I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 157: "Family friend? Yes. Don't need to worry? Perhaps not." (3)

Chapter 157: "Family friend? Yes. Don't need to worry? Perhaps not." (3)

I am serious, Brother Yan, if you are really interested in Gu Xi, you should go and profess your love for her.

Exactly, she wont know if you dont tell her. Go, Brother Yan. You have our support!

Truth be told, I think our Brother Yan has a good shot with his potential. Keke.

The others crazy talk made Sheng Xiuyans eyes twitched: What the heck were they talking about?

When have I said that I am interested in Gu Xi? Stop with the nonsense already, said Sheng Xiuyan with a deep voice and a long face.

None of them believed him.

No? Then why did you keep looking in Gu Xis direction? And that look on you was so keke.

Yeah, since when do you pay girls so much attention, Brother Yan? Usually girls are lucky when he doesnt complain that they were being too noisy.

Yeah, Brother Yan, the way you look at Gu Xi is very odd.

Sheng Xiuyan, . What was so odd about that? Could they not tell that he was feeling embarrassed?!

Not noticing the annoyance under Sheng Xiuyans eyes, the others continued to gossip.

Right? Why else would you have tried to drum votes up for Gu Xi if you arent interested in her, Brother Yan?

And youve tried so hard at that~

Sheng Xiuyan did not have an answer for that.

The first time he reposted was because Gu Xi was in his class. Everyone else had reposted, so he did as well.

All the times after that were forced by his grandfather.

As though sensing that Gu Xi had looked over in his direction, Sheng Xiuyans back stiffened, then he snored expressionlessly and put his head down to nap.

He completely did not realize that he couldnt have been more obvious.

Looking back, Gu Xi raised her brows and asked Dong Mingming, Do you feel that Sheng Xiuyan was a little bit off today?

Is he? Dong Mingming, too, looked over in Sheng Xiuyans direction. I dont think so. Isnt he like this every day?

It would be odder if he wasnt napping.

Gu Xi nodded without any more comment and refocused on her competition plan.

NTN was not the only organization who would look at competition results and make exceptions in accepting qualified candidates, many schools and professional organizations would as well.

But not all competitions were weighted the same.

Gu Xi listed out the competition that she met the qualifications to join and circled the ones that NTN would look at.

There over around 20 of them and she could enter about 8 or 9 of them. Among those, the closest one was the SL Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition.

Gu Xi had seen announcement of this competition in their school forum previously.

As these were no academic-type competition and did not offer extra credits for mid-term, most schools would not organize for entering into these types of competitions. Students could freely form their own team and sign up on their own.

Gu Xi went over to her class teachers office in between classes.

Hearing that Gu Xi was interested in the SL Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, her class teacher frowned a little.

I dont object to you participating in this kind of competitions but they take more time and more effort. In comparison, I think you are better off joining academic-focused competitions. You can join these youth innovation competitions when you attend senior high school. Gu Xis class teacher tried to talk her out of it.

Mainly she didnt want Gu Xi to be distracted from her studies. The next months examinations were around the corner.

Except that Gu Xi was very set on her decision.

Teacher, I only want to do this to expand my horizon and increase my knowledge outside of the academia. Gu Xi tried to simplify her reason of wanting to join these competitions.

Having said that, Gu Xi reassured her, I can handle the current school load and I promise joining this competition will not affect my schoolwork.

Gu Xi nailed what her class teacher wanted to hear the most. She pretended to think about it and finally agreed for Gu Xi to sign up.

But I still want to stress that you can join the competition but your schoolwork is still your first and foremost. You cannot let it affect your schoolwork. Gu Xis class teacher emphasized that again.

Gu Xi happily agreed.

Alright, let me print out an application for you. Just hand it back in to me when you are done.

I have some information here left behind by former students. You can take them with you and take a look at them.

As much as the class teacher seemed reluctant for Gu Xi to join the competition, she was very supportive of Gu Xi.

As such, not only did Gu Xi get her application form from her trip, she also got a bunch of information and practice notebooks that the teacher had dug out from the bottom of her drawer.

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