I have Nine Lives

Chapter 93: Sparron continent war (2)

Chapter 93: Sparron continent war (2)

Felix's daydreaming didn't go unnoticed as people started to look at him, he could be so relaxed when they were going into a life and death battle?

Felix's nonchalant attitude before going into battle made the people that were around him feel rather depressed, they knew about his ability to revive, at this point Felix's exploits were public, he was a great warrior of the tribe and he deserved the fame he got.

However, this fame also came with the responsibility of looking proper and serious in front of your warriors, Felix's current situation made him look like he didn't care about the life and deaths of the troops... which was pretty much true.

Felix didn't really care about 99% of the people present, he would only help Lindo and Landers if they were in trouble and maybe Manitola but he wouldn't put his life in peril to save her, after all, they were only friendly acquaintances and not true friends.

Felix's state made the others talk about him:

"This is high lieutenant Felix, right? He looks so relaxed its as if he doesn't even go to war but shopping instead!"

"Shhh, don't you know about his ability to revive? If he gets in a deadly situation he would just spring back up and continue fighting and if things get too hairy he can just run away, he is a cat tribesman, his stealth helps him both in fighting and retreating."

"Well he certainly looks rather dreamy there, it's as if he doesn't even think about us..."

"As a high-ranking member of the army, he should act a little bit more proper in front of his troops."

Felix's antics riled up the soldiers but not in a good way, they were whispering to each other talking about him and his lack of care, Lindo was getting angry as veins started to appear around his temples, he was ready to shout at them only to see a hand on his shoulder, it was Landers who was shaking his head at him.

"But Landers I..."

"It's ok Lindo, look at Felix, do you think he cares about all of this?"

Felix didn't even spare a glance at the muttering crowd, he was still looking through the window, even though the muttering broke him out of his reverie and his sharp hearing could catch everything that was said but he could care less about everything that was said about him.

In the meanwhile, while everyone was talking about Felix and the upcoming battle the ship was quickly flying through the air, time passed and a few days quickly went by.

From the windows, Felix could see a gigantic patch of land that stretched almost endlessly below them, the patch was mostly green which indicated that it was tree filled continent.

Felix couldn't wait to get down and stretch his legs, staying in the cramped ship with other 100,000 people who were constantly talking about him didn't feel really well, he ignored them for 2 days but by the third day he started to get annoyed and by the fifth day he wanted to jump down from the ship or throw the most vocal ones down himself.

Lindo almost got into a fight but he was stopped by Landers.

Manitola just sat on the sidelines and watched everything happen.

Felix sighed as he finally left the ship taking in a deep breath and feeling the fresh hex energy in the air, it was quite different compared to the hex energy from the island and the Tarot continent... it was of a higher quality compared to those and Felix could feel that his breathing techniques could improve faster on this continent.

Lindo came near him along with Manitola as they both took in a deep breath, Manitola even looked a little bit more spirited as she muttered:

"Back home..."

Felix could somewhat understand Manitola's feelings as he had been through something similar to her with his kidnapping so he patted her leg to make her feel better.

They had landed near the beach at the edge of the continent as they couldn't land nor fly further or they would be shot down by the hextech canons, while the ship was good for travel it wasn't good for battle as it would be too slow to dodge nor was it made to maneuver against the canons, no matter how bad their aim was they would still be able to hit the gigantic ship.

Felix looked at the sandy beach and saw hundreds of erected tents around, they were rather huge and they could hold around 1,000 soldiers each.

The beach was pretty much filled with these tents and beyond the beach was the start of a forest, in front of the forest there was a big and long trench which was the defensive line of the Sparron continent defenders.

The moment Felix and the others disembarked they didn't have time to do anything as Landers whistled and made them go into formation:

"The enemy is right in front of us, the war has been ongoing for more than a few months but there has been no progress up till now but with the information that we have gained it's finally time to break through their first defensive line!"

The 100,000 people saluted in unison as they gave out a mighty lion roar.

The commotion alerted the whole attacking camp as they rushed out of their tents and when they saw they were just reinforcements they started to rain insults on them:

"You damn brainless lions, why do you act likes this when you just came to the fight? Up till now, we have fought until we couldn't move and we just want some rest!"

"Yeah, some people are trying to get some sleep before they die on the battlefield!" 

"Have some common sense, you see no one on the battlefield that means the main fight has ended... and what happens after a fight ends? Of course, we recuperate!"

The curse rain didn't stop until the people entered back into the tents so they could continue their rest.

The lion troops were red with shame as they looked down at their feet, Landers coughed as he took their attention:

"That was a bit too much guys, I know you are pumped up by my speech but you don't have to shout about it yet, look you even alerted the enemies about our reinforcements."

The troops all craned their necks to look at the trench and they saw some eyes appearing looking at them as if they were retarded.

At this point, the lion troops realized that they weren't as smart as they thought they were. Well they were all rather young recruits and while their strength was decent their tactics still needed to be refined and that could only happen with experience, unfortunately, the lion tribe didn't have any systematic war education implemented yet so most of their veterans came from continuous battles.

Felix looked at Manitola as she seemed to start shaking when she saw a figure in the trench, it seemed she was going to go against someone she knew from the get to go.

Lindo came closer to her as he hugged her and patted her back while saying slowly:

"It's going to be ok, it's going to be ok."

Manitola stopped shaking as she hardened herself and stopped showing any weakness.

Felix analyzed the battlefield, the trench made it hard to engage in melee battles and if he dropped down there by himself he would be surrounded by the opposing party, getting in a melee fight with those people while they are clustered together with those poisonous knives wasn't a good idea unless...

An idea popped into his mind, the armor that he got from Aaltarox was very resistant against slashing attacks so it could be useful in this situation.

Time passed shortly and all of the troops left their tents, they were fully rested and they all marched together as the lion reinforcements joined them.

They made a majestic army that consisted of around 300,000 people and now with the lions, they reached a staggering 400,000 people in total.

The beach was filled with multicolored heads ranging from blonde to black and even green-haired folks standing around waiting for the battle to start.

Landers jumped to the front of the army along with an expert from the raven tribe and one from the kangaroo tribe, they weren't the shamans but they were strong captains, even though they were under Landers in strength they were still respected figures.

They both saluted Landers and pointed towards the trenches as they said:


It was time for the war to fully start!

And things started with a bang as a hextech cannon roared to life shooting a melted ball of hextech energy towards Landers and the other two captains, the ball was shot so fast that the two couldn't react at an accurate time and they would have both been hit by it if Landers didn't jump in front of it.

Landers crossed his arms in an X as he tanked the hextech cannon shot, his red armor started to melt due to the intense heat from the high temperature of the melted ball and he felt like shouting in pain but his blue aura flared to life as he dissipated the hextech ball before glaring at the shooter who was behind the trench and aiming for a second shot!

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