I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 174: Stalker

Chapter 174: Stalker

Night has descended amongst the coral reef and anything nearby. This was the time when apex predators emerged from their holes, to submerge in the hunt and aid their chances of survival.

Well in these surroundings that wasn't the case, since there weren't anymore predators to be spoken of. Sharks weren't around at least, so that made travelling through the night a lot easier.

But the case here was that Timothy had already slumbered for a considerable amount of time, and woke up at night, but not for the sake of hunting. That nearly wasn't the case here.

A great conspiracy has been raised hours ago. It claimed that the president of the white-legged shrimps, was making deals with an unholy sect. This just didn't sound likely but if it was true, it meant that the enemies have figured out a new approach that aided domination.

Regardless of what was going on, the plan was to fix it through the night. Whatever danger might come forth, the little stingray felt confident with his abilities ~ so motivation was just growing stronger to solve this issue.

So he had swam towards the tribes of shrimp, and did his very best to avoid being noticed. The word here spreads like wildfire. So if one notices that the king has returned to the community, such information will swiftly reach the president.

The base plan was to find the president and follow him, but that swiftly managed to prove stupid. Because for a start, every shrimp here looked the same, so it was difficult to point out details about individuals.

A detail that could help just by a hunch, was the president's size. He wasn't massive or too small, just normal. But yet again there are hundreds of shrimp here with such body shapes, so everything became more confusing.

It was midnight now so it was especially difficult to find anyone specific, especially with the limited vision he had! This entire plan was developing into a whole bowl of stupidity, but the young one didn't want to give up.

So he began patrolling the tribes for the sake of spotting anything weird. One good thing that came out of this plan, was the ability to spot these shrimp through any shade of darkness: simply because their super-white skin was tremendously noticeable.

Such circumstances aided to escape everyone's view. And the coral these tribes were based on, tended to be yellow quite often ~ so he could use those portions to camouflage against anything that crawled by.

He had been patrolling the area for a while now, but nothing important caught the eye. Looking at random shrimp didn't help but that's when another idea popped in.

"Hmmm... those sect members had glowing eyes. Maybe I should look for anything green." Here it stood firm that every point of his IQ and other intelligences were used to figure out a plan.

And it was enhanced by following thoughts, "I can't see anything from down here so... yes okay I should swim higher."

After figuring such a portion out, that little noggin stung a little all because too much smart thinking was done under a short minute. It will take time until he adapted towards smarter thoughts, but here it will have to do in terms of advancing the plan.

Arising towards the very sea-surface would be a bad idea. Because even if there were green lights glowing below, it wouldn't be easy to spot them from over a hundred meters away.

So instead he just swam about 20 meters up, it should help gain a better view of everything that was underneath. While at the same time it would make it difficult, for anyone to figure out who he was. Because the night shade helped to obtain a bit of camouflage.

After a half hour more, the corner of his eye was caught by a dim green-light. So almost instantly, he began following that light but didn't exactly charge towards them.

Timmy wanted to find out more information about such a case, and if one was to talk out plans here, it would be a dumb idea to spook them. The green light was located fairly away from the closest by tribe, the distance had to be at least a hundred meters.

Which gave a great hint that something might be going on here, as no one would talk about delicate matters in a crowd. This fish with glowing eyes didn't seem to be on a rampage either, so it gave a hint that it was waiting for someone.

The little hero was laying down over a patch of yellow coral, almost invisible to anything that could crawl or swim by. And throughout the waiting, he tried to make up what species of fish this sect member was.

But he didn't run into any lack for that matter. Because although the fish had glowing eyes, the illumination they let out wasn't great and it only managed to give a little amount of details about the fish.

Such cravings for knowledge didn't matter just after a few seconds, because he could finally hear commotion from what was underneath.

A whisper had broken out and the hero managed to instantly hear it out, "You fools can't do anything right."

That tone portrayed more lifelessness rather than any anger, which made it difficult to understand who was talking. So the little stingray began slipping forward from the coral, trying to get a better view.

It worked like a charm, he could see an eye-damaging white texture. While trying to adjust to such a view, he could hear the same newly arrived figure, whispering once more. "All of your men were killed and the king had buried your pool. How incompetent could you be!"

"How would we know that your king was a crazy stingray!" The other fish tried to excuse with a shout, but within that second, strong commotion broke out in the waters.

The white-textured man had charged towards the fish with glowing green eyes. But what was seen before the actual clash was almost impossible to believe.

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