I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 389 LandLines

Tim looked through the notes and continued to read through them in amazement.

This.... this would for sure improve communication and information intelligence in Baymard.

Just thinking about it made him smile stupidly.

And when he thought about how sometimes..... he would run from one corner to the other, or send people to someone else’s office just to inquire about something.

This alone sometimes delayed his schedule, as at times, the reply could come back within an hour or even more.

Not to talk of the fact that if the person wasn’t where he had thought that they would be in, then wouldn’t he have to start searching for them all over the place again?

But now.... he didn’t have to worry too much about this anymore.

With this Landline technology... in a matter of seconds or minutes, he might even be talking to someone in a different industry from himself..... and it also extended to the hospitals, schools and every other place in Baymard.

How marvellous!!


Landon smiled broadly, while looking at Tim’s animated face amusingly.

Walkie Talkies, police radio communicators and so on.... were all good and necessary for Baymard’s main security forces.

But what about the people?

A lot of issues would’ve been better solved if they had just gotten a better means to pass along information.

Holding the book tightly, Tim’s hands trembled slightly, and his mouth also quivered from excitement.

"Your majesty..... this is groundbreaking!

Even though it is somewhat similar to the walkie talkies..... it has its own differences to that one as well.

And this phone number thing, is it like each landline’s personal identity?.... erm, like the personal identity numbers found on each identity card?

No!.... no!... no!....

More importantly your majesty, when do we start?!!" Tim asked while literally holding Landon’s clothes tightly, just like a little kid who had just gotten his Christmas gift for the first time.

His ageing eyes were immediately opened widely, and seemed to glisten and shine like that of the moon on a starry night.

It was vibrant, youthful and full of life!

The current Tim had already forgotten that Landon was the king, as he subconsciously held onto him as if Landon some sort of peerless treasure that he didn’t dare to let go of.


Landon looked wryly at his overexcited Overseer, who seemed to be hell-bent on almost ripping his shirt to shreds.

Thinking of all the overseers from every industry within Baymard, Landon couldn’t help but question why they were all so similar to each other.

Or was it just a strange coincidence?

’Mwuack! Mwuack! Mwuack!’

As Tim spoke about everything that interested him with this new project, he would unconsciously lean forward and kiss Landon on the cheek happily from over excitement.

"Your majesty... have I ever told you that I love you?"


[Landon: ’Overseer Tim... I’m straight alright?’]


A few minutes later, after Landon had successfully calmed Tim down to an extent..... they swiftly began their road of manufacturing Landlines.

"Your majesty.... how many people do you need to construct the industry site for this project?"

"Tim... as the Construction industry overseer, I’ll let you handle the construction part of it all.

Here!..... this is a Contract brought to you by myself and the Government of Baymard.

So you will need to access how much it’ll take the site to be fully constructed .... as well as how much time you’ll need to complete this project.

All in all, we want the site to be finished before November 1st.

So after you’ve written and budgeted down everything... including salaries, please send it to the Ministry of Communications immediately.

Specifically..... please address it to myself and the head minister Dave Glover.

Oh... and don’t forget that since the engineers-in-training are still registered under your industry..... you still need to budget their pay as well." Landon said, while passing along the contract to Tim.

This in itself was to let Tim and the rest of the overseers grow on their own ... afterall, he couldn’t always carry everything on his shoulder all the time.

And with the way the system was going, he would soon be in and out of Baymard frequently in the future..... so why not see how his overseers would handle these matters?


Tim froze for a bit, while looking at Landon in shock!

’Your majesty..... do you now hate me?’, he thought, while looking at Landon with teary eyes.

How could he not feel anxious and nervous from what Landon had just said?

As he looked at the map for the site location, so many questions immediately raced through his mind in a heartbeat.


What if he screwed everything up?

What if he couldn’t complete the project on time?

One should know that every time.... it was his majesty, that had planned at least 70% of every project within all the Baymardian industries on a regular basis.

So everyone was somewhat reliant on him.

He was like the boss who said and gave precise estimates on what was needed.... while they on the other hand, focused on doing everything to his exact needs.

And so far, each and every one of his majesty’s estimations were always right.

So everyone always consulted him on everything every step of the way.

But this was the first time that Tim had been given a project and told to just go with the wind.

What the hell?

What happened to telling him about how many workers were needed for construction, estimating how many bags of cement that they needed, budgeting the pay, estimating how much work could be done while taking into account weather changes and so on?

What if what he requested for the ministry to pay them wasn’t enough.... and they ended up needing more materials for its completion instead?

In that case, what if they had to cut down the workers’ salaries from their errors?

And even if they took out the money from their industry savings to make it up, then wasn’t that still a loss to them?

No!... his majesty had entrusted him with this task if making his own decisions.... so even if he truly made any grave estimation errors, it would definitely serve as a learning experience to him and nothing more.


Tim immediately calmed his thumping heart, and hurriedly sent for some of the main decision-makers within the industry.

Even though he was overseer, he couldn’t make some contract decisions without some of his partners on the board.... which involved the head Accountant, Head Auditor, Landon, a few others and even a few representatives from the Ministry of Works and Construction.

But in this case, he only needed 3 more parole present apart from himself.

With Landon already present, he immediately sent for the Chief Auditor and Head accountant to make their way here.

It was best that they all came, so that they could all look at how much they should request or charge for their services.

Of course, the contract had come with what their employer thought was a reasonable payout.

But only they themselves could verify if they needed more money for more materials or not.

So if that was the case, then they would have to charge more than what was offered to them instead.


With everyone present, they began to read the agreement carefully.

Salaries.... yes..... contract completion date..... yes..... work conditions..... yes... benefits before and after contract.... Yesss... hmmm.

As they worked, they would subconsciously raise their voices, so as to get a reaction from Landon.

They wanted to see if they were right or wrong.

But who would’ve known that after all their antics, sighing and pitiful expressions that they had thrown on him... his majesty only smiled at them mysteriously, while silently waiting for them to finish.

’Dammit, your majesty!

Can’t you at least help your brothers out a bit?’



3 hours had gone by just like that, with everyone sweating buckets...and now, they had finally come up with what they believed to be an alright budget.

And seeing that Landon wasn’t going to give his two cents on the matter, they all sighed helplessly.... and immediately sent for their budget, alongside the contract and a letter, to be delivered to the Ministry of Communications A.S.A.P.

Hopefully, they had made the right estimations.

And once the other 2 left the room, Tim and Landon immediately began to focus on training these engineers that they were about to recruit.


While waiting for the new production site to be constructed, it was best for these men to know the basics of it all.

And since they were also planning to hire new graduates as well..... then they definitely needed to organize more training classes as well.

Of course with Landon’s missions, he had only planned to teach for just one week.... and after that, Tim and several others would take over from where he stopped.

But no matter what, Project Landline had to commence as soon as possible.


And so the next day, the radio stations were talking about Baymard’s new project... and the newspapers also highlighted the need for 100 new graduates and Baymardians for a new job opportunity.

With the need to begin lessons fast... of course, Landon and Tim had paid the radio stations, as well as the newspapers for advertisement.

And their plan had worked extremely well..... because now, they had 200 people rushing towards their interview rooms like crazy.

Some had just finished schooling, while others had been in the hospital for whatever reasons.

And there were also others who had previously wanted to be an engineer.... but because they hadn’t made it through other job interviews, they had settled for their current jobs.

And now with this engineering opportunity before them... how could they dare to miss it?

It was like a jungle outside the interview room during the next few days... and soon, those chosen were immediately sent letters and told when to report to work.


In a massive auditorium, everyone was attentively looking at the 4 men before them.

Finally, they were now engineers-in-training.

Landon looked at the new team before him and smiled.

"Let’s start from the basics shall we?"

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