I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 367 Shocking News

Kate stood there anxiously as she waited for other people to also get selected as well.

"Today, August 6th 1026... you 7 have been chosen to ride alongside us for this project.

One this day, Man will fly for the very first time!!"

Hearing that, Kate and other 6.... including those who were watching from the sidelines, all felt like they had been struck dumb.

How was that possible?


Kate’s blood boiled with excitement.... as she listened to Landon.

She just couldn’t believe that she out of all people would somehow be added into Baymard’s Museum.

Even though she didn’t know what a Museum was?..... from Landon’s brief explanation, she could immediately tell how important it would be in the future.

So how could she not be exhilarated?

Soon, they were also instructed on how to use something called a parachute.... as well as about other safety measures while flying.

No matter what, safety was always necessary in everything that one did.

Hence these briefings were definitely a must.


Stepping into the basket, which seemed to be as sturdy as a car.... Kate quicy found its layout to be fairly spacious and easy to get around.

Firstly..... it was organized just like how buses were.

The middle part was used as a footpath....and at its sides, one would see several stalls there as well.

Of course these stalls were generally waist level, and were made to be lower than the baskets outer walls by far... so that everyone could still interact with each other safely.


So in essence, there were:

•6 stalls on the right side of the basket

•6 more stalls on its left side

•3 stalls at it’s back

•Another 3 at its front.

Of course that totalled 18 seats all together for the passengers.

But unlike buses that had their drivers at the front... these ones had their pilots directly under the burners at the center of the basket.

Landon had designed it based on one of Dubai’s most popular 30 passenger rides there.


Kate quickly got quickly into her own stall, and looked at its sides ... and saw a parachute there exactly where his majesty had said it would be in.

Everyone did the same as well....and when they were good to go, Landon and Tim who were the pilots.... quickly cranked up the fire from the burner.




The flames got stronger, and soon.... everyone in and around the contraception, as well as those staring out their office windows all had their mouths wide open in shock

"Am I seeing things, or does that basket seem to be lifting up from the ground?"

"Ehhh?.... .. it’s really going up!!"

"Ahhh.... it’s flying!!!.... they’re flying!!!!!"

"How is this possible?"

"Why didn’t I run faster earlier?




Everyone felt that what was happening here was too unfathomable to imagine..... but with them witnessing it with their very own eyes, what more could they say?

Who said that only birds could fly?

Look here, Baymard had produced the first flying men... and they were definitely proud to be a part of the empire.



It works!!!

It works!!!

Your majesty.... you’re a genius!!!" Wiggins yelled out merrily, as he kept on looking back and forth between the view in front of him and Landon’s pilot station at the center of the basket.

"Bro Wiggins.... do you feel it?" Tim yelled out.

"Of course I do... this is definitely the gravitational force trying to pull us down!!"



Listening to the excited men speak, Kate’s eyes immediately lit up quickly.

As the basket lifted from the ground, Kate could feel as if her weight was seemingly getting heavier and heavier with time.

So this was the real effect of Hertfilia’s gravitational force when one tried to leave the ground?

She had learned about it when she was while working within the industry.

But on ground level, one doesn’t really feel the impact as one would while lifting up steady from the ground.

It was as if an invisible hand was suppressing them from nowhere.


"But how does the balloon actually rise with this open hole at its bottom part?" Sophia asked..... since for her, only balloons tied up at their mouths should rise since they had successfully trapped in gases that were less dense into them.....like Helium.

So why would this one fly instead?

As an overseer.... even though she only focused on Tailoring, she had done joint projects before with the other industries.... and due to that, she had come to learn and appreciate more about things like Chemistry or physics.

Even when they gave her dyes or other toxic chemicals, she had taken it upon herself to understand their properties so as to do her job more efficiently and safely.


So when Landon had previously given her the general layout of this project... she had read and understood that this hot air balloon worked with 3 main principles: Archimedes principle, Boyles law and Charles law.

But even at that, she couldn’t exactly pinpoint the answer to her question through these laws.

So why would the balloon fly when its mouth was still left open?


"Hmmm...It’s because of the heat!

To start off.... air is also considered as matter.

So it definitely has molecules in it.

So when it starts to heat up.... it acts completely different than normal." Tim replied.

"That’s right!

When something gets warmer... the molecules that it’s made of, start moving around very rapidly and excitedly.

With this, they bounce around and spread out even more.

And with the important part... that they ’Spread Out’!" Wiggins added

"So initially when we were at ground level.... the atmospheric temperature of the air in the balloon was the same as that outside the balloon.

So when we crank up the heat, the molecules spread out and become less becomes dense... hence rising."



Trust these overseers to turn everything into a lecture hall.

Their secretaries and the other 7 people who had come on board, all shook their heads helplessly at them.

Would it kill you all to just relax and have fun without all using your brains for once?


A fewminutes later, they had stabilized at some distance high up in the air.... and now, it was time for the tour to begin.

"Ladies and gentlemen.... welcome to Baymard’s first sky tour ever." Landon said from his mic.

’Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!’

Excitement filled the air, as the passengers all clapped loudly.


The giant balloon soon flew past the lower region, and made it’s way through the central and upper region.

Those below were stunned silly by what they were seeing.

They didn’t know if that was a balloon or not, as.... well, what balloon was that size?

"Mummy mummy... is that a balloon?"

"Ermm... darling.... ermm..... ....yes Yes Yes...you’re right darling... it’s a balloon."

"Bro.... check out that red ball up in the air!

It’s huge right?"

"Wait..... are those people riding below it?"

"People?.... bro, how come you’re the only one who can see these people?

How many times have I told you to get those eyes of yours checked?

Do you see your life?"



Meanwhile, as the mesmerizing red balloon passed above the central and upper region.... numerous police officers quickly reported the matter to their superiors.

"Sir..... there’s a possible threat of an enemy attack from the sky!!!"


Immediately, the military were on it!

And soon, when they used their binoculars and spotted Landon and the rest on board.... they quickly sighed from relief.

But at the same time, they couldn’help but marvel at the fact that man could fly.

Very soon.... the news quickly covered everything in a blink of an eye.


"Urgent news... just coming in now.

The flying red object is of nothrear to us..... I repeat, the flying object outside is of no threat to us.

Ladies and gentlemen..... up on that balloon, are his majesty, Overseer Wiggins, overseer Tim, Overseer Sophia and a few others.

Yes!!..... for the first time ever, MAN CAN FLY!!!"


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