I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Okay, Ill see you later.

See you later.

Today is finally the day of the long-awaited summer festival.

The town has been buzzing with activity for the festival for a few days now, and Ive really been waiting for this day to arrive.

Well, its not that I was looking forward to the festival itself. Its more that I wanted to see the three girls in yukata that I promised them.

Was the meet-up in front of the station?

We meet up at the station and afterwards we decide to enjoy the festival as we see fit.

I walked along, unable to hide my excitement, and checked the various preparations I had made.

The charging is fine, Ive got plenty of time to spare.

The charge is totally perfect, so I dont have to worry about running out of battery on the way.

But Im still not sure what to do.

Its natural that I simply want to enjoy the summer festival Im going to spend with the three of them, so I feel like my heart would be satisfied without having to do that.

The crowd is increasing as I approach the meeting place, but maybe surprisingly, people from outside the prefecture are visiting too.

Theres a lot of people and

There are many women with the figure that can be said to be my favorite, and I almost feel as if Im going to be blinded by them, but I also think that Mari and her friends are the best, and I think thats a great thing.

Speaking of which, my sister also said she would be enjoying the festival with her friends today, so we may meet each other.

I didnt tell her that Im going with Mari and the others Im afraid my sister will make fun of me.

Although Sis knows that Im going out too, she thinks Im probably going to play with Shogo and the others well, thats then.

Ah, there you are.

When I arrived in front of the station, I immediately spotted the three of them.

The word floating is sometimes taken to mean something bad, but in the case of the three of them, floating is when they are too conspicuous.

( the colors are just like I imagined them to be)

All three have different colors and patterns.

Mari is orange, Emu is sky blue, and Saika is black.

this, it looks like Im getting close to those three, and Ill be seen in a certain way.

But whats the point?

No matter how people look at you, youll get enough change for the time you spend with them.

As I approach the three girls, they notice me.


Mari waved at me, and I waved back and quickly approached.

Looking at them up close like this, they really look beautiful no matter what theyre wearing, and I was honestly excited about their yukata outfits.

(Eei, dont have weird feelings at a time like this!)

While thinking about such impossible things, I joined the girls in this way.


However, although it was good that we joined them, I was restless

It was the same at the pool, but being with the three of them in a place with so many peoples eyes made me nervous in many ways.

Are you nervous?

Only a little.

When I answered that, Saika nodded her head and slowly took my hand.

Then she brought it to the position of her own chest, and let my hand touch its rich bulge.



I want you to know that Im more surprised than the two of you who are surprised.

Ive had Saika do this to me before, but after all, when she does something like this to me in her normal state, my movements stopped.

Im nervous too, arent I? Now were even.


Along with the softness, the sound of Saikas heart is transmitted through the palm of my hand.

Have you calmed down?

I cant calm down at all, yes.

Of course Im more nervous After that, I immediately removed my hand from Saikas chest, but the heat in her body is unusual.

Ive always thought that Saika in her normal state is also quite naughty, or at least it gives the impression of being so, so I want to get my hands on her right away too.

Today were going to have fun together~!!!

Thats why I said that to hide my lust for her and walked away.

Once I calmed down, I became strangely calm myself, and although I was mostly just following the movements of the three of them, I was enjoying todays festival from the bottom of my heart.

This yakisoba is delicious, senpai, how do you like it?

Then I might want some.

Then yes. Ah~n

Of course, I experienced the cliche developments.

I was not the one who was afraid of that act, which is a high school boys dream now, so I gratefully ate the yakisoba offered to me by Emu.

Ah, youve got sauce on it.

Emu wiped the dirt off my cheek with a handkerchief.

I thought Emu, who was staring at it for a while, was cute and blurted out.

Emu will be a good wife, Im sure.

Of course, that was just a murmur from my heart.

Im not only talking about Emu, but also Mari, Saika, if I may say so, Aika, and Fiana, and now I can also say that about Konoe-san.

( Damn it, this is what happens as soon as I get a bit carried away).

While using the hypnosis app to do things to the girls, Im getting weirdly worked up because weve become friends, although its hard to believe that this was the starting point.

This is why a reminder is still necessary.

I also bought takoyaki Emu-chan, whats wrong?

Ah, yes. My senpai told me that Im going to make you my wife.


I turned to Emu and said I didnt say that, but Emu stuck her tongue out and showed no sign of being offended.

Well, because she showed such a mischievous appearance, both Mari and Saika seemed to have taken it in an amusing way and laughed at my agitation.

Ah, isnt that Kai?


I was in such a lively atmosphere when I was approached from behind.

When I turned around, it was my sister who was there, but she was surrounded by her friends, and she alternately looked at me and Mari and the others with her eyes wide open.

You the ones youre going out with were these girls?


The people who were with my sister and her friends were also looking at me as if they were curious, and among them was Matsufusa-san, whom my sister had mentioned.


Shes easy to recognize because of the mesh in her hair, and shes perfectly etched in my memory because she has the most buxom style I dont know why, but I had a strange sense of deja vu for a moment.

All three of you are really cute and beautiful. Hmm, take care of this girl, will you~?

Ah, yes!

Leave it to me!


Im a little kid

In the end, I didnt know what deja vu was and had no way of confirming what it was like, but thats where I left my sisters.

Then time passed and an announcement was made that fireworks would be going off.

After all, fireworks are the end of a festival, arent they?

Yes senpai, didnt you bring your phone today?

Eh? No, I have but I basically always carry it with me, you know?

Oh, I see. Well then I feel safe.

What do you mean?

Saikas expressionless face patted Emus shoulder but you guys really got on well, didnt you?

However, I wanted to go to a quiet place when I was thinking that Mari clapped her hands.

Hey, hey, theres actually a quiet place, do you guys want to go? From there, we can get away from all this hustle and bustle and watch the fireworks.


Mari led the way and took us to a certain place.

The place is on a hill with a good view, but basically during a festival like today, there are not that many people who visit here or rather, there was no one else there but us.

During festivals like today, there are other things to put on, right? Thats why there arent that many people coming here for the view.


Well, this is something youll have to remember down the road.

Although its a bit scary at night in the quiet, its another spice when its the girls beside you.

Wow, look at them!

Its beautiful.

The fireworks that went off were really beautiful.

Ive been to many festivals in the past, but Ive never been able to watch the fireworks because I just ate a random meal and went home as soon as my stomach was full.

Kai-kun, Kai-kun.


While I was leisurely watching the beautiful fireworks, Mari pointed towards a certain direction.

Ive seen a couple having sex among the trees there a while ago. Thats how much of a good spot it is, its like a hole in the ground, or a place where you cant be found out.

I looked twice at Maris face, as if she were talking to a female friend.

I also felt that its not right for a girl to talk to a guy about it, but I also wanted to ask Mari deeply how she felt about it.

(I see that place)

Ive seen fireworks for a while its okay now, right? I dont have to hold back, do you?

I apologized in my mind to the three of them who were enjoying the fireworks, picked up my phone, and put them in a hypnotic state.

Phew this time has finally come

First, I reached out to Mari, who was next to me.

Gently touching her from the top of her yukata, I put my hand on her bulge, inserting my hand through the gap between her breasts.

(Eh? Ah, I see, yukatas dont have a bra, do they?)

I was surprised by the direct feeling of her skin, but I thought it was something like that.

Hey senpai, you were waiting for me, werent you?

The three of us will heal you.

Stain your yukata? When I was about to take the three of them to the secluded spot Mari had told me about, it was then.

Thats it!


That sudden voice I heard made me jump.

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