I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 5: Chapter 3: Part 2

Book 5: Chapter 3: Part 2

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Part 2

Hey, you puny human over there!

.., Huh?

I looked around hurriedly as I suddenly heard an unknown voice, but there was no one around who seemed to be the owner of the voice. It seemed that not only me but also Yuti and the others could hear it as well, and they all had puzzled expressions on their faces.

As we were all looking for the owner of the voice, we heard the voice again.

As a puny human, how dare you ignore me?


I didnt think it was possible, but I looked up at the dragons face. I was looking up towards the sky until my neck hurt.

Could it be youre speaking?

Indeed. Im talking to you.

The dragon is talkinnggggg!

What is it, you lot. Is it such a strange thing for me to speak?

I wasnt expecting him to really be able to talk, so I reacted in this way.

N-no, um Its because this is the first time Ive encountered a dragon, so

Hmph. I dont want to be compared to those dragons around here, but I can certainly understand and speak your language. Do you know what that means?

Huh? T-that means y-youve worked hard to learn the human language, right?

What kind of apprehension is that?

For some reason, the dragon was tsukomiing at my words. No, because thats the only thing that comes to mind when being asked if I know what that means

Eei! That means that if I can understand your words, I can understand all the insulting things that you humans have said about me!

I-I see?

What a lack of response!

Then, what should I say? Because I by no means have any intent to make fun of the dragon in front of me

Seeing the exchange between the dragon and I, Kaori was shaken up. but for some reason, Yuti looked at me as if she wanted to say something to me. What? Is my reaction that strange?

Its not that I couldnt stand the stares by everyone, but for now, Im going to ask the dragon a question.

Um, can I ask you something? I heard you were asleep at the beginning, but is there any reason why you woke up?

Where did that panic of yours earlier go?

I felt better after that conversation got derailed.

So youre a big shot, huh?

At first, I was surprised and thought it was all over, but when I found out that we could communicate with each other, I felt a lot better. If this dragon had intended to kill or eat us in the first place, we wouldnt be here talking right now.

Well, thats okay. I was awakened by the annoying smell of the Holy and the Evil And now, for the first time in my life I, who have lived since the creation of the world I never thought that there was a smell that I didnt even know existed. That smell has lured me here.

A smell, you say?

You want to feign ignorance, huh? Theres a pot lying near you. Its been drifting from there.


I looked at the pot of curry that was miraculously safe from the dragons roar earlier.

Um, you mean this curry?

Curry, huh? Whats that?

Erm, its our meal

The dragon heard my words and, for some reason, frowned. Or rather, the expression on the dragons face is so easy to understand.

Hmph, dont talk nonsense. Isnt human food supposed to be either boiled or grilled? Do you think that seasoning it with plenty of salt and spices is acceptable?

I nod my head at the dragons words, which seem somewhat ridiculous. Could it be that hes been asleep for so many years that he doesnt know that human taste buds and seasonings have changed?

Sure, it may have been true in the past, but over the years, humans have also developed their own cooking methods and studied various cuisines. Well, in this world, the cooking techniques may not be that well developed yet.

Hmm, in that case, since you are here, would you like to try it?

Eh, my curry

Then Yuti gave me a sad look at my remark.

Aah, Yuti. Ill make another one right after giving this dragon the curry.

Hoo? Do you think youre going to get home safely before me?

Eh? Arent you gonna let us go?

You are somewhat out of tune.

Why? I didnt do or say anything strange, didnt I?

But even if I were to eat this thing, I wouldnt be satisfied with such a small and insignificant amount of food. What are you going to do?

What am I going to do, you said? If you said so

Indeed, the dragon was right; even if it were the size of a large pot, the amount would be completely lacking, considering the size of the dragon in front of me. In the first place, its doubtful whether there is even enough for the dragon to taste it.

However, theres no better way to deal with this huge body.

Ah. Thats it.

Mu? What do you mean?

No, I just thought Id found a way to reduce the size of dragon-san, so I thought that

D-dragon-san? I mean, do you really think theres a way to do that?


As I said that, I took out a certain thing from the item box. It was the [Pill of Large and Small Changes] that was dropped at the time when I got the equipment for Kaoris protection.

What, thats not poisonous or anything like that, right?

No, no, its just a pill to make you smaller.

A pill that could make me smaller?

Dragon-san brought his huge face closer from the side and stared at the medicine with his big eyes.

Hmph. How can such a thing make me small

Well, well, dont say that; you just have to try it.

Wheres the attitude you had the first time you saw me?

When you become too nervous, you become uncomfortable speaking, dont you think? Well, the reason why Ive been able to be so carefree is that being nervous isnt practical. Besides, Id really want to borrow Japanese companies help and teach dragon-san that human food is wonderful too.

With that in mind, I threw the pill into the mouth of the still vigilant dragon. Incidentally, there were a lot of pills in the bottle, and to be honest, I didnt know how many pills it would take for the effect to appear. But as expected, I couldnt use more without knowing the effects, so I kept it to one. No, in the first place, if its unused, Im just saying that you should use it yourself first.

Y-you! You really made me eat it!

The next moment, however, the dragons body began to glow.

What is this? Whats happening!

Who knows?

Who knows?!

Well, maybe its like a sign that its going to start shrinking now.

When dragon-san is panicked at the strange phenomenon of his body, Kaori, who has been watching the course of events until now, asked anxiously.

W-what an amazing light but is it okay?

I think its going to be okay. When I got the item, the description didnt mention anything that looked like a side effect.

Yes, that was one of the main reasons why I used it on dragon-san without hesitation.

With the [Identification] skill, if there are any side effects, they should be properly explained to me. After all, when I examined the [Ichikoro grass] that Akatsuki brought me when I was collecting medicinal herbs with Lexia-san and Luna, I was properly informed that it was dangerous.

Eventually, the light subsided, and there was a small dragon there, about the size that I could carry in my two hands.

I-is it done? Why do you people look down on me?

Its because dragon-san is now small.


Dragon-san received my words and immediately looked over at his body and was stunned.

T-this is ridiculous my body is really smaller

Now, you can really taste the curry.

U-umu No, I mean, thats not it! Its true that if I get smaller, it will let me try the curry, but I cant have it like this!

Thats okay too. Perhaps, from now on, dragon-san will be able to change the size of his body at will.


The dragons eyes widened as if to say that he couldnt believe my words, but his body began to glow again as he looked up at the sky as if he had decided on something.

And when the light subsided, dragon-san in his original size was present.

I-I really turned back

You really did it.

You werent sure about this?

I knew that it was possible to change the bodys size thanks to the [Identification] skill, so I didnt think it was impossible to do so. Dragon-san was astonished by my reaction, but soon, when his body glowed again, he changed into a smaller body.

Well, fine. No, its not actually good, but lets not worry about it at this time. Now whats in the pot there? Give it to me quickly.

Saying that, dragon-san snatched the pot of curry I was holding. Then he opened the pot and took in a full breath.

Suuuhh U-umu, as I thought, its an indescribable smell. But from the color, I cant imagine its very good.

Disagree. Then give it to me.

What is it, little girl? This is mine now! I wont give it to you!

At this point, Yuti aimed for the curry, but dragon-san finally stuck his face into the pot!


I wasnt expecting him to shove his whole face into the pot, so I was a little worried about him.



I heard what sounded like something being sucked in at an incredible rate.

And then

Delicious! This is so good? What is this, what the hell is this?

This was a victory for the Japanese companies.

I answered with a few words with a proud expression, This is human food. Its curry.

T-this is!

Dragon-san froze for a bit, looking greatly surprised, but then began to eat again in earnest.

While looking at that figure, I suddenly thought back to my conversation with dragon-san earlier and decided to ask him.

Um speaking of which, earlier you said something about the smell of Holy and Evil, what do you mean by that?'

Haguhagu Mm? Apparently it means nothing. The disgusting smell of Holy and Evil began to fill the world, so my nose woke me up even though I didnt want to. Theyre spreading disgusting smells

Could it be that Master and the others are causing this!

Im not sure what to say to that fact, and as he ate, he moved his nose around and smelled us as well.

I think I can sense some of that smell from the little girl there and from you as well Mm? You guys have a bit of a strange smell. The little girl smells like a mixture of Holy and Evil. And from you, its

As he was about to say that much, dragon-san stopped eating his curry and opened his eyes.

R-ridiculous why do you smell like that guy!?

T-that guy?

Stop playing dumb! If I say that guy, its that guy!

No, wait, that doesnt make sense to me

Why is it so hard getting through to you? Didnt the humans call him the Sage?


I was so surprised by dragon-sans words that my eyes widened.

Sage, you said? You know sage-san?

Huh? I know what he knows, and he should know what I know, too.

No, theres a lot of things happening with me at the moment

While telling him about the Earth, I explained to dragon-san that I became the new master of Sage-sans house and that I had inherited Sage-sans magic circuit.

Then, dragon-san snorted loudly.

U-umu, I see But I must admit that Ive never heard of the existence of a different world even though Ive been living since the creation of this world this is the first time Ive heard of it. And to create a connection with it As expected of the Sage.

Dragon-san muttered with a somewhat distant look in his eyes.

Um whats the relationship between dragon-san and Sage-san?

Hm? Thats right I thought we were friends.


But I failed to understand his suffering. I had no concept of life span and thought it was foolish to die of old age. But I didnt think that it was his only salvation

With a somewhat sad look on his face, dragon-san says so.

Sage-sans book said that he didnt have any close friends, but there were still those who were worried about him like this

As I was feeling sad about that misunderstanding, dragon-san finally finished his curry.

Puhah! That was good!

Oh, yes. Thats good to know.

The moment I was about to say that much, a message appeared in front of me.

You have succeeded in taming the [Genesis Dragon]

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