I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 118: Items

Chapter 118: Items

Stella slumped on the bed as she couldn't wait to relax her body She just finished drying her hair after taking a long bath. 

She finally removed all the filth on her body.


She then yawned for a moment as she felt sleepy, but she remembered the things she has to do as she quickly sits up...

'That's alright You can sleep first if you want.'

'Master? I'll do that then Mhmmm'

Stella returned to her comfortable position She's happy that her Master was very considerate of her

It didn't take long before she fell asleep and left Reiji to do his own thing.

She looked at Stella and found that her body was now perfectly healed from the previous battles. It was thanks to the top-grade healing potion she drank a while ago 

She actually didn't want to waste it on small bruises but Reiji wanted to know its magical effects. 

The potion didn't disappoint them It was truly effective. Her skin became smooth, the bruises have disappeared, and all her body aches were healed. 

She felt rejuvenated after one drink and even her past ailments in the body were also cured. It was such a precious potion. 

And now that they have learned about it, they couldn't wait to appraise the other arcane potions that were together with this healing potion.


Reiji called out the guide as he approached the items left by Orga. 

They are the cane, the three rings, and the bracelet.

There's also another bracelet made of precious gemstones beside them. It is the item they got from the skeletal remains they found when Stella fell at the ravine. It was together with a small pouch of various things and a pocket watch that has stopped working. 

Lastly, the stone that was previously placed at the center of the altar can be found at the top Reiji saved it for last. 

Their haul for today was quite a lot. It was such a very good result considering that this is her first hunt in the forest.

Anyway, Reiji no longer hesitated and appraised the items through the help of the guide

He first tapped the mysterious cane that Orga has left behind. 

[ Excellent Hidden Sword Cane ] 

[ Type: Magic Weapon ] 

[ A cane made of Marra Tree's bark that is lightweight and durable, with elements that aid traction when being used in its concealed form. The hidden sword is made of arcean steel designed for rapid deployment. ] 

[ Skill: Quick Draw ] 

[ Durability: 71/90 ]

[ Class: C+ ]

[ Creator: Oddosi Marhaol ] 

Reiji was surprised that the cane wasn't as impressive as it looks 

'Perhaps this is really just a backup weapon?' 

When he first saw the weapon, he thought that it was actually an Arcana However, to his surprise, it was only a Magic Weapon. It doesn't even have a high grade!

He then checked the three rings that were also designed unattractively

[ Excellent Protection Ring ] 

[ Type: Magic Equipment ] 

[ A ring made of Fake Mythril alloy and White Gram Turle's essence. ] 

[ Skills: Arcane Wall, Life Detection ] 

[ Durability: 23/50 ] 

[ Class: C- ] 

[ Creator: Natalia Olivis ] 

The ring was black and doesn't even have any designs. It seems that Natalia wasn't someone who cares about these details. Anyway, the skill Life Detection was interesting so he wanted to learn about it later. 

Reiji then checked the second ring. 

[ Supreme Frost Ring ] 

[ Type: Magic Equipment ] 

[ A ring made of Ice Wolf's Core and its bone powder. ] 

[ Skills: Ice Resistance, Ice Blade ] 

[ Durability: 12/50 ] 

[ Class: C- ] 

[ Creator: Troy Glasgow ] 

Although it looks plain if seen from afar, the ring still has an engraved image of an ice wolf as its only design. 

'So this is what helps him ignore the cold temperature'

Reiji mused after reading its skills. He also noticed its bad condition 

'Twelve, huh I wonder how these things are being repaired Can it only be done by all Arcanists as well? Perhaps, Stella's uncle can help?'

It would be a waste if these things were destroyed so it was better to get them repaired before anyone uses them. 

The last ring was only gray in color but looking at it closely, the name Orga was actually engraved on it 

[ Great Hunter's Ring ] 

[ Type: Magic Equipment ] 

[ A ring made specifically for the new three-star Hunter Orga. This is partly made of Ancient Earth Dragon's Core. ] 

[ Skills: Dragon's Armor, Dragon Sense ] 

[ Durability: 100/110 ] 

[ Class: A+ ] 

[ Creator: Hunter Association ] 

"This is actually impressive?" 

Reiji reacted after realizing that the dull-looking ring was actually a high-class item He really couldn't judge something by appearance

Aside from having an A+ Class, its durability was also quite high considering that it is just a tiny ring He remembered that some enhanced weapons don't even have more than a hundred points in their durability. 

He couldn't help but be impressed at this. 

However, although the item is not bounded to Orga It would be too dangerous to use them since the ring was specially made for a three-star hunter. 

Perhaps, all the Hunters being promoted in this rank would have this ring as a reward. 

If that was the case, then he couldn't let Stella use it in public, or she would be in huge trouble 

'Hmm If I remember correctly, the Hunters that died during the beast attack in Farahn had their items retrieved and sent back to their family However, this one should be different since it is outside of the village The Association wouldn't bother in these things.'

Reiji mused for a while as he didn't want trouble to come on Stella's way. 

After deliberating about it, Reiji found no issue about having the items that Orga left behind. Even Marak didn't mind her carrying the cane so there shouldn't be a problem.

Anyway, the ring was also the first item that he appraised that shows the name of a group instead of the craftsman who made it 

'Perhaps it was made by a group of people' Reiji concluded as he focused on the next item. After he checked the unassuming bracelet, he was immediately surprised, as it was actually the finest item that Orga had. 

[ Tenacious Wrist Band ] 

[ Type: Magic Equipment ] 

[ A naturally formed adamantite item that was boosted by an Arcanist's power. ] 

[ Skills: Arcane Shield, Earth Blast, Focus Punch ] 

[ Durability: 290/310 ] 

[ Class: S- ] 

[ Creator: Unknown ] 

Not only does it have three skills on its list, but it also has very high durability!

Even higher than him who only has 170 as his base durability!

The man was truly a Three-Star Hunter His items show it all. Although he doesn't possess any Arcana with him, all pieces of his magic equipment were more than enough to prove it right

Reiji then set aside all of Orga's items and looked at the items that they got from the skeletal guy.

[ Name: Traceless Pocket Watch ]

[ Type: Arcana ] 

[ Rank: Rare ] 

[ Wielder: Marco Yoris ( Deceased ) ] 

[ Durability: 100/135 ] 

[ Skills: Slow, Bind, Track ] 

It was then followed by descriptions of each skill 

"Finally! A rare rank! This is amazing A support-type Arcana at that..." 

Reiji commented after reading all the impressive skills 

"Marco Yoris?" It was a familiar name so Reiji quickly browsed through his memories

"Ahh There is another ownerless Arcana owned by Chrisa Yoris Are they related to each other? How did the two of them die?"***

Reiji couldn't help but imagine what happened to the two people Perhaps they have married Arcanists. 

They went on a mission in that cave Then, Marco suffered a grievous injury, then Chrisa had to ask for help as there's only the two of them She decided to go to the nearest village, but perhaps it was night and an evil beast killed her. Then, her remains were later found in the day However, Marco remained there in the cave, waiting until he couldn't hold any longer and died

Or perhaps they were siblings playing hide and seek

Reiji was perhaps bored so he just imagined what happened to them Anyway, what he really wanted was to thank Marco for giving him a Rare Rank Arcana

As he was about to offer it to the Deity, Reiji suddenly had an idea

"I'm still lacking a common-rank Arcana Even if I sacrifice this, I won't be promoted yet"

Reiji mused for a while and decided to postpone his offering to the deity. He might find it useful at a later date.

After all, the Slow, Bind, and Track skills were unique skills that have many uses... Although she can't use the ownerless Arcana There might be a chance in the future He wasn't in a hurry. 

Of course, if he already has a common-rank with him, he would immediately complete the offering to Albeiron. 

Reiji then checked the bracelet made of gemstones and the pouch of miscellaneous items and found them quite useful.

Finally, he checked the mysterious stone but the guide failed to appraise it

[ Unable to identify. ] 

It seems that it was like a potion, an item that requires a higher Arcana rank to be identified. 

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