I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 86 Art of seduction, huh

Chapter 86 Art of seduction, huh

As soon as the dumbfounded Gu Wei finally snapped back to reality, he gasped, as if he just remembered something extremely vital annd then, he sidled even closer towards his boss.

"B-boss, don’t tell me you actually were about to tell her that a while ago." Gu Wei’s voice was filled with nothing but disbelief but Yu Chen just replied him with a bland "That’s right." He even sounded disinterested, causing Gu Wei to face palm like a problematic old man.

"Boss, listen... telling her that you’ll reward her with your body is absolutely a bad idea, believe me!"

The moment Yu Chen heard him, his face darkened as he turned to Gu Wei. "Are you telling me that giving myself to her is a bad idea?" he uttered between his teeth. Of course, Yu Chen’s face and words instantly made the man gulp in fear but he didn’t succumb. Instead, he immediately started to try and redeem himself.

"N-no, no, no! Absolutely not boss! It’s the bestest idea in the world! It’s the most shameless-AHH most genius idea I’ve ever heard in my life, PROMIIISSSE!!" Gu Wei even raised his one hand as if he was stating a serious pledge. "What I’m saying is that telling her about it RIGHT NOW is not a good idea. I mean, don’t you want to surprise her? Didn’t you hear about a certain famous step in the so called art of seduction?"

When the words ’art of seduction’ reached Yu Chen’s ears, his darkened face slowly returned to normal before raising his brow.

That single reaction of course made Gu Wei grin victoriously. He breathed in deeply and then raised his face confidently as if he just miraculously transformed into a certain mighty strategist who was about to declare a certain plan that would surely help to win the war.

"Boss, according to step #20 in the art of seduction. . ." he started but then, for some reason, he stopped. "Ehem... please wait a moment boss. Just a little moment."

And then, he suddenly dashed away. He leaped like a ninja towards Guan Ye and frantically pulled him closer.

"Guan Ye, what is that again?" he asked, panicking. Well, he just dared to leave his big boss hanging and even asked him to wait which was something he had had not ever done before so he couldn’t relax at all.

Guan Ye on the other hand simply looked at him with a questioning look in his eyes. Obviously, he didn’t get what this creature was even asking.

"I mean that step #20 in that book art of seduction. What did it say again? C’mon, quick tell me, the big boss is waiting."

Guan Ye was speechless. Huh?! What the hell is this man doing again?

"Guan Ye!! Just spit it out damn it! The boss will kill me if I make him wait any longer!!" When Gu Wei’s voice turned threatening, Guan Ye could only sigh in disbelief. For goodness’ sake, is this man trying to give the boss some advice? And where did he even hear about this? Wait... don’t tell me...

When Guan Ye remembered that this Gu Wei made him spit out every detail of their plans that time when they were helping their boss about pursuing Luo Xiaolei, he could only face palmed himself. So this is why this guy was so interested about who the author of that book was. He actually went and bought one of her other works, read it and then forgot about it. Sigh... as expected with this man...

"Okay, okay, I’ll say it!" Guan Ye finally surrendered and without further ado, he recited the words the other man wanted to hear, like a robot.

"Step #20. Pique her interest and leave her wondering. Don’t reveal things mindlessly... Keep your Ace hidden and only reveal it at the perfect mo. . . ment. . ."

Before Guan Ye could even say the last word, Gu Wei already disappeared by his side. He dashed away at his fastest speed ever and reached his boss in no time at all.

"Boss, according to step #20 in the art of seduction..." he repeated as soon as he stood beside Yu Chen again. He was even acting like nothing had happened. Even his confident voice was back. "Pique her interest and leave her wondering. Don’t reveal things mindlessly. Keep your Ace hidden and only reveal it at the perfect moment." He echoed the exact words Guan Ye had said.

What followed after those words was a tensed silence. But then, Yu Chen’s fingers moved towards his chin as if he was now contemplating about what he just heard.

"Where did you hear those words?" he asked and Gu Wei’s eyes lit. ’VICTORY!’ was flashing so bright in his eyes.

"Those words are from a certain love guru."

"Love guru? Who?"

"A professional love advisor and a famous novelist, boss."

"I see. Art of seduction, huh." For some reason, Yu Chen fell quiet and then he glanced at Luo Xiaolei for a long while. Afterwards, his eyes suddenly brimmed with something peculiar before he looked at Gu Wei again. "Find a way for me to meet him." He added and Gu Wei’s mouth hung open.

"H-huh? Him? Who?"

"That love guru you’re talking about."

Ehh??! Nani*?!!!

While Gu Wei was still in a shock, Yang Jin finally stood up and then, Yu Chen entered the car, leaving the still stunned poor Gu Wei standing there like a statue, looking as though, his life was over.

As soon as the car’s door closed, Gu Wei snapped and he tugged his hair as he looked up at the sky.

"Oh my god! What have I done!!" he suddenly yelled.

What the hell happened again? Guan Ye was shaking his head as he walked towards the man who looked like the world was about to end.

"Did the boss finally ordered you to go and offer yourself to be the next dinner to the wolves in Scarlet hill?" Guan Ye mischievously asked when Gu Wei quickly held the man’s collar.

"Guan Ye my friend... please help me out here." Out of the blue, their proud leader was suddenly pleading, crying without tears, as if he had just been really sentenced to death.

"Er... what happened?" Guan Ye could only ask. Even though he knew that this man might have done something idiotic again, he couldn’t help but be curious.

"Boss just asked me to find a way for him to meet the love guru personally." He explained and Guan Ye froze for a moment. And then he involuntarily stepped back as if he too was suddenly taken over by fear. But before he could take a step to leave, Gu Wei’s arm was already wrapped around Guan Ye’s shoulder, gripping him tight.

"Guan Yeye my friend. Help me out here okay? We are best friends forever you know?" he said, leaving Guan Ye regretting that he decided to approached this man. And what the hell was he saying? Best friend forever?!!! Best friend forever my ass!! Ugh, really!!

"For goodness’ sake Gu Wei!! You know whose wife that woman is!" he could only reply, exasperated.

"I know. That’s why you need to help me out here! I don’t want to meet that man ever again in this life time." T^T

"Nor do I, damn it! So please, don’t drag me with you. The boss ordered you alone, you know! And even if I will come with you, I don’t think I could even be of any help!"

While the two were arguing within themselves as if they were a couple having a tiff, their eyes darted towards the two real peculiar quiet species that just passed by in front of them before looking into each other’s eyes, as if they finally found their ultimate savior.

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