good at math, but Kaori, a powerful helper, helped me out a lot this time. So I understand math tests better than usual, and I think I could answer more than expected in the classics and English by teaching Kaori.

However, the study session with Kaori ended when the test was over for the time being.

Its a bit lonely.

She had been coming over to my house after school to study all through the testing period, so it was a bit lonely when I got alone in this kind of time for the first time in a long time.


As I thought, it was fun

Since Kaori found out about the other world, Ive been strangely curious about Kaori. Well, the reason was probably that Kaori accepted me after knowing the truth.

My appearance has changed a lot, and even though she saw me defeating monsters without hesitation, I was happy that she didnt get scared and told me that I wouldnt change.

I initially thought Kaori was a nice girl, but that matter has made me fully aware of her.

But even if I like her, it would be a nuisance to Kaori, and I think there are more suitable people for her out there. Maybe its wrong to feel this way, but after years of being bullied, I cant get confident in myself quickly enough.

Still, I think Im a lot less prone to that than I used to be, but it still doesnt change the way I think.

Oh no. Lets move around a bit.

Whenever something was bothering me, I tried to move my body these days. I was Genuinely trying to recreate what Master Usagi taught me. The contents of the various martial arts books I happened to find in the secondhand bookstore I went to when I had just opened the [Door to Another World], and moving my body regardless.

Accompanied by Night and Akatsuki, I went out into the garden and mentioned something I suddenly realized.

Come to think of it; I havent seen Master Usagi around lately.



Night and Akatsuki thought so too, nodding their heads in the same way. Well, I dont think Master Usagi is in danger, but I was a little curious. Then I suddenly thought of the mysterious girl who appeared when I restrained Rhaegar-sama.

Maybe Master Usagi would know about that girl.

That overwhelming strength was honestly not normal. I was just beginning to gain some confidence in terms of power, but such confidence was quickly shattered because of that girl. The world is still a big place, after all.

We should do our own thing and get stronger little by little.



Night nodded vigorously, but Akatsukis paws fluttered as if he was somewhat unmotivated. Well, well, Akatsuki isnt the type to fight. So, even if we were to get stronger, nothing would change if we kept going the way we are.

Thats why we need to devise something of our own outside of training with Master Usagi

If theres one thing we can do right now that will make us stronger, it will be to combine magic and close combat.



Night was listening intently, cutely tilting his head, but Akatsuki was completely disinterested, lying sluggishly on the ground. Yeah, its cute, and Akatsuki is still acceptable.

Getting my mind back on track, I explain my thoughts to Night.

You see, so far, were fighting in close combat with only weapons and fighting magic with magic, too, right?


So I thought, why dont we just combine them?


In fact, we dont have the luxury of being able to be aware of the use of magic when we fight with our weapons and physical bodies now. Perhaps thats why theres not much variation in our attacks.

In the meantime, I, for example, have a lot of Sage-sans weapons, so I can fight while changing those weapons, but thats not the case for Night and Akatsuki. I dont know if they actually exist or not, but there may be an enemy that will fight while switching between physical resistance and magic resistance.

When such an enemy comes out, with our current situation, theres a chance that well be killed the moment we switch our attacks. Well, there is talk of such a possibility, but even more than that, if magic and weapon attacks are combined, there is no doubt that the number of hands will increase.

However, I dont think its possible to combine the two so easily. If you are suddenly able to avoid an attack, you cant unleash your magic on the point you were avoiding; it would be impossible for me to do that now.

Thats why I decided to change my thinking a bit.

Sage-sans weapons and stuff, arent they ridiculously strong in their current state?


Could this be stronger?


Well, thats how the reaction would be.

For example, wouldnt it be strong if this [Absolute Spear] covered in lightning?

I took out the [Absolute Spear] from my item box and said that while showing it to Night. Then Nights eyes widened even more. What Im trying to say is that Im going to clothe the weapon with magic.

With this, even the ghostly enemy called [Wraith] that I fought before, Ill be able to defeat them with my weapon.

Lets see.

When I say that, I raise the [Absolute Spear] in front of me and close my eyes. As it is, the image I imagine was the lightning that clings to the [Absolute Spear].

As the image solidifies, I unconsciously open my mouth.

[Magic Attire].

At that moment, lightning suddenly fell from the sky. The lightning struck the [Absolute Spear] directly and continued to charge the [Absolute Spear] as it was.

Night and I watched the scene in a daze.

I-its a success


I swung the [Absolute Spear] around as if to confirm it immediately, and the lightning bolt followed the spear as if drawing a line, and even more so, the speed at which the [Absolute Spear] was being wielded seemed to be increasing.

N-no way

I threw it lightly at a tree outside the yard to see what it felt like.




Night and I, and even Akatsuki, who was lying idly, were appalled by the scene. The spear I threw flew at a speed that even my own eyes couldnt follow, and the moment it touched the tree, not only did it pierce it, but for some reason, lightning rained down on the tree from above. The tree, which was carbonized in an instant, was given no time to burn.

When I was stunned by the excessive power, the [Absolute Spear] had returned to my hand before I realized it. Moreover, the lightning that the [Absolute Spear] is wearing has not disappeared even though it has returned, and it is still buzzing. S-scary

Eh, this is now I imagined lightning, but what would happen if it was fire or water?

I figured about the idea already, so lets do everything. So I put magic on the [Absolute Spear] one after another

Hmm there are some which can, and some which cannot.

This is because, although I succeeded in making it clothed in fire, I couldnt make it clothed in water. Perhaps its a matter of my imagination.

It was easy to imagine a spear with fire, but I couldnt imagine a spear with water. I was able to make it clothe with the wind, but not with the earth. And now that Ive made it this far, Ive been thinking about it even more.

What would happen if I combined all the things I could do at this stage?

I couldnt stop being curious, so I tried it right away, but I was able to do it!




Night and Akatsuki looked at the [Absolute Spear] in my hand and felt somewhat drawn out by it. This is because the current spear Im holding is not in its usual form; it is clothed in a tornado of fire and surrounded by charged lightning.

Moreover, I, who is holding it for some reason, do not feel any particular heat.

T-this is, what happens if I throw it?

As far as Im concerned, the lightning alone was very dangerous, and if I were to throw it at a tree outside the yard, it would be a disaster.

T-this is not an easy one to throw



Night and Akatsuki nodded fiercely, doing their best to agree. However, this would cover up one issue, the fusion of magic and melee combat. Of course, the best thing would be to mix weapons and magic in a balanced way while also using magic as I do now. But I still lack experience and magical proficiency to do that, so this attempt was made to connect to that

Its more than I expected.


Night also nodded with his eyes shining, and he began to try to see if he could wear lightning on his claws, which are his weapons, just like the [Absolute Spear] to me.


Uu Woof!


Lightning flashed in Nights claws, and it clad on it. Then Night ran out straight away and jumped out with lightning speed as if it were a lightning strike, cutting down the trees outside the garden.

At that moment, just like when I threw the [Absolute Spear] earlier, lightning struck the tree. I dont know what principle its based on, but for some reason, the lightning is falling from the sky.

Perhaps the [Absolute Spear] and Nights Claw wrapped in lightning may be acting like a kind of indicator or lightning rod. No, I dont know what that means either.

As I was stroking Night, who slid over to me as if to say praise me, praise me, I suddenly had an even more frightening thought. Thats what came to mind when Night moved after wearing lightning on his claws earlier

Hey, Night.


Wouldnt it be great if we could move faster than Master Usagi?


Night was surprised by my statement; his eyes widening just as much as before. Thats natural. Its just that Master Usagi is even called The Kicking Saint, and he actually boasts tremendous leg strength. Thats why his agility is outrageous, and I still cant follow him with my eyes, but I was about to step into that territory suddenly.

Naturally, it would be impossible to catch up with him first, as our status is also inferior to Master Usagi. But what if we borrowed the power of magic?

According to Sage-san, magic is all about imagination. And I have a magic circuit that I inherited from that Sage-san.

Watch me for a moment.

I said, and then I meditated on the image. Its the image of the thunder-clad Night I saw earlier. Im just going to change that into me.

Earlier, Night had only clothed his claws with lightning, but his movements were the fastest so far as if he was clearly affected by the lightning. Thats why I wondered what would happen if I also wore lightning on myself instead of the [Absolute Spear].

The result was.

So, I was able to do it



Lightning clung to my body, and my armor glowed pale white.

N-no, I dont know if Ive succeeded yet. Well have to see it in action.

And the moment I took a step forward, I left every view behind.

, Huh?

My eyes widen as the landscape around me suddenly changes.

W-what happened? I was just taking a step forward

The moment I thought that, I turned around fearfully at a specific feeling, and I saw.


Whats this, a path has been created from where I w. Moreover, the path was blackened and scorched, and for some reason, things like lightnings afterglow were shining in places.

I, did I make such a long move with just that one step?

I conversely became calm at the situation that was too far from reality. I checked my current location with my [Map] skill and muttered that unconsciously. Thats because I seemed to have gone out of the yard in an instant with that one step and came straight to the vicinity of the forest entrance. No, I dont understand what Im saying to myself.

Its not a distance that I can move in a single step by any stretch of the imagination, and more importantly, its speed is strange. I dont think maybe Master Usagi would be capable of this but at least its not possible to do it for me until now. But its really possible now. Even so, I still dont see the logic in it.

Im stunned yet still physically electrified, so I tried to go home in this situation for a while.


For real?



Once again, I moved that long-distance in an instant, and before I knew it, I was standing in the position I was in before I moved. I suddenly came back, and Night and Akatsuki were surprised to see me with their eyes wide open.

Ive already figured it out, but it still seems that I can gain that much speed if I wear lightning. However, I need to control it, but this is something I have to train well. Because the moment I step out of the door, its normally laughable that if I dont know the place.

But then again, it was a dangerous situation. I didnt happen to tear down the house or the fence, but this would be a bad idea if I run into the house with this technique.

I regret now that I made a move without thinking about it. However, this ability is very appealing. And if I can master it, it will definitely become a great power.

If thats the case, Ill start practicing right away!



It looks like Akatsuki will be following our training as well. Im going to start training to master this technique as soon as possible, but I decided to move first. In that case, I removed the [Magic Attire] once. Otherwise, I might end up at the entrance of the forest again.

Well, then.


Eh? Night?

Just as I was about to start now, Night suddenly started growling. Akatsuki and I were confused by it. Andsuddenly I felt a chilling sensation in my back.


I hurriedly held Akatsuki and Night and jumped back to the side at once.

What was that!

We could see a cloud of dust rising from the spot where we had been standing a moment ago. As I was staring at the scene without caution, a voice suddenly called out from the sky.

Astonished. How could you avoid the attack just now

You are

When I looked up, I saw the mysterious girl who appeared when I restrained Rhaegar-sama, standing leisurely on a tree. Upon closer look, she held a silver bow in her hand, which she hadnt carried the other day.

At the girls presence, Night growled, and Akatsuki gave a serious look, which was unusual. Whats wrong?

While tilting my head at Akatsukis condition, I quickly put on the [Cloak of Disguise] that I obtained recently to hide Akatsuki, who has the lowest fighting power, as soon as possible.

And I ask the girl with caution.

Who are you exactly? Why did you attack us?


She was silent in response to my question, but the next thing I knew, I felt a chill run down my spine.


Following that sensation, I lifted my [Absolute Spear] while crouching down and cut something off. It was the same arrow I saw during the attack on the royal capital.

The arrows flew out of nowhere just like the other day, but the fact that they were aiming at me like this indicates that youre involved, right?


It was short, but she was the first to respond to my words.

And then.

Conviction. You cant be defeated with just the arrows I fired beforehand.

Fired beforehand?

The other day, she was talking about predictions and other mysterious things I dont think the arrows shes aiming at now may be the things that the girl shot at beforehand, right?

If thats the case, then I have no idea what kind of technique shes using. Besides, the fact that she can do such a thing means shes clearly in the Master Usagi class.


I cant help but spill that out of my mouth, but I guess its inevitable. Just a few minutes ago, I was trying to think of a way to catch up with Master Usagi as much as possible, and I hadnt even been able to control it yet

Should I just go for it without preparation?


Night is also ready to go for a fight.

Ill ask you again, why are you going after us?

A threat. Youre a threat to my plans. And its also just revenge.


I cant help but tilt my head back at the girls words.

Revenge, you said to me? I dont know I ever did something that deserves revenge from this girl? I dont remember that at all, but a level of revenge like this would mean that I must be pretty much hated, right?

No matter how much I think about it, I dont remember ever meeting this girl before in the royal capital, and I dont remember doing anything in particular that would get me revenge. If it was revenge for preventing all the arrows in the last attack then theres nothing I can do about it. If I hadnt done that, Id be dead.

For now, since it seems like she wont be able to give me a proper answer even if I ask at this point, I also readied my [Absolute Spear]. However, the effect of [Magic Attire] has already expired. Well, I still havent been able to control it, and it cant be helped.

I dont understand well, but for now, Im going to defeat you and ask you for more details.

Impossible. Youre no match for me.

Thats still I wouldnt know if I didnt try it! 

I threw [Absolute Spear] with all my strength, the girl just twisted her neck to dodge it. However, since [Absolute Spear] pursues until it hits the target, it immediately changes direction and attacks the girl from behind.

Shock. Its following me.

Dont forget about us, too!


Night and I slashed at the girl who was distracted by the [Absolute Spear] that was approaching from behind, at the same time. In doing so, I swing down my [Omni-Sword], and Night turns his claws down.



With that word, the girl first caught the [Absolute Spear] with the silver-colored bow in her hand and swept it away at me without killing its momentum.


I was momentarily disconcerted because the spear that I had thrown with all my strength was swept away towards me, but I quickly calmed down, dodged the attack, grabbed the hilt, and stored it in the item box.

At that time, my body opened up due to the momentum of the [Absolute Spear] a bit, but I used that momentum to swing down the [Omni-Sword] in my hand. However, the girl dodged even that attack without difficulty.

But, after dodging it, Night was already there.


The girl didnt even turn around and blocked the blow, which could be called a godspeed by Night, with the silver bow in her hand.


Understood. Its dangerous, but thats the extent of it.



The girl catching Nights attack only seemed to push him lightly, but Night was blown away with great force. Nevertheless, Night adjusted his stance in the air and landed in place and roared again.

It only happened for a few moments, but it still made me realize how badly I felt. The girl in front of me is terribly strong.

No use. Theres no point in going any further. Ill end it.


After saying that, she held up the silver bow she was holding. Then, the exact same arrow that flew in the air earlier appeared in her hand. Maybe its an ability similar to an item box, and thats where she stores the arrows.

As I was wary of what kind of attack would be flying at me.

It was almost like a miracle. I wasnt on the reflex level, but rather an instinctual part of my body was moving unconsciously. And the moment I jumped back to follow that instinct, there was a tremendous shock to my torso.



Dont come here!

I quickly stopped Nights attempt to approach me in surprise. Frighteningly, I was blown away by the force of the arrows that grazed my body. Then, as if to chase after the blown away me, arrows fly in one after another at extraordinary speeds.

Its incomparable to the first time I was attacked, and I couldnt even follow it with my eyes anymore. All I could hear was the sound of a bowstring being plucked. The moment I heard the sound, the arrow was right in front of me. Even though I was so alert, I couldnt see the girls attack at all.

The arrows that flew at me in the chase, I manage to hold myself up as if to use the [Omni-Sword] as a shield, but with only a single pursuit, I am blown away again.


I tried to escape somehow, but I didnt even have time to do so, and there was already a new arrow in front of me. No matter how I think about it, I cant even defend myself in time.

If I continue like thisIll die.

I felt the same intense sense of death when I first came to this other world. If it was me before I came to this world, I would have been helplessly swallowed up by that presence and would have died. My body would have frozen in place in fear.

But my body was not mysteriously tense. In response to such a presence, a relatively strong sense of resistance grew up in me.



I ignored the idea of controlling or anything like that and immediately activated the lightning [Magic Attire]. At that moment, I felt the pace around me instantly slow down. Thats a phenomenon that didnt happen when I first used [Magic Attire]. But somehow, I can imagine the reason for this phenomenon.

When I used [Magic Attire] during my first practice, the effect of lightning only affected my muscle strength. But now Im probably having the effect of lightning on my eyes and brain as well. This is why my brain and eyes are catching up with my bodys movements for the first time.

If it were true, I dont think I would have been able to do it this fast. Still, I guess this is an instinct to power up in a dangerous situation. Rather, my body instinctively triggered it as a crisis-avoidance ability because I knew Id die if I didnt do it here.

Besides, if I look closely, I see that the lightning was glowing blue-white when I first used it, but now the white and silver lightning is clinging to my body. Apparently, not only did it accelerate my thoughts, but it also strengthened the lightning itself.

Anyway, my thoughts acceleration made the arrow approaching in front of me look terribly slow, and I succeeded in avoiding it. Then as soon as I dodged the arrow, the surroundings speed returned to normal, and the arrow slammed into the place I was just at like a machine gun.


The girls eyes widened at the situation where I had moved to another place before she even realized it.

Puzzled. The attack just now should have been a hit. Why?

The girl couldnt hide her confusion, as if she didnt believe it very much. But I wasnt going to let the opportunity slip away.



Just when I called his name, Night figured out what I was thinking and immediately began to wear lightning all over his body, just like me. And at the same time as me, he runs out of the place.

Huh! Fast!

The girls eyes widened as our speed increased rapidly. Earlier, I couldnt control this movement, but now I can manage my actions.



Night and I slash at the girl, trapping her between us, and she leaps on the spot.


With the momentum of the leap, she moved directly over our heads, and while twisting her body in the air, she fired several arrows at divine speed. However, they were no longer effective against us, who were clad in [Magic Attire].



We quickly came to an abrupt halt on the spot and went straight into the girls direction. Of course, arrows were flying at us, but we managed to get through them. If there were arrows that we still couldnt avoid, we pushed forward while cutting them down.

How about this!


I dove into the girls bosom and released a kick as I twisted my body and launched it up into the sky. Finally, she couldnt avoid it and used her silver bow as a shield to prevent the attack.

However, the impact was not something that can be eluded. As she struck up into the sky, Night, who was anticipating the attack from me, was already waiting in the sky. While spinning forward with the momentum, Night directly transmitted the foot technique of Master Usagi into the girl.

The girl managed to react to Nights attack, and she still managed to block it with her silver bow, just like with me, and was slammed straight into the ground. The impact was tremendous, and a cloud of dust rose to the fullest extent.


Night, who was up in the sky, landed next to me and stared as alertly as I did at the rising cloud of dirt and smoke.

By the feeling that I got, I think the impact wasnt something that she can sweep away easily as well

The atmosphere is tense around the area, and a slightly cold voice comes from behind the smoke, still the same as when we first met.




And were stunned as the smoke cleared, the girl standing unperturbed despite her wounds in front of us.

E-even though we have done so much she still wont fall down!

Perhaps its a pure difference in status; the girl still stood firm in her footing even after receiving our full force attack, although she seemed to be taking damage. Then, while we froze in surprise, the girl told us in a matter-of-fact tone.

Its confirmed. As I thought, youre a threat. Ill be sure to beat you here.


The moment she began to say that, she raised her bow again.

Master lend me your strength

Then she muttered something. Unlike earlier, the arrow in her hand was replaced with a shiny white metal object that I had never seen before. Suddenly the arrow changed, and our alertness level was raised again.


You guys cant do anything from here.

At the same time as that word, an arrow was released, but it wasnt as fast as we were warned. Instead, the arrow that had been flying at us earlier was even faster. Despite our bewilderment at this, the girls movements did not end there. She released another arrow at almost the same speed as the one that she had released, and this time she released the same wooden arrows as before.

Moreover, it flew along precisely the same firing line as the earlier arrow and finally caught up with the metal arrow. Then the wooden arrow crashed into the metal arrowhead and shattered. And the struck metal arrow acceleratedat a speed far beyond our imagination.


The current me, whose brain and eyes should have been strengthened under the influence of the [Magic Attire], still couldnt follow the arrows that flew at me with my eyes. Even so, predicting the line of fire from the arrow before it accelerated, I twisted my neck, and the arrow grazed my cheek.

When the arrow I dodged hit the tree behind me, the momentum never stops, and it goes through the tree one after the other.


And that arrow wasnt just once. When I turned my body to the girl again from the stance I had taken to avoid the arrow earlier, there were already dozens No, not dozens, but hundreds of the same arrows as before being released.

It cant be true, right?

While I wish that were the case, the storm of arrows in front of me is undeniably real.

Night, keep avoiding it at all costs!


We continue to avoid flying arrows, judging them only by their initial line of fire. Although I also quickly activated a wind spell similar to the one I used in the royal capital, we had to keep moving as a result in the face of an attack of power that could not be offset by such a wind.

However, theres no way we could continue to avoid such an attack for a long time, and both Night and I, even though they were small, the number of scratches we got gradually increased.

Damn it! At this rate

I cant think of a handful of cards to get through this anymore. As I continued to dodge in an impossibly dangerous situation, the storm of arrows unexpectedly stopped.


But it was the precursor of an even more powerful attack. At that moment, I saw the girl with her bow drawn so tightly that I could hear the sound even from a distance.

And then.


A single arrow was released, thrusting forward while gutting the surrounding trees and ground. It is no longer in the same dimension as the previous arrows.

I was able to avoid the arrows up until now, but the one that was shot at us now is absolutely unavoidable. It was an overwhelming blow that brought me to that belief.

All I could do was watch the attack in stunned amazement and wonder if I could somehow let Night and Akatsuki escape alone. However, the despair looming in front of us would not allow such a thing to happen, and thats when we were about to be swept up by the strike.

([Heaven Fly].)

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