Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 644 The Forbidden Forest Part 3

The girls continued to push forward, the Forbidden Forest seemingly growing darker and more twisted with each step they took. The oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily on them, and the constant threat of danger kept them on edge. Yet, they remained resolute to press on for the sake of their mission.

Mira led the way, her ice Qi occasionally creating a path for them through the dense foliage or freezing any dangerous plants that tried to attack them. However, sensing that an odorless and colorless poison was beginning to appear in the fog, she began to grow slightly anxious for her companions, who had to take an Anti-Toxin Pill, a pill that prevented poison from seeping into their bodies.

As they traversed the treacherous terrain, the girls encountered various bizarre and deadly creatures.

The first challenge came in the form of giant spiders with venomous fangs. The arachnids attacked with lightning-fast reflexes, their webs ensnaring the girls and trying to drag them to their doom.

Rhydian's aerial advantage proved essential in this battle, picking off the spiders from above while the others fought their way through the webs.

Next, they faced a swarm of poisonous insects that could fly at breakneck speeds.

The insects darted around the girls like a torrent of deadly needles, making it difficult for them to land a hit.

Seraphina's shield and Eden's control over nature provided a momentary pause, allowing the girls to regroup and counter-attack.

They discovered that the insects were sensitive to extreme heat, which Nova used to their advantage by creating a wall of fire that surrounded the creatures. The intense heat turned the insects into ash, and she did her utmost to ensure that she didn't create a wildfire.

In another encounter, they came across a grotesque and enormous serpent slithering its way through the underbrush. Its scales were impossibly hard, and its fangs dripped with lethal venom.

The girls fought with everything they had, using their combined might and clever tactics to wear the beast down. Eventually, they managed to exploit a weak spot on the serpent's underbelly, dealing a fatal blow.

With each battle, the girls gained a deeper understanding of why this place was known as the Forbidden Forest. Not only was the area filled with terrifying creatures, but the increasing malevolent aura of the environment seemed to strengthen them, making them even more dangerous than they would be otherwise.

The girls continued their journey, cautiously navigating the treacherous terrain while monitoring their surroundings.

The forest grew darker and more sinister with each passing step, the air thick with an oppressive, almost tangible aura of malice. The dark, twisted branches of ancient trees seemed to encroach around them, casting eerie shadows that played tricks on their minds.

As they progressed, they were constantly bombarded by more bizarre and deadly creatures.

They faced a pack of enormous wolves with dark fur that seemed to absorb the light around them, their eyes glowing with a blood-red hue. The girls managed to fend off these fearsome predators, but not before sustaining several injuries.

As they confronted the pack of enormous wolves, Mira, and her companions knew they were in a difficult fight.

The wolves' dark fur absorbed the light around them, making it challenging to track their movements accurately. Their eyes glowed with a blood-red hue, instilling a sense of unease in the hearts of the girls.

They seemed to blend into the shadows, concealing not just their bodies but their aura as well.

Mira's eyes narrowed as in her Soul Sense, as all she saw were hazy outlines. Thus, she called out to the girls, "Be extra cautious this time around! It's hard for me to sense these beasts!"


The girls grew serious and knew that they were in for a tough battle if even Mira could barely sense them!

The battle commenced with the girls striking first, launching coordinated attacks to disrupt the wolves' movements.

Mira sent a flurry of ice shards at the pack while Nova unleashed a barrage of "Sunfire Sphere Spear Shots".

Eden used her control over nature to create a thorny barrier, trying to slow the wolves down, and Seraphina raised her shield, ready to defend her companions.

However, the wolves were cunning adversaries. They dodged the attacks with impressive agility and retaliated with swift, powerful strikes of their own. Each time the girls managed to land a hit, the wolves seemed to recover quickly, their resilience fueled by the malevolent energy of the forest.

Hovering above the ground, Everly called out to the others, "Watch your backs! I'll try to draw their attention from above, but stay on guard!" She surrounded her hands in lightning, then began raining it down upon the wolves, attempting to keep them at bay.

Mira and the others fought back fiercely, their Qi-enhanced strikes landing with increasing accuracy as they began to adapt to the wolves' movements.

The girls fought hard, their hearts pounding in their chests as they clashed with the wolves.

However, as they exchanged blows with the fearsome beasts, they were acutely aware of the danger that lurked deeper within the forest. There was an ominous, almost suffocating presence that seemed to grow stronger the further they ventured in. It was as if the very air was warning them of a far more deadly foe that awaited them.

With this knowledge in their minds, the girls made a conscious decision to restrain their use of power. They understood that, while the wolves were formidable opponents, they would need every ounce of their strength and Qi for the challenges that still lay ahead.

As they fought, the girls found themselves growing increasingly fatigued as they found themselves at a standstill. They weren't tired by much, but in a situation where dangers lurked in every corner, this could bring unwanted consequences.

In a brief moment of respite, Nova shouted, "We need to change our strategy! These wolves are too quick for us to hit directly. We need to light up the area!"

"Mira, I'm counting on you to land the final blows!"

"Understood!" Mira nodded and concentrated her senses on the wolves. There were only half a dozen of them, but they were so fast and discrete that often, she only sensed 2-3 at a time.

Everly and Nova gave each other look of mutual understanding before nodding. They both knew what their roles would be. Thus, there was no need for words.

"Lightning Illumination."

"Sunfire Sphere Spear Shockwave!"

Everly's hands and feet glowed as she dropped to the ground, releasing bolts of lightning into the earth, lightning the place up. While Nova gathered a giant, watermelon-sized ball of fire around her spear, swinging it in a wide, sending bursts of flames throughout her surroundings!

The combined efforts of Everly and Nova lit up the area, making it much more difficult for the wolves to hide in the shadows. The sudden surge of light and heat caught the wolves off guard, momentarily disorienting them.

Seizing the opportunity, Mira quickly assessed the situation and decided to combine her elemental abilities to maximize the damage against the wolves and ensure their deaths.

First, she conjured a powerful gust of wind, using it to push the wolves up into the air, not allowing them to hide in the shadows any longer. As they struggled to find their footing, Mira followed up with a concentrated beam of Yin Lightning, targeting the largest and most menacing of the pack. It pierced through its unprotected skull, killing it instantly.

Next, she summoned a barrage of razor-sharp earth spikes up from the ground beneath the wolves, impaling and immobilizing them.

As the wolves whirled from the onslaught, Mira conjured a storm of razor-sharp ice swords that whirled around her before launching at the wolves with deadly precision. The ice blades cut through their dark fur, causing the wolves to howl in pain, killing the rest on the spot.

Finally, to ensure that they remained dead, Mira controlled her black runes to suck the life and Qi out of their dead bodies, causing them to be reduced to nothing more than dust.

With the last of the wolves defeated, the girls caught their breath and assessed their condition. Their bodies were bruised and battered, but nothing they couldn't handle.

However, they knew they couldn't afford to rest for long, as time was of the essence, and the ever-present danger in the Forbidden Forest loomed over them like a dark cloud.

"Haaa... Well, that was a pain in the ass. Who knew that just a few Peak-Stage Rank 7 wolves and a Low-Stage Rank 8 wolf would be so annoying to deal with." Nova muttered, shocked at how strong and dangerous the beasts were despite being so "weak".

"It's a bit too late to back out now," Eden looked behind her, but all she saw was a dense fog that consumed their footprints, seemingly hiding the way they came in.

Even now, she couldn't confidently say in which direction they came into the Forest.

"Alright, that's enough rest. You guys look like you're fine, so let's get going. We can't sit here all day," Mira said as she walked to the front, taking the lead this time.

She narrowed her eyes out into the fog, sensing hundreds of eyes locked onto their position, each one more terrifying than the last.

While she was confident in her abilities and the strength of her companions, the beasts here were too weird. Each one had its own quirks and strengths. Not to mention that the Forest seemed to provide them with extra power, something she had never heard of.

Then, there was the fact that poison lingered in the very air, making its way into their bodies with every breath.

If they stayed here for too long...

Needless to say, Mira didn't want to find out what would happen.

After Mira's command, the girls all got up and stepped out into the foggy unknown once again. Except this time, they could sense that they were close to the center of the forest.

What existed there, they didn't know, but they would soon find out.

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