I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 154: "Your name is Gu Xi???" (2)

Chapter 154: "Your name is Gu Xi???" (2)

Inside the study, Gu Shao was talking to Wang Wu on the phone.

Go look into it. See if Xixi had been bullied at school or somewhere else lately, said Gu Shao.

What Gu Xi said what she said to him out of the blue, it was very bothersome. Gu Shao had also noticed that the nervousness and fear in Gu Xis eyes when she talked were real.

In addition to the Lin family, there might be other reasons that caused her to be so worried.

Look into her online friends as well. Gu Shao stressed.

What if Gu Xi had been in contact with some random people online?

Gu Shao frowned.

Okay. Ill go and arrange for that, said Wang Wu over the phone.

Mmm, said Gu Shao. Right when he was about to hang up on the phone, the girl who should have already been in bed came back to the study and poked her head out from behind the door.

I just want to add one more thing. And, before Gu Shao could frown, Gu Xi quickly added, Dad can pick up gardening or walk around in the park during your free time. Dont go visiting any strange places.

Gu Xi rushed back into her own room after she had said that.

Leaving Gu Shao with a baffled look,

Whatever did she mean by strange places?

Gu Shaos eyes dimmed and his temples throbbed.


Over on this side, Gu Xi had already run back into her room and buried herself under the blanket.

Gu Xi had planned to turn off her phone and go to sleep.

Sudden, she saw a message on her phone. [AAA] sent her a private message a minute ago.

[AAA]: Your name is Gu Xi?!

Gu Xi paused a little when she saw the message from [AAA].

Gu Xi was taken aback a little by the message.

She typed quickly on the phone and almost responded reflexively: [How did you know?]

[AAA]: I saw it on your page.

Having said that, [AAA] sent over a screen capture. It was the first message that Gu Xi had posted on her account: Hi everyone, I am Gu Xi.

[AAA] didnt normally follow others situations, let alone this message that Gu Xi had posted a while ago. Normally speaking, he wouldnt even have seen this.

But, just a moment ago, he had updated his own application information and replaced his little uncles information with his own and also added information into the guardian section.

It suddenly occurred to him that perhaps Bro X had also applied using his familys information much like he did because he, too, was below 16 years old.

The more he thought about it, the more curious he became so he went to look through [X]s personal information to see what he could gleam from it.

That was when he saw the status update and the two very familiar characters.


Gu Xi had a look of understanding when she saw the screen capture from [AAA].

Oh, I see So she was the one who had exposed herself.

Gu Xi was very excited when she received her new name and had posted this message.

She still had no friends on this account so she didnt think anyone would notice.

But it was okay that he found out. They would be meeting up in person at some point anyway.

As she thought that, Gu Xi casually responded to him: [Yeah.]

[AAA] quickly sent over another message: Thats your real name?

[X]: Yeah.

[AAA]: You are a girl?

[X]: Yeah. Didnt I include that under my personal information?

Was that strange?

She felt that he had just now found out about it and was very surprised at that.

[AAA] was very surprised. This entire time he had thought that [X] was male and had been treating her like he would a male buddy!

Even though the gender under [X]s information indeed said Female but whoever believed in the information on QQ? Dont people normally just randomly fill them out? And just make up information such as birthday and gender?

Many would purposefully create a secondary account, put their gender down as female just to break into the girls chat groups so they can obtain contact information of a specific girl.

Mainly he never considered the possibility that [X] was a girl and someone that he knew.

Eliminating the possibility that she was someone with the same name, he only knew of one Gu Xi.

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