I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick

Chapter 136

Chapter 136: I, Your Father, am Prolific

Now that Naruto knew the truth, Kushina didn’t feel the need to keep her relationship with Wu a secret from anyone. She only had one real friend when she was alive, but even if someone from the village did recognize her, she didn’t really care. Being able to walk around with Wu and go on dates without fear of exposing her ‘secret’ was nice.

As weeks turned into months, two more conferences came and went. Around the same time, everyone’s guided Senjutsu training came to an end, while Momo, now capable of running around and even talking a bit, turned one year old.

Though it was difficult to call any of them a true master, nearly everyone who had received the Senjutsu Training Seal experienced small success in sensing and absorbing Natural Energy. As a reward, Wu permitted those with inferior mastery of Senjutsu to keep a modified version of the seal, one whose only function was to expel Natural Energy from their bodies if they absorbed too much. That would permit them to continue pursuing its mastery without supervision, while those who had mastered the basics no longer required it.

Among the girls that had mastered the basics, only Sakura, Naruto, and, after being ‘forced’ to train alongside everyone else, Sasuke managed to master the Sage Mode transformation. Wu suspected that Kaia would be able to master it as well, but her pregnancy meant she spent much of the second stage of training sitting on the sidelines or learning the basics of rearing a child.

Curiously enough, though he had expected it to be the case, the Sage Modes of Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke were fundamentally different from one another. Sakura had followed Wu’s advice by training in hot springs or within the canopy of the Hero Tree.

Because of her outstanding control, the only thing that changed when Sakura entered Sage Mode was the color of her eyes and the markings on her face. Her eyes were initially pale-green, but with Sage Mode active, they gained a similar golden hue to Wu’s. In that same light, she gained a red blush around her eyes and a five-pointed cherry blossom pattern on her forehead.

As she had also been training a Kinjutsu known as the Strength of a Hundred Healings, Sakura now had a semi-permanent diamond-shaped seal on her forehead, just like Tsunade. It was supposed to take around three years for her to be able to store enough Chakra to activate it, but absorbing Natural Energy each day had allowed her to achieve it in less than seven months.

Contrasting Sakura’s transformation, Naruto’s was similar to Gaara’s or, more accurately, Kushinada’s. He gained slit-like pupils, the ‘whiskers’ on his face became more prominent, and dark orange markings appeared around his eyes. However, his most notable changes were a pair of fox-like ears atop his head and the nine tails protruding from his lower back. He had also mastered the basics of ‘Kyuubi Chakra Mode,’ so his power, speed, and regeneration were in a league of their own. It was honestly kind of bullshit, considering he didn’t struggle nearly as hard as everyone else.

Speaking of people who didn’t need to struggle to obtain strength, Sasuke was able to make massive strides after learning the truth about Itachi and receiving Sasako’s guidance. Because of this, he had allowed Sasako to take over as the Head of the Uchiha Clan, choosing to focus on his training so that he could ‘save’ his brother.

As far as Sasuke’s Sage Mode was concerned, it caused his eyes to resemble a snake’s, four horns to grow from his head, and sharp purple markings to appear around his eyes, remarkably akin to Orochimaru. He also mastered various Lightning Release Jutsu, producing purple lightning powerful enough to injure Aya, even with her full-body Steel Release.

Without possessing Sage Chakra, defending against Senjutsu was nearly impossible. Chakra was derived from Natural Energy, so Chakra that had been infused with Natural Energy was several times stronger. Because of this, Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke secure their positions as the ‘strongest’ among the group training within the compound. Gaara was a very close fourth place, but that was because Chomei, the Seven-Tails sealed within Fu, was a pacifist. It didn’t mind lending its power to aid in Fu’s escape or to defend her from harm, but it refused to be used as a battery to amplify her destructive capabilities.

While Fu was able to make decent progress in her Senjutsu training, she was overshadowed by her fellow Jinchuriki. She even began to struggle against Hinata when the latter, aided by Sakura, Kuro, and the gradual evolution of her eyes, managed to develop a method to sustain flight for as long as she had Chakra. Hanabi, in turn, learned the technique from her sister, so it wasn’t uncommon to see the two Hyugas flying around as they sparred in the skies above the estate.

Including Hinata and Hanabi, there were eight people among Wu’s group of trainees that could achieve some form of flight. Temari was able to use her giant folding fan like a wing, keeping herself aloft using Wind Release Gaara could use his sand to levitate, and Sakura had developed ‘thrusters’ she could use to bound through the sky, similar to Wu. More interestingly, Tayuya had developed a ‘Level Three’ transformation that allowed her to shape and manipulate her body, similar to a man named Jugo.

As she never dropped her Level Two transformation, it was only natural that Tayuya would eventually develop a Level Three transformation during her efforts to master Senjutsu. Curiously, this permitted her to regain her original appearance, isolating her transformation to the parts of her body she wanted to change while additionally allowing her to transfer her cells to others. She ‘could’ transform into a rather monstrous appearance but preferred to appear in her human form after avoiding it for practically two years.

What Wu found rather ‘curious’ about Tayuya’s ability to transfer or divide her cells was that it reduced her apparent age depending on the amount of mass transferred. She could even split herself in half, emulating binary fission and creating two identical, albeit much younger versions of herself.

Since both versions of her were real, independent people with the exact same thoughts, Tayuya wasn’t too comfortable with utilizing the ability as it gave her a peculiar sense of ‘dread.’ The effective age of her two halves was also determined by her mass, so, upon splitting, Tayuya’s two selves appear to be around 6-8 years old.

Fortunately, the two halves of Tayuya could fuse back together without too many issues. There was a moment when both halves were afraid they would be subsumed by the ‘imposter,’ but they got over it fairly quickly as neither was particularly enthused about the prospect of growing up again, much slower than an average person…



As Momo had developed the habit of sneaking away and coming to look for him while he was in Taki, Wu was back in his room at the Senju Clan Compound, a six-month pregnant Sarada slowly grinding his dick as she read from her planner, saying, “The Chunin Exams have been approved, so delegations from Kumo, Kiri, Iwa, and Suna will begin arriving between now and the end of June. Beyond that, Lord Kaneko, the Fire Daimyo, has invited you to attend Princess Naho’s birthday on the 24th…”

Exhaling a chuckling snort, Wu mused, “That old man doesn’t know when to give up. I know he’s eager to form a ‘permanent’ tie with me, but trying to match me with a nine-year-old…give me a break…”

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Sarada’s pussy clenched as she questioned, “Does that mean you will be refusing to attend?”

Noticing the excitement in the Uchiha’s gaze, Wu adopted a wolfish grin as he remarked, “They certainly can’t force me to go. Besides, I have just about everything I need right here…”

Giving Sarada’s ass a light smack, Wu was unsurprised when the raven-haired girl immediately shuddered, a gentle yet pervasive climax adding to the chorus echoing within her body. She loved it when he behaved like a ‘rogue,’ doing his own thing without caring about the consequences. If she weren’t concerned for the infant in her womb, she would probably go mad trying to milk his semen.

While most of the girls had changed considerably over the past nine months, Sarada had practically become a different person. She didn’t appear to have aged, the result of a constant infusion of Natural Energy, but she had become the most ‘devoted’ of his women. The moment her ‘dangerous’ period came to an end, the two of them began making love again. However, as he didn’t want to risk injuring her or the baby, Wu had been ‘very’ gentle with her.

As Natural Energy had the property of amplifying emotions, Sarada had effectively been driven crazy by Wu’s slow and passionate lovemaking. She had already fallen long before that, but his gentle ministrations had pushed her over the deep end. Kushina was also madly in love with him, but Wu could genuinely imagine Sarada slaughtering every other woman in his harem if he told her she was the only one he needed.

Fortunately, while Sarada’s devotion had reached a dangerous level, she was fundamentally a kind and considerate girl. She willfully occupied all the empty blocks in Wu’s schedule but also made sure to coordinate with the other girls to ensure they had at least a bit of his time. If she noticed someone had gone a few days without his personal care, she would even remind him to give them a good dicking when the opportunity presented itself.

After recovering from her momentary ecstasy, Sarada stared down at Wu with her Mangakyou active. At this point, she could keep her Sharingan on at all times. More notably, despite using her Mangekyou’s ocular abilities on a near-daily basis, her eyesight hadn’t diminished in the slightest. She had yet to master her Susanoo, but she could manifest its skull, ribcage, and both of its skeletal arms.

Voicing her thoughts aloud, Sarada softly asserted, “If I weren’t already carrying your child, I would want you to impregnate me forcibly, right here and now…is that weird?”

Maintaining his wolfish grin, Wu replied, “I actually had a similar thought. If you weren’t already pregnant, I would probably fuck you silly until you were guaranteed to be carrying my child. Among the girls in my harem, you are in the top three in terms of women I want to fuck and impregnate over, and over, and over again…”

Though her pussy clenched each time Wu said the word over, Sarada’s brows creased as she thought about who the other two might be. Kushina ‘had’ to be one of them, but she wasn’t sure who the last one was. There was a case for it being Kushinada, but she had mellowed out considerably once she was pregnant. She was the type of woman that was ‘very’ eager to breed but calmed down fairly quickly once she was with child.

Seeing through Sarada’s thoughts, Wu exhaled a faint sigh as he revealed, “The last one is Tsunade. If she hadn’t ‘prohibited’ me from knocking her up until after she confirmed Momo was growing up well, I would have that woman pregnant year-round. She was the very first woman I ever fucked, so it’s a little frustrating that we only do it 3-4 times a month…”

While making a mental note to secure a few additional time slots for Tsunade, Sarada leaned over without putting too much pressure on her belly, grasping the sides of Wu’s face as she ran her fingers through his hair and asserted, “Well, I can promise you this…even if I were to have a dozen children, I would never prohibit you from knocking me up. As far as I’m concerned, this body now belongs to you…”

Punctuating her words, Sarada kissed Wu’s lips the moment he brought his face within her range. Nine months ago, she couldn’t have imagined being a mother. Now, accepting Wu’s seed and bearing his offspring had become one of the foundational pillars of her existence. Even if she lived forever and produced thousands of his offspring, she would never leave his side…nor would she allow him to leave hers…



(A/N: At this rate, Sarada will found a village called Uchihagakure…an entire nation filled with her and Wu’s descendants xD…)

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