I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 120 Changed

Chapter 120 Changed

The men were so stunned they looked like they had just heard the humanity’s most insane cheesy line. If the person who had spoken was anyone else, it wouldn’t have been such a shock but the person who spouted that line was Yu Chen, their big big boss!

It was just too much for them that everyone was unable to even react. They didn’t know what to even think or say, except of course to the man who had quickly bounced back to his usual animated self and continued talking to the boss.

"But boss, those precious works of art on your neck would soon fade after a few days whether you like it or not." Gu Wei said and Yu Chen’s head snapped towards him. His brows were creased, as if he was extremely displeased because of a certain bad news he had just heard.

"I know." Yu Chen replied. His voice was cold but he sounded like he had just forced himself to accept a heartbreaking truth.

Seeing those lines of displeasure on his boss’ forehead and the way he sounded, Gu Wei almost burst out. Gladly, he managed to suppress himself quite well this time but a mischievous grin still appeared on his face.

"Okay boss, how about we do this? Let me take a photo of those work of art so we could preserve such a wonderful masterpiece before it disappears into existence. You know what I meant, right? It may seem unnecessary but mind you, boss, memories could be forgotten, that’s why photographs exist to turn memories into something permanent that could last a lifetime."

". . ."

The men who were listening to their conversation could only watch and listen in disbelief. For goodness’ sake! What the hell are you even talking about, huh, Gu Wei? And why the hell are you speaking like an ancient poet reciting a poem?!

"C’mon, boss. Don’t be shy. I assure you, Miss Luo would surely not mind. This is just for the sake of preserving precious memories. Precious memories big boss, you hear me? Yours and Miss Luo’s precious memories! Just a single shot won’t hurt okay? Or how about this? If you don’t want me to see, then just take a selfie, like this. Just focus it on your neck and done! Easy. C’mon, why don’t you try it." Gu Wei picked Yu Chen’s phone on his desk and gave it to him. And then without waiting for the boss’ reply, he suddenly turned and walked towards the door.

"Now all of you, let’s leave boss for a while so he can take his selfie in peace!" he suddenly ordered, jolting everyone. "C’mon, make it fast!!!" his voice was a bit loud and everyone didn’t know why they actually listened to him.

In a blink of an eye, the men were already outside. "We will wait for you here boss," Gu Wei winked before he shut the door closed, leaving Yu Chen all alone inside.

As soon as the door was closed, the men finally started talking.

"Leader, you’re so brave. How could ask the boss to do something like that?" The young Jiang Min was looking at Gu Wei with wonder and disbelief in his eyes.

"Heh, that’s easy. Haha."

"The leader just doesn’t fear death at all that’s why. So don’t admire him."

"Right, I don’t think boss will listen to your crazy request though."

"That’s right. I just can’t imagine the boss taking a selfie."

"Haha, damn... this is your fault Gu Wei."

"What’s with all of you?! You can’t imagine? That’s because you people are not creative at all! The boss will do it I’m telling ya’ll. That’s the extent of his love for Miss Luo! Do you guys want to bet? Huh? . . ."

As Gu Wei continued blabbering, the door had finally opened. Yu Chen was already wearing his large coat and was now ready to go home.

Gu Wei’s eyes sparkled as he immediately asked Yu Chen if he was done taking the selfie. But the man simply glanced at him, replied him the words "let’s go", before walking away.


Scarlet Hill...

It was already midnight when Yu Chen arrived at his house. His men had encountered assassins on their way back so his arrival was delayed by a few minutes. Yu Chen wasn’t fazed at all by this common occurence of trouble, but he was obviously upset that his precious time had been wasted.

"Sigh... these people never learn at all." Gu Wei sighed as he stepped out of the car, following Yu Chen from behind. "I wonder who sent them this time?"

"Boss, you’re not going to join us? It’s been a while since you last watched and joined us in performing our heavenly sweet interrogation techniques." Zhuo Yuan, the big and bulky man who was in-charge of the captured enemies, was the one who spoke.

Yu Chen halted the instant he heard him. And then, he replied without turning back to look at him.

"I’ll leave this matter to you." He simply said before he continued walking away.

The men, including Gu Wei just stood there as they watched their boss enter his house.

"The young master has really changed. Torturing his enemies used to excite him but now it seems like he doesn’t even care anymore. It’s hard to believe that he is the same man from weeks ago." Zhuo Yuan said and everyone nodded, except of course for Gu Wei who had let out a laugh instead.

"Haha, why are you guys so serious? Don’t deny it, I know you all are glad that the boss seems to have changed. So stop thinking about it and let’s just enjoy the moment. A blissful era has finally come upon us so better rejoice and just enjoy the sun while it’s there!" Gu Wei stated, stretching his arms wide as if he was giving a motivational speech to his army.

"Well, I’m not complaining at all. What matters the most is that the boss seems more alive now than ever before."

"Yeah, I noticed that too."

Meanwhile, Yu Chen had already swapped his business suit with a pair of a dark toned pyjamas when he entered their bedroom.

He quietly approached the bed and stood there as he stared at the three people sleeping soundly on the bed. He was noticeably pleased as he looked at them, as if he was staring at his treasures. He also looked at his empty spot and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

After a long moment, Yu Chen moved beside Luo Xiaolei. His gaze first fell on the two little buns before his eyes shifted onto Luo Xiaolei’s face. His dark eyes were incredibly gentle and then, the seemingly well-buried emotions in them had started to appear.

Yu Chen slowly raised his hand as he bent over her. He brushed away the strands of hair scattered on her face in an almost exaggerated carefulness.

As he watched her peaceful sleeping face, Yu Chen’s finger slowly landed on the tip of her nose, and then...

Down to her luscious lips.

A flame of desire burned in his eyes as he stared at her lips and then before he knew it, his face slowly moved closer and closer to hers. But just as their lips were about to collide...

Luo Xiaolei opened her eyes.

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