I Reject Quests

Chapter 198: A Slavemaster (10)

Chapter 198: A Slavemaster (10)

That's why it's of no surprise why he mostly gains the upper hand when fighting against Rank 1 Mages. More than stats, it has to do with planning and martial arts. However, lately, that difference is closing up when he confronts more than one opponent. 

'Other than setting up tricks, Is there no other way I can fight two opponents on the same level as me?'

This wasn't the first time he thought of this. Logically speaking, it isn't impossible for someone to battle two opponents on the same level as him and take them out but it's unlikely because of obvious reasons. Two people's power doesn't necessarily add up nor it necessarily multiplies but that doesn't mean that it can't happen.

'I guess the only answer to this is to get strong quickly. With a significant power difference, I can take out two, three, and as many as I want.'

He trained for an hour straight, then roamed the mansion.

The dusk was around the corner, shadows of tall buildings around the mansion fell on the ground. Coupled with the fresh air, Rewen felt incredibly peaceful. 'The air here is really nice. In the future, I should come here.'


It was night.

Rewen had his dinner sent to him in his room by a maid. 

In the process of having his dinner, a knock came from the door.

"Who is it?" Rewen stopped eating and asked.

"Rewen, it's me." Hase's voice came from the outside.

"Come in. It's open." Rewen continued eating when he heard that it was Hase. "Hm? Why do you have such a grim look on your face? Something wrong?"

"I don't know what to do." Hase sat on the bed, his body trembling. His usually bright eyes were dark.

Rewen had a bad feeling about this when he saw him like this. "It's fine. You are not alone." Rubbing his back, he said. Although the two of them had met only recently, Hase was easily one of his closest people. He was a person whom he could trust and rely on as a friend. After he came to the Nation of Bandits, he was the first person he befriended. It could even be said that he was the first person he had truly befriended, excluding Sam. Zaplin and Vin were just his classmates.

"Rewen, this is fucking insane!"

Rewen blanked out. Hase was the last person he thought would use profanities. This increased the gravity of the situation.

"What, what exactly happened?" He cautiously asked.

Hase shook his head. "You don't want to know. You would only get involved in my mess."

"What the fuck? You came into my room bitching about some stuff and now you don't want to tell me what's going on?"

"You don't know how dangerous the situation is, Rewen."

"That's why I want to know." Rewen took a deep breath, then continued. "Look. Answer me honestly. Will it affect me directly if you just tell me what's going on? If it does, you don't have to tell." He straightforwardly said. Even though he was not in a situation where he could afford to poke his nose into other people's troubles, it didn't hurt hearing the 'troubles'.

Hase was quiet for a long time before he let out a sigh. "We're leaving, Rewen. I and Reza are leaving the mansion."

"What? Why?" Even though Rewen knew that the issue was not a small one, he was still shocked by the declaration.

"Reza she" Hase rubbed his face with his hands.

"What did she do?"

"She killed the eldest son of the City Lord."

"..." Rewen sucked in a mouthful of air. He immediately understood the gravity of the situation is abnormally high and that it's best to keep himself away from his affairs unless he wants to get involved with them.

Silence reigned in the room for about ten minutes.

Hase finally raised his head and gained clarity in his thoughts

He took out a key from his pocket and handed it over to him. "We'll be leaving shortly. If we leave by car, it would be too suspicious. Also, don't hesitate to use the coins I left in the car. I have enough."

"Where are you going?"

"We're leaving the city." Hase refused to give a straight answer.

Rewen dryly laughed. "You could name a city or state you wouldn't go to. You are purposefully making it difficult for me. What would I say when asked about where you had gone? If I failed to give an answer, it would be extremely suspicious."

"That's why I didn't want you to get involved in the first place. Tell him, eh, the one who interrogates you that we are leaving for---"

"I have a better idea." 

A while later, Hase stood up to leave.

Rewen asked. "Did anyone see you coming?"

Hase shook his head and replied. "No. Most of the guards are not in this area and it wasn't difficult to bypass the surveillance cameras once you get familiar with them. Speaking of surveillance cameras" His face instantly turned grim. 

Rewen understood his thoughts. "Don't worry. There are no hidden cameras in the room. I have checked it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Rest assured." Rewen wasn't lying. He really did check whether there were surveillance cameras in the room or not. Of course, he didn't do it blatantly. Simply using his smartphone, he found out that there weren't any hidden cameras. It turned out he was being too paranoid.

'It also made sense. Why would they go out their way to plant a hidden camera inside the room when they have dozens of surveillance cameras just outside. This isn't like a super-secret military area.'

"That's a relief. You should have told me earlier." The reason he thought about the possibility of there being hidden cameras was entirely because of Rewen. The latter had warned him about the possibility a few days ago. Since then, he could never relax when he was in the room. After all, who likes being watched in their private time?

"Yeah, can you bring Reza? I want to talk with her or will it be too difficult?"

"I guess I could carry her. It isn't much of a big deal." With that, Hase exited the room and disappeared within a flash.

Rewen was in awe of the speed. 'So that's a Bronze-ranked Gruer User, huh. I have a long way to go.'

A few minutes later, Hase returned with a robed figure in his arms.

It was Reza. Her body was wrapped around with a woolen cloth, hiding some of the red stains on her dress. With her indifferent eyes, she looked straight towards Rewen without saying anything.

Rewen approached her with a smile. "Hello there. How are you doing?" 


"What's with that expression? Why don't you---"

"Rewen." Hase called out his name.

Rewen was originally planning to give her some scolding but figured that it wasn't his place to say something. Sighing, he asked. "Why did you kill him?"

"The second day I came here, he groped me. I avoided him until on the third day, he threatened me to let him do as he pleased with my body. I was scared. I knew that Hase couldn't protect me from him. Therefore, I pretended to give in to him promising that I would let him do as he pleased until today. He wasn't aware of the fact that I was an <<Awakened>> so I took advantage of that and plunged his heart using my shaped weapon."

Reza's voice was extremely indifferent as if she had said something natural.

Rewen took some time to process what she had said. "That's" His expression took a bizarre turn. that's awesome!"

Hase and even the stoic Reza raised their heads in shock. A moment later, Reza calmed down and looked at him with hostility apparent in her eyes. Obviously, she had thought that he was merely mocking her.

Seeing her expression, Rewen shook his head with a smile. "No, I mean, seriously. For a thirteen-year-old girl, you went above and beyond by manipulating a guy at least five years older than you. If this isn't praiseworthy, then what is?"

Hase, who was about to say something in regards to Rewen's previous statement, stopped, 'When I think about it, it made some sense but oh. Could it be?' His eyes gleamed when a thought entered his head and looked at Rewen. 

Reza had a dazed look. 

Rewen made no further comment and met her eyes. 

"We might not have a good relationship but that doesn't mean I don't like you. When we meet next time, let's try to get along. Sounds good?"

Reza didn't answer and curled up in her cousin's arms. 

The childish behaviour made both Rewen and Hase smile.

"Alright, then. We're leaving. Let's meet again." Hase said, then disappeared within a few seconds.

Rewen closed the door and sighed. Then, he walked up to his desk and took out a paper and pen from his bag.

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