I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 178: Cheaper tool

Chapter 178: Cheaper tool

Increasingly agitated that his comrade wasn't coming out with the green-balls: the living fish began squeezing in through the small entrance, aiming to figure out just what the hell was taking so long.

It stood evident that Timothy had landed a kill that was too smooth. As the biggest fish here was still completely unaware, regarding what happened.

Eventually, the living enemy had squeezed through enough to enter the small room. What captured his vision, was the displeasure of seeing his friend whose belly was facing towards the ceiling.

Upon further inspection, he noticed that the same body had a hole pierced against its head. Such a scene, forced out a shout. "What the hell happened here?"

In the same second, the one who was spooked enough to shout, felt a sharp pain on his back. Such massive discomfort, followed along with what felt like an additional wave of pain. He wanted to shout, but the energy required to suppress this sudden pain, was enough to drain energy in mere seconds.

So the best solution became to just get the hell out of here. But that was crossed out as an option, because unbearable pain was inflicted once more against him. But thankfully this time the attack was strong enough to cause an instant death. This blue coloured fish had completely died, without even knowing who the killer was.

The murdering stingray detached from the ceiling right after and let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't nearly scared of any enemies here, but right now the ability of stealth should be used greedily.

Because sure the boy and his siblings can go on forever, when it comes to slaughtering these tribes. But right now they are barely aware of who these enemies are and what methods they use. Knowledge can aid quicker and even permanent extermination.

Peeking at the enemy carcasses, he could notice that they were both similar, just different in size. One of them was half a foot long and the other was just 3 inches.

[Blue reef chromis killed. 1 system point has been given to you as a reward]

[Total system points = 141]

[These couple of bodies are contaminated, don't consume them]

"Okay okay." The young one assured, admittedly agitated but also appreciating how the system was looking out for him.

Yet this situation still managed to spike confusion, so he questioned. "System, do you know what these balls are? I'll pay with points if you can tell me."

She didn't answer immediately, silence stretched for a few seconds which gave a hint that the lady in his head, was either still analysing or tremendously unaware, misinformed.

But eventually an answer was given, [Maybe I know something...]

Such a sentence was striking at least. It sounded shady although it might not have been intended that way. So the young one instantly asked, "Maybe? Are you hiding something from me?"


[I've dug in my memory deep enough and figured out that this holy-tar nonsense, might be older than we thought it is]

To such a sentence, all he could utter was. "Huh?"

[An orca who also had a system, had spotted these same green-balls over 30 years ago]

"So you know about the sect more than I do but you're keeping secrets?" That was the first thought that the young one could generate, it fairly portrayed low intelligence and some trust issues.

[I saw these balls before, but didn't really understand what purpose they had. It's difficult to understand their purpose now, but I know for sure what they are]

"Oh." The blue-dotted menace answered and then reached a brief realization, "It will cost a lot to tell me, won't it?"

[Unlike the blood analysis tool you had purchased earlier, this analysis tool isn't nearly as expensive. And since I'm equally curious, you will be able to temporarily unlock the said purchase for an hour. You aren't supposed to buy anything like this until later, call this a gift you have to pay for]

It took a good few minutes to process this entire offer, but it stood evident that the system was giving mixed signals. It felt like a tease, considering that this lady knew just how incapable the young one was in terms of intelligence.

Understanding the hints would take too much time, so he asked. "How many points do I need to pay for this?"

[The best deal I can give you, is 20 system points for an hour long unlock]

"That's cheaper than I thought!" Tim uttered, with a smile growing on his face. And it was noticeable in his tone, that joy was spreading through his conscious.

Almost instantly, he cited. "Okay, I'll buy it!"

[Purchase confirmed]

[20 system points consumed]

[121 system points remaining]


[These green-balls were easy to analyse 30 years ago and it's the same case today. The main ingredients in them are similar similar to what one would find in fish poop]

An instant feeling grew that this was a joke. As he didn't believe that any fish could make poop that was this flawlessly round, or green.

So the sea-pancake queried, with a sceptic faint tone. "Really?"

[Fish poop coming from a greenland shark if I'm not mistaken. The only additional substance is what makes this poop green. I can't recognize the additional one]

Using his entire noggin to understand this situation, the small one took half a minute before asking. "So a greenland shark came all the way here to poop?"

[Not necessarily, greenland sharks are anywhere in deep-waters. But they usually don't come up here, you never saw any of them]

"So..." The sea-disk tried to think it through, but wasn't yet ready to generate any idea.

As if teasing a child, which at the moment was the literal case. The system lady stretched out a few words, [Come on, you can do it]

After piecing everything together, the realization came in like a hammer, and managed to cause a sharp pain in the boy's noggin that only lasted a second. "Other fish are bringing green-poop from the deep ocean!"

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