I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 155: The Leaders

Chapter 155: The Leaders

Reiji then learned that all the other Arcana doesn't have the memory of their past life. 

They only woke up after being summoned but they were given sufficient knowledge and intelligence by the deities 

However, Ryu also mentioned that there were special cases where the Arcana was truly being summoned back to the "World of the Arcana" to meet the Deities 

They learned about this due to the records left behind by their predecessors in this world and none of them had solid evidence about this aside from that.

Of course, there may be others who reincarnated as an Arcana like him but decided to keep it to themselves. Reiji could understand that as he's also trying to do the same. 

In short, there weren't many like him that was fully aware of his past life

As everyone was trying to get to know each other, they suddenly heard the door opening as three impressive Arcana entered the hall

They are the Holy Sword Fern, the Majestic Quill Pen Vivi, and the Divine Shield Neri. 

They were all glimmering with a golden shine as they look like expensive treasures

Their presence was something that not anyone in their group could compare to. 

'Are they all made of gold? Amazing' The Beaded Necklace was astounded.

'I'm also made of gold, but I'm not shining like that Tsk.' The Gold Chain-Link Necklace softly replied to his friend.

'They all look so good' An old-looking Mirror Arcana praised.

'Ahhh Why am I made of inferior steel?' One of the helmet Arcana depressingly said as he dropped on the floor.

With his reaction, it appears that being a Sentient Arcana doesn't mean that you have to be made of fancy material.

On the other hand, Reiji has a different thought.

'Ryu, I thought that Fern is stuck on a stone He's flying like everyone else, he's not an Excalibur'

'You're with that Excalibur thing again What you're seeing now is just his clone Before he was trapped on that stone, he had managed to use a technique to split into two'

'Was it some kind of a curse that made him stuck there?'

'You can say that But don't be complacent just because he's cursed right now Although the current Fern in front of us only has 30% of his original power, he can probably defeat us all.'

After Reiji heard this, he doubted it a bit but he didn't show it as a sign of respect. He instead inquired about Fern's true rank.

'Is he a Mythical Rank Arcana?'

'That's right However, he was only a Unique Rank when he was summoned here'

Ryu revealed Fern's original rank. It doesn't seem to be secret judging by how fast he answered. 

Reiji nodded at this as it confirmed his thought that other Arcanas can also rank up.

"Everyone, we're sorry for being late."

Reiji heard a very pleasant female voice from Neri, the Divine Shield Arcana. Although she was apologizing, her tone was still dignified as she seems to bore the pride of nobility.

He might be imagining things but this was Reiji's first impression.

"It seems that there is a lot of new Arcana today Where did all of you come from?"

The Majestic Quill Pen, Vivi, asked the crowd. She has a cold voice of a mature lady and Reiji was sure that he felt an acute threat from this Arcana. She's releasing a frightening aura compared to the other two

Nevertheless, she asked a good question. Why are there so many new Sentient Arcana?

The Kingdom of Chodora can only annually have an Arcana Bestowal Ceremony. As far as Reiji knows, he was the only suspicious Arcana during that event. All the other Arcana have their wielders and wouldn't leave their side.

Although two years have passed, there should only be two ceremonies and he doubted that so many Sentient Arcana would appear at the same time.

Luckily, he didn't have to ask this question as someone has a similar thought.

"Leader Vivi, most of the Arcana present here has only gained their sentience for less than a year after becoming unowned. The oldest one that we have here is Mr. Reiji, a wooden sword Arcana He said that he already has sentience for about two years or so"

Ryu answered Vivi which prompted everyone to whisper and look at him.

Reiji then realized that after being summoned to this world, a sentient Arcana would still take some time before they can awaken their consciousness. 

"The others have come from a deserted battlefield, from the cemetery, and a couple of necklaces that were thrown deep into the lake We have a total of 20 new Arcana in our gathering"

The Tai Chi sword added. 

"I understand" Vivi replied as she addressed all the Arcana present. 

"Thank you for coming here, everyone. We welcome you to the Mind Collection and we hope that you'll stay with us and grow stronger together. Our organization is not something that would restrict you. As a matter of fact, we are here to help you to properly integrate into this world. We want you guys to avoid being destroyed by other rotten Arcana and evil Arcanists"

With this introduction, she caught everyone's attention as she implied the possible dangers of being a solo Sentient Arcana

The gathering lasted for more than an hour as the official members reported about their discoveries in various parts of the kingdom. 

It appears that only Ryu didn't explore much as he remained within the vicinity of this city.

Reiji listened as they shared their discoveries around the kingdom.

'The Mythical-Rank Arcana that Alexander Greiner summoned has now become an Awakened Arcana boosting its number of skills by several times As for it being a Sentient Arcana, it is unlikely.'

'Yui Sakura, the wielder of another Mythical Arcana who has failed to Awaken it years ago, has recently succeeded in the Awakening. It was said that a swing of her wand could cause a Tornado. Apparently, the Arcana assigned to investigate this has found several signs that the wand has sentience like them.'

'The Losea Kingdom was starting to gather their forces at the border and we have to expect a war sooner or later. Many Arcanists and Arcana would be destroyed once this happened.'

'Signs of cooperation between the Greiner Family and the Erliente Dukedom was also seen as several Beast Tamers had managed to sneak and pass their territory without any problems. The tamers roaming around the kingdom were causing troubles in various places. Although their numbers were still low, it still can't be ignored as the poor and weak villagers are the ones suffering.'

'The King is planning to make the Bestowal Ceremony twice a year as the Healing Magic Items trade has recently improved.'

'Another organization influenced by the Cursed Arcana was trying to explore various dangerous regions in this kingdom. They seem to be looking for something but we are still unable to get any clue about it.'

'We have managed to make a contact with another blessed Arcana, a blessed of Telantes the Halberd Deity. However, he refused to join the Mind Collection and was instead planning to join the Arcanist Association '

After they heard the last news, the leaders seemed to be disappointed. It appears that they are expecting that the blessed of the Halberd Deity would join them.

"Why would he join the Arcanist Association?"

One of the newbies asked. 

"He probably wants to have some modifications It may give him additional strength but his future will be determined by the Association I don't suggest that you follow in his footsteps."

Vivi answered seriously. She didn't want to further discuss this.

"The top officials of the Arcanist Association, the Hunters Association, the Four Knights Order, and the whole Royal Family are aware of the Sentient Arcana's existence and many of the Blessed Arcana are working with them for various reasons

"Only our organization can be considered free as we are not asking a lot of things and we only want you to share your discoveries in your journey and give us a little help when a Cursed Arcana were trying to commit atrocious acts"

Finally, it was time for Neri to explain what happened in the Crystal Mine where they had to visit a while ago

"An altar was found at the Crystal Mine that Fern has discovered His servants were suggesting that they've found an Arcane Stone in there so we hurriedly visited there."

Everyone was familiar with the Arcane Stone as it is a basic requirement for summoning an Arcana. However, no one thought of it too much since an Arcana Stone is just part of the many requirements in the ceremony.

Reiji doesn't know how to react to this but he would surely find out more about the Crystal Mine

'Is it similar to the Ancient Arcane Stone that I have?' He was curious now but he remained calm as he didn't want others to discover his secret. 

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