I Spread The Pokemon All Over The World

Chapter 11: Why does it have so many skills!

Chapter 11: Why does it have so many skills!

"It feels...it's amazing..."

Bai Qianqian stared blankly at Diancie, the information that the Pokdex introduced just now felt very high.

What was 'acclaimed as the most beautiful in the world', and that 'legendary Pokmon'?

This B-frame feels different.


"Why does it have so many tricks?"

Lin Sheng was very puzzled as he held his Vulpix little fox.

That's not right, my Vulpix just had three unique moves in Pokdex, Tail Whip, Ember, and Petrification Attack.

But Diancie's tricks just now are outrageous, right? The introduction does not stop.

Names like Moonblast, Diamond Storm, Ancient Power, and the like, just sound like hell.

As an otaku who is very keen on playing games, Lin Sheng certainly understands the meaning of the word "trick". Isn't this the same as the skills in the game?

But why!

Why does Vulpix only have three tricks and Diancie's tricks overflow?

Feel like your Vulpix is a mobs and Diancie is a Megaboss!

Too much!

"Have you noticed that Diancie's attributes are Fairy and Rock? Rock is easier to understand. What is Fairy Type?"

Chu pitifully blinked his big eyes and touched his chin doubtfully.

Bai Qianqian and Lin Sheng were both at a loss, how did they know?

"Ask the boss later, he's here... Pokmon? It's called this, it feels like a lot of secrets."

Chu muttered pitifully, she became more and more interested.


Seeing that the three guests started to whisper, Diancie continued to turn his head to look at his cat and mouse. He felt that the cat was so stupid that he couldn't even catch a mouse.

In exchange for it, a big rock would have smashed the mouse flat.

It didn't take long before Gu Xin walked out of the cubicle.

At his feet, there was a small red-skinned lizard walking on two legs, which was Charmander.

But this Charmander seemed rather shy, grabbed Gu Xin's trousers and followed suit, looking around curiously and cautiously.

"Is this the Charmander? Wow~ I just realized now that little lizards can be so cute."

Chu Pity looked at Charmander in surprise, obviously very satisfied with Charmander's appearance.

It even feels a bit like a little dinosaur.

"It does feel like a Western dragon, but it's smaller and doesn't have wings."

Lin Sheng looked at Charmander curiously, pushed up his glasses and recalled the image of the Western Dragon, but he was actually quite right...

Good guy, this really refreshed his three views, this red-skinned lizard can't really become a dragon when it grows up, right?

and many more...

Lin Sheng was silent for a while and looked down at Vulpix in his arms, as if the Ninetales fox was also a fantasy species in Chinese mythology...

Then why do you think that Western dragons do not exist?


He was stared at by the three people as soon as he came out, Charmander was startled instantly, and hurriedly hid behind Gu Xin, carefully sticking his head out.

"Don't be afraid, little guy, they won't hurt you."

Funny about Charmander's reaction, Gu Xin gently hugged Charmander and said to him warmly.

"This child is rather shy and timid. If you want to take good care of him, you have to better handle daily communication with him."

Then Gu Xin smiled pitifully at Chu, if according to the game, the timid Charizard is really the best.

However, there is no such statement in reality that this kind of personality affects the growth of Pokmon. Of course, it is not without effect. For example, Pokmon with a more salty personality may not like special training.

Of course, this will affect your own strength. After all, you don't even have special training. Do you think you can get stronger by basking in the sun?

"Hmmmm! Of course!"

Poor Chu kept blinking and looked at Charmander with joy.

And I just saw that Charmander's tail actually has a cluster of flames at the end, which is amazing!

"Charmander, this is your future Trainer, get along well with her."

Gu Xin lowered his head and said warmly to Charmander.

Charmander raised his head and looked at the poor girl timidly, with that curious but a little timid gaze that made the poor girl's heart melt.

"The boss is right, Charmander, we will be friends in the future, I will take good care of you."

I don't know what Gu Xin means by Trainer, but it is right to understand it as a friend. Chu Pityi smiled cheerfully at Charmander, and passed on his kindness to this little cutie who is afraid of life.


Seemingly feeling Chu Pity's gentleness, Charmander smiled humanely on his face, and gave Chu Pity a soft cry.

"Wow~ so cute, can I hug it, boss?"

"Certainly, watch out for some flames on Charmander's tail."

Gu Xin smiled, handed the Charmander to Chu Pity, and reminded him carefully.

"It's warm, and it's not heavy."

Chu took Charmander pitifully and carefully, looking at Charmander's smiling face, he couldn't help lowering his cheeks and rubbing against Charmander's head.

Wow! so comfy!

Charmander's little paw hurriedly shoved Chu's pitiful face, although he knew that it was Trainer expressing intimacy with him, but this woman's forehead was so hard!

"Be careful, Chu Chu, the fire will burn your clothes."

Bai Qianqian helplessly reminded Chu pitifully that this girlfriend is really speechless.

"Boss, won't this fire on Charmander's tail go out?"

But seeing that Chu Pity didn't hear his words at all, she was probably excited, Bai Qianqian rolled her eyes and asked Gu Xin curiously.

And anyway, the Charmander is too mysterious to have flames on his tail.

"Yes, the flame on Charmander's tail is what it was born with, and when the flame on its tail goes out, it is also the end of its life." Gu Xin laughed.

"The fire of life?" Lin Sheng clicked his tongue.

"Don't you have to pay attention at all times, what if it accidentally falls into the water?"

Chu Pity heard the words and came back to his senses, and then frowned and said worriedly.

"It's not that easy. How to explain the fire on Charmander's tail? It's not a fire that will be extinguished by water in our traditional sense. This gentleman said it very vividly."

"This flame is more like a flame of will and life. If Charmander's will is strong and strong, even if it is rained for three days and three nights, its flame will be very strong."

"But if the Charmander is sick or extremely tired, or if it's in a low mood, the fire on the tail will be dim."

"And in this case, it has been exposed to heavy rain or dropped into the water, which is really dangerous."

Gu Xin explained in detail that, in short, whether this cluster of flames can burn normally is completely related to Charmander's physical health and will and emotions.

"So it is." Chu was pitiful.

"Of course, if it's okay, don't let it put its tail in the water, and just pay a little attention when taking a bath."

Gu Xin added that although the water doesn't really put out the flames of Charmander's tail, this feeling definitely displeased Charmander.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely keep Charmander fat and white! Hee hee~ It's so pretty."

Chu pitifully grinned and hugged Charmander tightly. The more he looked, the more cute he became.

Bai Qianqian and Lin Sheng also smiled knowingly when they saw this, they could fully understand Chu Pity's mood at the moment.

"It's the best thing a Pokmon can be loved by his own Trainer."

"But the beauty looks very satisfied, so sincere is 250,000 yuan."

Gu Xin also smiled with relief, and then talked about his own problems.

"Is it a credit card or vx?"

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