I Raised Him Modestly, But He Came Back Obsessed With Me

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

How dare you!

An angry voice rang loudly in the hallway.

Duke Kailos took off his coat and threw it on the floor. His face had turned red from the embarrassment he had just experienced from the Grand Duke.

You cheeky person who doesnt even know your subject!

He, who was grinding his teeth, couldnt get enough of it and eventually punched the pillar. The punching sound resounded heavily.

How dare he talk about Count Dexter with his mouth!

The Grand Duke informed the Emperor of the corruption done by Count Dexter. Count Dexter was one of Duke Kailoss vassals. But Kailos cant believe that the Grand Duke was the first person who brought up Count Dexter.

Even if Grand Duke looked down on me, theres a limit to doing that, but the Grand Duke dares?!

Kailoss reasoning was cut off by him.

That brat is running rampant without a minute!

I will make him deeply regret it when he touches me!

Im going to show him.

I will clearly remind him the position of Duke in this Empire.

Ill take his breath away.

Kailos wheezes, puffing his chest greatly in the rising anger. Both his fists with their veins stood out were trembling.

At that time.


A black shadow approached Kailos, who was standing alone in the hallway.


Kailos got nervous and turned around.

I think I can help the Duke.

He stared at the woman bowing her head in front of him. The woman dressed up in a dress as if she was invited as a guest, but it was his first time seeing her. The fact that he couldnt even recognize which family she was from meant that the womans family was insignificant.

How dare you overhear me now!

Kailos was very angry. As it was not enough to eavesdrop on him, this woman dared to suddenly interrupt him.

I can help the Duke to get your revenge.

The woman raised her bowed head, indifferent to the Kailoss angry look.

What are you talking about? Keep silent on what you hear. If you speak out about it, I will cut off your neck. Get lost.

Kailos turned his back on the woman as if he had nothing more to see. However, he had no choice but to stop walking after hearing the womans words.

The woman that the Grand Duke brought is really a witch.

The woman showed a fishy smile when Kailos showed interest in her.

Cersinia. That woman is a witch. I have the evidence.

When the woman added, Kailos threatened her with an annoyed look.

If its nonsense, I will kill you without even a mouse or a bird knowing about it.

It was true that he was interested in dealing with the woman because he was already at a loss. If this woman lied, it was enough to kill her, and if what she said was true, it was an excellent weapon to take down the Grand Duke.

Kailos, who was running wild like a foal before, calmed down with the womans touch. The woman was definitely the answer for him to defeat the Grand Duke.

Of course, Duke.

The woman smiled even more bizarrely, perhaps feeling confident. Kailos was reluctant to see it, but he pretended not to be shaken and maintained his fierce gaze.

So, whats the evidence you have that woman is a witch?

At that moment, joy arose in the womans eyes. It was as if she had waited for this moment since she approached him. She lifted her gaze and looked straight into the Kailoss eyes. After that, she spits out the seeds of hatred and anger that she had held for a long time. 

My father became crippled because of that bitch.

* * *

Ben smiled happily at the fact that he could introduce Cersinia to the Emperor.

He slowly led Cersinia to climb the high stairs in the middle of the hall to reach the Emperor. Limapheus had already disappeared from there.

I see Your Majesty the sun of the Empire and Your Majesty the Empress Dowager.

I sincerely congratulate Your Majesty Empress Dowagers birthday.

Cersinia, along with Ben, bowed their heads to the Emperor and Empress Dowager.

Cold sweat was about to flow out from Cersinia. She was very nervous under the pressure that was different from what she saw from afar. Facing the most powerful person in the Empire was physically and mentally exhausting for her.

Im delighted that the Grand Duke is present. But, who is the woman next to you?

The Emperor, who welcomed Ben, gazed curiously at Cersinia.

Its my first time greeting Your Majesty. My name is Cersinia.

She tried not to offend the Emperor as much as possible by refining her voice.

Hoo, Cersinia, raise your head.

At the Emperors command, Cersinia raised her head.

Huh? That person

Her eyes widened. It was because she saw a familiar face with a kind smile next to the Emperor.

Im seeing you again, Lady.

The person sitting next to the Emperor with an upright posture full of dignity was the person she had met the other day on Fabian Street. Cersinia had helped an elderly woman before who was about to be scammed by a jeweler. But the person she helped at that time was in front of her right now. Her appearance changed from then, but her noble and dignified appearance remained the same.

Only his appearance changed from then, but his noble and elegant appearance remained the same.

No way, then that elderly woman before was the Empress Dowager?

Cersinia saw a scene that flashed through her mind like lightning for a moment.

I might have gone too far, but Im grateful for your help. If you dont mind, Id like to know the Ladys name.

No, its fine.

The scene of herself who refused to tell her name when the Empress Dowager asked.

Im doomed.

Cersinia hurriedly bowed her head again with a bewildered expression on her face.

I didnt know it was Your Majesty, and I was rude. Im very sorry, Empress Dowager.

The Emperor and Ben, who didnt know the circumstances of the Empress Dowager and Cersinia, looked at the Empress Dowager. Empress Dowager opened her lips with a mysterious smile of unknown meaning.

Since I didnt reveal my identity, Lady cant help but not recognize me. I sent out the invitation to the banquet because I didnt say thank you properly then.

Mother seems to have met Lady Cersinia the other day.

At the Emperors words, Empress Dowager smiled.

There she is. The Lady who helped me.

Cold sweat really flows out from Cersinia after hearing the words of helping. She helped Empress Dowager, but she didnt want to tell her name at the end, so didnt she treat her coldly?

Now she understands why the invitation letter from the Empress Dowager, whom she had never seen before, had been sent to her. Empress Dowager said she wanted to adequately express gratitude to her. Still, Empress Dowager may have called her to rebuke her because she didnt tell her name.

Cersinia swallowed her saliva. She began to regret following Ben to say hello for no reason due to their strangely intertwined relationship.

Have you ever had such a relationship?

The Emperors eyes twinkled with interest.

But it turned out that the Lady is the rumored woman the Grand Duke kept in his mansion. I invited her to say hello and see her face properly.

If Empress Dowager hadnt sent an invitation, this wouldnt have happened unless the Grand Duke brought Cersinia as his partner. Cersinia had to attend the banquet because she couldnt refuse the invitation sent by Empress Dowager directly.

Satisfied with the situation that went according to her plan, the Empress Dowager looked at the Grand Duke and Cersinia alternately with a pleased face.

The woman whom the Grand Duke kept hidden in the mansion is Lady Cersinia.

The Emperor looked closely at Cersinia with his sharp blue eyes as if he had heard the rumors as well.

Were living together.

Standing still by Cersinias side, Ben helped her with a word. The Emperor and Empress Dowager couldnt possibly know what that meant.

In an instant, the Emperors face showed signs of disapproval. He thought they were just a partner. But to think his only nephews mate is a commoner

We would be more than happy if Your Majesty the Empress and Empress Dowager bless the future of both of us.

This was the reason why Ben invited Cersinia to greet the Emperor and Empress Dowager. Obviously, Cersinias identity will be revealed in the future, and opposing forces will emerge. However, suppose their relationship was officially recognized by the Emperor and Empress Dowager. In that case, no one could make fun of it with their insignificant mouth.

The same was true of the nobles. They looked down on Cersinia while talking about it as if it were gossip. Even nonsense rumors will emerge. Thats why Ben needed a shield. A shield that will protect Cersinia from them who are like hungry lions.

Lets enjoy the banquet.

The Emperor blatantly refused and left. The Empress Dowager stared at the Emperor, who was moving away, then she smiled kindly at the two.

Its because the Emperor cared about his nephew very much, so please understand it, Lady.

No, its okay. I fully understand.

Cersinia was experiencing reality about her status for the first time. To stand in an equal position next to Ben, her status was insignificant in the eyes of others. In this strict call society, commoners without any titles had no choice but to be ignored by the Emperor.

That fact was bitter, but its not that she didnt understand the Emperors attitude. Everyone will do the same if their nephew, the Grand Duke, is in a relationship with a commoner with no background.

Then enjoy the banquet. Lady is always welcome to come to me when something difficult happens.

Empress Dowager smiled softly. Her attitude was ambiguous, but somehow Cersinia felt like she gave strength to her and Ben.

Thank you, Empress Dowager. Once again, congratulations on your birthday.

Empress Dowager also left her seat after the Emperor. Only then did Cersinia let go of the tension. As her legs loosened, she staggered, and Ben quickly wrapped his arms around her waist.

Are you okay?

I just feel relieved.

In those few minutes, Cersinias face was pale.

Ah, Im losing my energy.

It felt like she was getting older by 10 years.

We better go back now.

Worried, Ben led Cersinia to return in a hurry.

No. Since were out now, lets stay a little longer.

He grabbed his arm, saying it was okay. In fact, she really wanted to go back, but she had to help Verne meet Limapheus and dance with him.

Then would you like to go for a walk?

Looking pitifully at Cersinia, who seemed to be overdoing it, he carefully handed over her red hair with a gentle touch.

All right, lets do that.

Bens steps headed to the garden match with Cersinias pace from the beginning until the end.

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