I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 5: Chapter 2: Part 2

Book 5: Chapter 2: Part 2

Heres another chapter brought by Patreon, enjoy

Part 2

So, this is a city of the other world!

Once we safely entered the royal capital, Kaoris eyes sparkled as she looked around the surroundings enthusiastically.

Kaori, if you look around that much, youll get dizzy. Be careful.

Yes! Y-youre right. I was just so excited

Kaori, you look like a child.

No, I mean, Yuti had a similar reaction on Earth too, right?

I have no idea about that.

In fact, the first time Yuti left my house on Earth, she was much more restless than the current Kaori, and she was on the verge of being out of control. She tried to climb the walls and poles of the houses, and she looked around so much that I was afraid she was going to break her neck.

But back then when we were about to enter the royal capital, I was flustered but Yuti, you were able to get in without any problems.

I really did worry, since Yuti was the one who wanted to kill Rhaegar-sama before

I had forgotten about such things until now, and when I remembered that while we were going through the formalities at the city entrance, I was in a great panic

Disregard. I got in, so its fine.

No, thats true, but

Expectation. The soldiers at the bottom dont even know about me. So they let me in.

Hmm is that right?

In fact, given Yutis fighting power, if Yuti were to be serious, an ordinary soldier wouldnt even be able to catch her movement in the first place.

I was a little concerned that the gatekeepers, or rather, the soldiers would rush around, but

Well, I still dont know what would happen, and Im a little afraid thinking about that. But theres no point in worrying about it now. So at this point, I stop thinking about it. Despite being warned by Yuti, Kaori couldnt hold back her excitement anymore and was looking around again, and she suddenly seemed to notice something.

Um, Yuuya-san.

Hmm? Whats wrong?

Um is it always like this in this town?

Like what?

No, I mean the whole city seemed pretty hectic, so um I mean, it seems to be a different kind of busy than being lively


After being told, I noticed the surroundings.

The gatekeepers were very busy, but I saw that many people were also coming and going busily when I looked around the city again. Moreover, there were no scenes of them chatting and laughing right now, as though they dont have any time to spare at all.

Indeed, I wonder whats going on



As I was looking at the surroundings, I was unexpectedly approached by a voice. I immediately turned my gaze towards the voice and saw Owen-san standing there with a surprised expression on his face.

Owen-san was frozen in surprise that I was here; after a little while, he ran over to me.

Yuuya-dono, what are you doing here!

No, Kaori wants to see this city, so Im here to visit

Kaori-dono, huh? Is it a sightseeing trip?

My words startled Owen-san a bit, then he turned his attention to Yuti, who was standing with indifference behind me. He hurriedly jumped back from the spot.

Yu-Yuuya-dono! The woman there is!

Eh? Ah, no, shes different now!

Whats the difference? That woman wants Rhaegar-sama.

Uwaa, indeed, Owen-san was one of the people who saw Yutis face up close and personal!

Owen-sans cautious atmosphere has caused the surrounding people and even the other soldiers to gather around to see whats going on. The situation is getting worse.

Kaori was at a loss about the situation, but Yuti, the person in question, didnt seem to be bothered by it. No, this is happening because of you, you know!

Ah, Owen-san, Ill explain it to you somewhere else

Alright. In any case, we cant handle that woman here if she rushes out at us, so lets go

He looked frustrated at first, but Owen-san listened to my suggestion after a moment. Then, I was taken directly by Owen-san to a less crowded place. And there, I properly explained to him about Yutis attack on my house, and even the things about Holy and Evil.

After hearing everything, Owen-san held his head in his hands.

Its not that I didnt expect to see such a fairy tale existence as Evil but rather, why is it that only dangerous people gather around Yuuya-dono like this but this is no longer a problem that can be handled by a single country alone.

I-I feel like I have to apologize for that

No, its not that Yuuya-dono has anything to apologize for and I didnt realize that Yuuya-dono is a disciple of a being who bears the Holy title

As for that, Ive become one before I realized it, too

Right? At first, even though Master Usagi gave me training in kicking, I didnt expect to get involved with enemies of such existence like the Evil.

Thats why I ended up involved with it

As I looked at him distantly, Owen-san still seemed a little wary as he asked me.

So, that woman Yuti, was it? Is everything okay?


Dont worry. Im not interested in the first prince or this country anymore. I will only want to defeat the Evil. Thats it.


Then Yuti, who had been uncomfortable until now, opened her mouth and answered. At her conviction, Kaori made a somewhat sad expression on her face.

Im sure Kaori doesnt know the details of Yutis situation. Still, from Yutis eyes and the sound of her voice, Kaori must have sensed the weight of what Yuti was holding. As for me, I would like her to forget about the Evil and live her own life, but it will be difficult to do so, and its not something I can easily interfere with.

At Yutis behavior, Owen-san also slightly widened his eyes and then sighed.

Sigh Considering my position, Id like to arrest you in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom, but first of all, thats impossible in terms of my ability, and there seem to be some intricate circumstances involved. For now, I will trust Yuuya-dono and Yutis words.

T-thank you very much!

Thank goodness! If things went poorly, or perhaps in a normal situation, I would definitely be treated as an accomplice and be caught as well.

Once I felt relieved about Yutis circumstances, I decided to ask Owen-san about the cause of the citys current atmosphere.

By the way, we arrived in this city just now; whats going on? It seems to be somewhat frantic, unlike the last time I was here

Ah, yeah. Thats something I want to talk to you about

As he was about to continue explaining, Owen-san made a face as he thought of something and bowed his head to me.


Eh, What? Whats wrong?

Can you please help us, Yuuya-dono?


But I dont understand the story. I cant help but give such a dumb response. I looked at Kaori and the others in confusion, but both Yuti and Kaori were equally confused. Night and Akatsuki were yeah, no different than usual.

Well, can you explain what you mean by that?

To tell you the truth, there is a valley near this Arcelia Kingdom where a legendary dragon is said to sleep


Yes. The legendary dragon described in our folklore may have awakened.


Eh, the legendary dragon has awakened?


Dragon, a dragon, you say? Eehh! Isnt it a fictional creature?

Ive never seen a dragon since I came to this world, so Im just as surprised as Kaori was. And its not just an ordinary dragon. Its a legendary dragon.

W-wait a minute! What do you mean by legendary?

Of course, people thought its a myth, a fairy tale of sorts, but apparently, it is real.

Oh, no.

I could see from Owen-sans slack-jawed look that he wasnt lying. Oh, come on, is this for real?

No, I dont care if its fictional or not; its surprising to me when they call it a dragon. But as one would expect, since its a legendary creature, even Yuti, who seemed apathetic until now, opened her eyes and froze.

Astonishing. Ive only heard stories about it. I thought it was a myth.

Well, for me, the existence of Holy and Evil is fairytale enough

It seems like this is too late now. I didnt have a clue, but the existence of Holy and Evil is also a legendary class if I think about it normally. And what level is Sage-san at? Im curious.

Err well, you know, theres all sorts of surprises there, like the existence of the legendary dragon, and also the fact that it has awakened but looking at the atmosphere of the city, its not a very good thing, is it?

Yeah, I think.

You think?

I couldnt help but ask about the rather vague answer, but Owen-san replied, with a grim expression on his face.

Its pathetic, but I just dont understand it.


Anyhow, the Dragon is a mythical entity. I dont know if it is hostile to humans.

I-I see

As Owen-sans words unwittingly convinced me, Kaori, who was listening in from behind me, opened her mouth.

Um, what is the content of the legend?

Hmm? The legend says the Dragon that existed with the creation of the world, rested here. Its just that.

C-creation of the world, you said?

Does that mean its a Dragon that lived as long as this world? How old is it? No, rather, whats going on with its lifespan and stuff like that?

That certainly doesnt tell us anything

Yeah. And, as I said, I dont know for sure if it has awakened either.

So why do these people think that it has awakened?

After hearing a roar that seems as though the world was shaking, the monsters inhabiting that valley began to run away, as if they were fleeing from something.

Is that so?

Do you not hear that at Yuuya-donos house? In the royal capital, the impact of its roar alone was enough to cause the walls of houses and even the castle walls to collapse

Was it really that bad? But I didnt hear it. Yuti, you didnt hear it either, did you?

Affirmative. I didnt hear the roar.

Its strange I thought with that volume, it would definitely reach the [Great Devils Nest]

When the Bloody Ogre attacked Sage-sans house, Im pretty sure I heard its voice, so I dont think theres a feature for blocking out sounds No, wait?

If its a roar that breaks not only the walls of the house, but even the walls of the castle, as Owen-san described, wouldnt it be considered an attack? It might be blocked by Sage-sans house. If thats the case, then Sage-san, who can easily block the legendary dragons roar, is really dangerous, I mean, amazing

Anyway, it was decided that we, the knights, would investigate the valley to check if that legendary dragon had really awakened. However, as I mentioned earlier, as a result of the monsters fleeing the valley, the surrounding villages were attacked, and we were too busy dealing with them that we couldnt proceed to investigate the valley. Moreover, because originally many of the more vicious monsters reside in the depths of that valley, the investigation itself would be difficult Its because of that we couldnt even find out if the legendary dragon existed or not until now

I see

Therefore, I would like to ask Yuuya-dono, who lives in the [Great Devils Nest], which is an even more dangerous area than the valley where the legendary dragon sleeps, to help me investigate it!

Eh? Is the [Great Devils Nest] any worse than that?

Ive been told many times that its very dangerous, but whats really going on with [Great Devils Nest]?

Hearing Owen-sans words, Kaori, who didnt know that my house was in such a dangerous place, turned blue in the face. I tried to explain to her that Sage-sans influence is protecting it, but I wondered if she believed me

Um I feel like after listening to that story. I dont really think my equipment is going to work

Thats not true! The only monsters that come out are in the Bloody Ogres class inside the [Great Devils Nest].

Oh, if thats the case, then I guess its alright.

Well, from our point of view, if we find a Bloody Ogre, we will be prepared for our deaths, Owen muttered.


Owen-san was muttering something in a low voice, but I couldnt hear it. What did he say?

Anyway, as for me, if they are in trouble Id like to help Owen-san and the others, but

Um, how far is that valley from the royal capital?

Right Its on the opposite side of the [Great Devils Nest], but it should take roughly less than half a day.

Half a day?

If we go now, we could reach the valley, but it would take us the rest of the day to get there. If thats the case, we wont be able to do any sightseeing in the royal capital today.

Thinking about that, I suddenly turned my gaze towards Kaori, and she was looking at me with a serious expression.

Um, Yuuya-san.


If you want, you can accept the request.


If there are people in need right now and theyre looking for Yuuya-sans help, Id want you to help them. And we can do the tour of the royal capital another time.

If Kaori says so, Id be grateful for the opportunity to provide help to them too, but

Besides, Im curious about that legendary dragon too!


At Kaoris words, not only me, but even Owen-san was dazzled. She said she was curious about the legendary dragon Could it be that!?

Kaori is coming with us?

Is it no good?

No, I mean, it would normally be dangerous, wouldnt it?

Its okay. I also have the ring that Yuuya-san gave me!


But as expected, I dont feel comfortable taking her to a place where there are a legendary dragon and other ridiculous beings

Yuuya. Im coming too.

Eh, Yuti too?

Then Yuti also wanted to come along as she replied with an unchanged expression.

Affirmative. Legendary dragon, Im curious too. Besides, if its a dangerous place, I would be a part of the fighting force as well.

Umm Its complicated for me, but Yutis skills are vastly superior to ours Its very helpful as things stand right now, though

While Owen-san groaned with a reluctant face, Yuti didnt seem bothered as she continued.

Conveniently. If Im around, I can escort Kaori as well.

Eh? Youre going to protect Kaori?

Of course. Kaori, you taught me so much in that world. So Ill protect you.


Kaori looked touched by Yutis words and muttered that.

Hmm, after being told that much, its hard for me to say no Sure, Kaori has the ring we gave her too; but I wonder if its really okay.

Alright, Kaori can come with us.


As you see, Owen-san. Well be taking part in the investigation.

Ooh, I see! That would be very much appreciated!

However, Id like to leave now if possible

In that case, Ill give you a map to the valley. Also, if youre really going to go right now, Id suggest you pack some food and other supplies.

While receiving such advice, we quickly left for the valley after receiving a map from Owen-san. The food situation that Owen-san mentioned can be managed as long as we get home with teleportation magic, so it should be fine. More importantly I am a little excited to see if there really was a dragon.

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