I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 163: Upcoming era

Chapter 163: Upcoming era

"It doesn't really matter what you want to do. Your friends or blood, whoever they are. Have been enslaved by the holy tar." Here, the blobfish finally turned around and faced the guests that had come here.

Confidence was greater than ever and dictatorship was an urge this old man couldn't hold back, "These experiments got powers but soon enough they will only prove as food for what's greater. They have no difference from the critters we feed on."

From the group of stingrays, Timothy was the one with the most rage and unleashed it too although vocabulary didn't exactly succeed to expand. "What the fuck are you talking about? My brothers and sisters have their souls intact! They can't be enslaved."

"Enslaved? Why would our beautiful sect give them this honour?" The blobfish slightly yelled but all of them could understand that this was delusional at least. This sect enslaved every fish they ran across.

But this old man still managed to release a few statements that got all of them shocked, "Your siblings will only be food for what's coming. This reef will soon enter a new era, all of which belongs to the holy-tar sect. We've worked years to make this upper-side of the ocean as our own, and now this goal is on our fingertips. Close to being completed!"

"My son went through a horrible transformation and the 77 members that lived here, sacrificed everything to help him transform into a monster. He was meant to carry the refined tar, our sect will only become bigger because of him!" It felt that this old man had a lot more to say, but the opportunity wasn't given.

Simply because Haze had enough of this blob's bullshit and began unleashing every bit of her ability to launch a deadly attack! First the enemy's tone was significantly decreased in volume, which was a hint that sudden pain had enveloped this man.

In a matter of seconds, the other siblings managed to spot little dots bursting out of the enemy from tens of directions. Which alone wasn't good enough to cause an instant death towards this blob but definitely managed to cause pain.

A silent cry came out of the enemy and it was made certain that the energy to shout had been compressed, thanks to all of the pain. The blob tried to move as well but it became impossible even further by the passing second.

After a few hundred small dots had broken out in all directions from the enemy, the entire blob began compressing into one spot. In fact it was even worse than that as this odd fish didn't simply shrink in size, but folded several times like paper.

It was difficult to watch, especially after hearing a few bones crack but it felt especially scary how this lady was inflicting such damage only with her mind.

Timothy wanted to scold the lady for rushing with this kill. More information could have been withdrawn from the enemy because thankfully this one was one of the most talkative in this sect. But considering the method of murder, he felt it would be a dumb idea to enrage this lady.

The blob folded into nothingness in a matter of seconds and that's when Philip interrupted, "That's new ha? I don't think you knew how to do that before, you literally just folded that blob."

Feeling a tad happy that at least one of these siblings was smart enough to pick up such details, she gave a light nod and locked eyes directly. "Those particles can be moved around a little, not just broken down. So I used both methods to fold that worthless body into nothingness."

A lot of complaints could have been let out this time but the little hero decided to get this over with quick, even used a point of reference he had picked up from earlier. "Okay enough with the smart talk. Sink down this holy-tar pool so we can get out of here. Some crazy fish is coming soon so we need to get rid of more tribes as fast as we can."

"That's not what's going on." Philip pointed out but couldn't find the softest words to describe this bizarre situation.

That's when Haze swooped in and gave out an even more thought out explanation. "The reef will face its biggest threat yet. Because for once we won't face a fish who needs the holy-tar to grow stronger, but us siblings who have been struck with the refined-tar."

As if synced in perfectly, the other smart sibling continued explaining. "And I think that blob was being literal. This stronger fish will use us as food rather than the holy-tar, that is if they eat tar to begin with."

"Judging from that confidence that the blob showed, this fish will definitely be stronger than any of us." The little smart lady weighed in, feeling that such a small detail was tremendously important.

Getting angrier throughout the explanation, the kind stingray boy who wasn't used to rough language, added. "This darn sect is strategic too. So all of that work they've done over the years, to spread their tribes here, was only to make a useful environment for one fish or many of the same, who are strong enough to push this reef into a new era."

And then the smart lady sealed this developing issue by adding. "This new era will mean chaos for us. Because the tribes here will have superior backup, so it will help to enslave every living being here far easier."

Such an explanation became extended but it was clear that intelligence was working overtime for these couple of siblings. They've picked so many hints out of an indirect dictator-like talk.

The little hero was definitely lost regarding what was going on but the problem sounded serious and the next step seemed like a blur. So a question had to be asked, "So, will we sink the pool?"

One of the stingrays who spoke less this time, Snoopy to be exact, replied. "Sinking the pool won't do much now but at least a new tribe can't hide here. So go for it, Haze."

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