I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 542 - Return

Chapter 542 - Return

Anne looked at Paul and Linda alternately, asking for an explanation as to why her son was suddenly angry like that, while Christian had always been a good child and had never been angry to the point of being excessive.

"You won't believe it, Anne, I'm still confused at this moment," said Linda quietly.

"I'm also confused and don't understand why Christian can be like that." Paul joined in, chiming in on Linda's words.

Anne was getting confused. "Speak to the point, I don't understand."

"Yesterday at the beach, Christian gave his favorite ice cream to a crying child. We didn't expect him to do that. Christian really makes us proud, Anne," Linda said hoarsely with teary eyes.

"Are you serious?" asked Anne again.

"Yes Anne, if we didn't see it for ourselves, we probably wouldn't believe what he's doing either," answered Paul as well.

Anne was silent for a long time. She still couldn't believe that her son would do such a thing. even though no one had taught him to do that so far. Christian really was really amazing for a child his age.

"Give me sugar, Mommy. This pancake has no taste." Christian suddenly broke Anne's thoughts.

"Baby, the pancakes you ate were already very sweet. If you add more sugar, it won't taste good, it will taste like porridge," said Anne softly, her eyes were still tearing up from Linda's words.

The smart boy didn't immediately believe his mother's words. He quickly turned to Linda asking for an explanation.

Linda who understood the meaning of Christian's gaze then smiled. "What Mommy said is true. The pancakes you are eating are already very sweet. So if you add more sugar it will taste terrible, I can't imagine."

"Is that true?"

"Right, Christian. Don't you believe in me?"

Christian shakes his head. "How could I not believe her? Well then, I'll just eat the pancakes without adding any more sugar."

"Good boy."

Christian chuckled at the praise addressed to him. The boy always likes sweet words and would immediately shut up if he was given a compliment. It wasn't clear from whose trait it came from, because Anne never taught anything like that. Anne and Linda's conversation stopped because Christian was too affectionate to be ignore. The child was too cute so that they all always laughed because of Christian's behavior. Christian's presence really gave encouragement to the three of them.

After he finished eating, Paul took Christian to the playroom. Paul tried to make the boy not go to sleep right away. Because Christian had been seen yawning several times and Anne always strictly forbade her son to go to bed immediately after eating. Anne didn't want Christian's health to be disturbed if that happened.

"Don't worry, Anne. Our child is not a weak child. He is strong and great," said Linda quietly, trying to calm Anne.

"I know. It's just that he weighs more than a child his age. That's why I cut down on sugar for him," answered Anne honestly.

Linda chuckled. "I know, but believe me, Christian is not obese. He is actually very healthy and if he still consumes sweet foods like that it is even better for him, Anne. Christian needs a lot of nutritious food to support his extraordinary body growth, so calm down don't worry too much. We've raised him together all this time, I wouldn't allow anything bad to happen to him either. Christian is also my son, I won't be able to stand still if something goes wrong with him."

Anne smiled at Linda's words. She then gave Linda a hug. Linda was not only a friend to her, Linda was like a mother, sister, and psychiatrist who was always there for her, a best friend who was sent by God to help her when she was at the lowest point in her life. Anne loved Linda very much, and so was Linda, who also considered this her as a sister. Because it was noon, Anne finally decided to go to the shop alone. She gave Linda and Paul time to rest at home today with Christian, who was now asleep in Paul's arms.

"Are you sure you can run the shop on your own?" Linda asked again.

"Sure! Well, I'll go now. Go to sleep, look at your two eye bags, you must sleep soon."

Linda immediately touched her eye bags in panic and it made Anne laugh with satisfaction because Linda's eye bags weren't as bad as she had said. Realizing that she had been tricked by Anne, Linda immediately put her hands on her hips pretending to be angry. Anne chose to go straight away, because she didn't want to make Linda angry at her. With a wave, Anne walked down the path leaving Linda standing at the door. After Anne was out of sight, Linda finally went into Christian's playroom and grabbed him from Paul's arms to carry him to bed, as Anne had said earlier she needed rest today. Seeing his wife sleeping, Paul then joined in to sleep. But he chose to sleep on the sofa in front of the door, not in the room. Christian didn't like sleeping in a narrow bed when he took a nap, which was why Paul relented.

Because the shop was not too far from home, Anne chose to walk. When she was pregnant, Anne gained almost 15 kilos because she was constantly forced to eat nutritious food by Linda and Paul, which finally made Anne's body fuller. That was why after giving birth, Anne preferred to exercise a lot by walking when she went to the store. She did this so that her body returned to its original state, and it was successful. Many people didn't expect that Anne already had a child, because her body still looked slim, firm, and didn't show any signs of having been pregnant at all. She didn't even have stretch marks and a line extending from the navel to the pubic bone which was called linea nigra, her body actually returned to its original shape as before. There was only one stitch on her lower abdomen which showed that she had given birth before when she gave birth to Christian by caesarean section. Although Anne initially wanted to give birth normally, but because at that time Anne did not have the energy to give birth to Christian who had tortured her for more than 16 hours, a caesarean section was finally taken as a last resort.

* * *

< Luxembourg >

The footsteps of a few gentlemen who had just arrived in the lobby of Clarke Enterprise made all the staff immediately taken the perfect postures, welcoming the arrival of the boss, who had just arrived after almost two years staying in Switzerland, managing Muller Finance International.

"Welcome back, sir."

Several staff greeted Jack, who was walking along with Erick and Nicholas, who always followed him. Although almost everyone greeted him, Jack didn't answer anyone. The man was now icy cold and only those closest to him knew what had caused the man to be so cold for the past 3 years.

Erick and Nicholas only separated from Jack when the boss was already sitting in his oversized chair in his private office. As soon as the master sat down, the two assistants immediately left without being ordered.

"I'm back to the place where I lost you, Anne. Have you not been satisfied in punishing me these last three years? How much longer will I live in solitude like this, Anne?" said Jack quietly, looking at his wedding photo with Anne on his desk.

To be continued

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