I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 129: That sounded like her teacher needed to talk to her parents but Gu Xi couldn't figured out what she had done wrong. (3)

Chapter 129: That sounded like her teacher needed to talk to her parents but Gu Xi couldn't figured out what she had done wrong. (3)

After school that afternoon.

Gu Xi thought she would be picked up by the chauffeur but it was Gu Shao who showed up.

Dad? Gu Xi jumped into the car and looked at Gu Shao, pleasantly surprised.

Looking at the happy and surprised look on the girl when she saw him, Gu Shao felt a sense of warmth in him.

He had planned to give her a stern lecture for signing up to Tianchuang Competition behind his back.

After all, even though the purpose was different, but her behavior was no different from those who made in-game purchases from their parents phones.

Lo and behold, he wasnt able to get out any of the words that he had planned ahead of time.

You should focus on your studies at school and talk to your parent when you run into problems that you cannot resolve, said Gu Shao in a deep voice.

Gu Xi was baffled when she heard that out of the blue.

Is that what our teacher said? asked Gu Xi, baffled.

What Gu Shao had just said sounded like something that a teacher would say to the parents, when the student was in trouble. Gu Xi thought about it long and hard but couldnt think of any reasons why her teacher would need to talk to her parent.

No, its me who said it, said Gu Shao.

Gu Xi was even more befuddled but she nodded docilely in front of Gu Shao. Okay.


Inside of the car quieted down again.

Gu Shao answered a call.

Gu Xi, on the other hand, pulled out her phone from her pocket with messages that had been popping up.

She turned it on and, sure enough, it was another round of message bombardment from big brother [AAA].

[AAA]: I read your supplemental suggestions.

[AAA]: One word: AMAZING!

[AAA]: I think our design will be complete with those additional points.

[AAA]: How exactly did you come up with them?

Having said that, Brother [3A] even sent over an on-all-fours emoji showing his admiration for her.

[AAA]: That was the touch that made all the differences.

[AAA]: Ahem. I mean, your original design was already wonderful. It even perfecter now. More perfect. Hahaha.


Gu Xi had, by now, already gotten used to this persons octopus chatting speed.

Recalling her supplemental designs from today, Gu Xi responded: [As long as you think they will not. I was not certain if there will be any conflicts or unreasonableness on the technical end.]

Even though Gu Xi had gave her design flow a serious review, she still wasnt sure if there were any bugs in them.

[AAA]: I looked over it on the high level and didnt see any.

[AAA]: Speaking of, Precious, have you attended some boot camp or something?

[X]: ?

[AAA]: I noticed marked improvements on your work.

Comparing [X] initial version with the revisions, especially the parts involving technical details, [X] improvement was very noticeable.

[AAA] sent over another message before Gu Xi was able to respond: [Wait for it. I will complete the system design tonight.]

Having said that, [AAA] sent over a bright-colored emoji black background with a big bouquet of roses with dews sparkling on the petals. There was a colorful caption: [I cant sleep tonight.]*

Gu Xi, Where did he find this dated emoji from? It hurt the eyes to look at.

And, can you please stop using random emojis?!


Gu Shao, finishing up his call, lowered his head and saw Gu Xi holding her phone with both hands, giving it her utmost attention and her fingers flew and dances over the screen.

No cellphone in the car, reminded Gu Shao.

Some parents complained in the parents forum that their child had myopia from too much homework.

Then, the class teacher of the child shared an article in the group. To sum it up, the article basically said that most of the kids nowadays did not get myopia from having too much homework. Instead, it was most like their posture or environment when they read, complete their homework, or play on their cellphones or that they spent too much time on their electronic products.

With Gu Shaos stern reminder, Gu Xi quickly put her cellphone back into her pocket and gave Gu Shao a smile with a guilty conscience. She nodded and said softly, Okay.


Translator's notes:

From a romance song, meaning someone cant sleep because they were thinking about their loved one.

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