I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 54: Looking at the girl leaning up against the car window, Gu Shao's look mellowed out. (3)

Chapter 54: Looking at the girl leaning up against the car window, Gu Shao's look mellowed out. (3)

As Gu Shao had looked into both Zhang Village and Zhang Youfu, he had the car pulled out outside of Zhang Youfus house after they entered the village.

Quite a few individuals gathered around when they saw multiple cars pulled up in front of Zhang Youfus house.

More people come looking for Zhang Youfu, huh?

What car brand is this? It looks expensive.

What kind of good happened upon Zhang Youfus family?

Its Zhang Cui, right? Someone said. Her daughter married some big boss in the city. Didnt you see her coming in some fancy car every time?

That Zhang Cui was married to a gambling addict in the past and everybody said how she was so unfortunate. Look, not only was she able to lose that gambling addict after her daughter was raised, she was even able to live the life of a wealthy woman in the city, said one of the people there with the feel of jealousy seeping into their words.

I heard that her man didnt really want the divorce. Her daughter was somehow able to make it happen

These people loved to gossip. Just a few sentences and one would be able to learn all about Zhang Cuis life.

But didnt Zhang Cui just come over a few days ago? Why did she come again now? mumbled someone.

Zhang Cui had come over to Zhang Village a few days prior to transfer over Lin Xis household register. She didnt want to attract too much attention so she didnt stay for very long. Only a handful of people had noticed her.



But, why do I feel that this is more ostentatious than normal?

Zhang Cui usually came in one car. This time, there were several cars.

The villagers hadnt seen a lot of luxurious cars nor did they know the brand of these cars. Much like before, they just felt that these cars look even more luxurious than the ones that they had seen in the past.


Gu Shao got out of the car with Lin Xi in tow when the crowd gossiped among themselves.

Noticing that it was Zhang Cui who came out of the car, they were surprised.

Whos that? Thats not Zhang Cui.

I dont think I have ever seen him before.

Could he be Zhang Cuis son-in-law?

Gu Shao had top look, top status, and even his aura was leaps and bounds ahead of an ordinary person. Many among the crowd was envious: They have daughters at home too. How come they were not able to land a son-in-law like him?

By this time, those inside Zhang Youfus house had already heard the ruckus outside and came out. They were taken aback a little when they saw Gu Shao, Lin Xi, and all the cars.

Are, are you Sister Zhang Cuis son-in-law? asked Zhang Youfu uncertainly.

Zhang Cui hadnt been back a lot since she had left the village nor had she ever brought Lin Yize with her. As such, Zhang Youfu only knew that Zhang Cuis son-in-law was someone of importance but he didnt know what Lin Yize looked like.

As for Lin Xi.

Even though Zhang Cui had transferred Lin Xis household register under Zhang Youfu but, worried that someone would figure out Lin Xis relationship with her daughter, she wasnt going to actually bring Lin Xi over to her cousins place from Zhang Qiangs place.

Zhang Cui had further heard rumors around the village that Zhang Qiang was going to take Lin Xi as his wife. Zhang Cui was very surprised at first and felt that that was wrong but, after she had given it more thought, that could work when Lin Xi had Zhang Qiangs child after a few years, she would have ties to this place and would decide to stick around here. That way her daughter and her son-in-law would have nothing else to worry about.

By then, if Zhang Qiang was willing, they could then transfer Lin Xis household register under Zhang Qiang. Everything would work out perfectly.

As such, even though Lin Xi was now Zhang Youfus sixth daughter on paper, he had no idea what Lin Xi looked like.

Naturally, he had no idea who this pretty girl in front of him was.

Could she be Song Kexins daughter?

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