Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 661 Aftermath Of Aelina's Message

Aelina's message swept across the Western Continent like wildfire. Shocking images and footage stirred deep emotions, catapulting the Battle Maiden Sect's prestige to unprecedented heights. For a long time, the sect had been perceived as one of the weaker major sects. It wasn't until Aelina's video that people realized just how wrong they were.

The Battle Maiden Sect had never been weak; they simply had no reason to flaunt their power.

As news of the message spread, individuals affected by the Unorthodox Faction's atrocities began taking matters into their own hands. They attacked Unorthodox Faction disciples or, at the very least, caused trouble for them. Aelina's words seemed to give them the courage they needed to retaliate against their tormentors, and the list of those wronged by the Unorthodox Faction was almost endless.

The remaining branches of the Crimson Slayer Sect were hit the hardest, with many Outer Disciples targeted and killed when they ventured too far from the sect. However, they weren't the only ones affected. Other Unorthodox Faction Sects had been dragged into this mess as they were grouped together alongside the Crimson Slayer Sect.

Once-feared disciples of the Unorthodox Faction found themselves facing unexpected backlash from the citizens they had previously tormented. While it was mostly impulsive weaklings taking action, Aelina had effectively placed a continent-sized target on their backs. Even for such a large Sect, it was impossible for them to go against the entire world.

The general public, swept up in the momentum of Aelina's message, began paying closer attention to the Unorthodox Faction and its activities. While the damage caused thus far was relatively insignificant, those with true power and influence were merely biding their time, waiting to see how events unfolded before choosing a side or remaining neutral.

Not everyone followed this cautious approach. Some saw an opportunity and seized it immediately. As the Battle Maiden Sect's reputation grew, Aelina received numerous alliance proposals from weaker sects and powers, hoping to gain favor with the influential Sect Master and benefit from the connections and potential profits such an alliance would offer.

Amid this chaotic atmosphere, Mira's reputation, alongside the other women who had fought in the battle, began to grow within the Sect and in public. This was Mira's debut into the world, and she had made quite a first impression! 

In the days that followed, the atmosphere across the Western Continent shifted palpably. People from all corners of the continent began converging on the Battle Maiden Sect, seeking to forge alliances.

Aelina, perched on her throne high atop a mountain, watched all this unfold as her neutral smile transformed into a smirk.

'It's almost time for this war to kick off into full swing,' she thought before leaping from her throne and flying down the mountain to greet her guests.


Nestled deep within the mountains, far removed from civilization, a young man sat in a picturesque courtyard atop a modest, inconspicuous peak, dwarfed by the majestic mountains surrounding it. With long black hair cascading down his back, his chiseled muscles rippled beneath a loose golden robe adorned with an embroidered black ouroboros dragon.

The young man, Zehir Aporos, had a deep frown on his face as he crossed his arms, impatiently tapping his fingers on them. 

Zehir sat there, grumbling for what felt like hours, until a familiar old man, Nathaniel, appeared before him.

"Do you know how long you've kept me waiting, old man?" Zehir asked, looking up into Nathaniel's eyes.

Nathaniel's eyelid twitched as he stared at the disrespectful young man. He was tempted to 'discipline' the kid, but considering the potential consequences, he restrained his anger and cupped his fists.

"...I apologize, Junior Zehir, for my late arrival. As you might have guessed, I've been preoccupied."

"Mmhm," Zehir nodded, "I heard that the Battle Maiden Sect went to war with a Sect from your faction. Their leader, Aelina, even spread some video about your horrendous loss across the continent." 

He chuckled, "What a cruel woman."

"Haaa..." Nathaniel put a hand on his forehead and sighed, "It's not that simple."

"Well, obviously. It's a war between two major Sects, after all. What about that sounds simple?" Zehir replied nonchalantly, his tone almost mocking the old man.

Nathaniel took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure in the face of Zehir's attitude. "You're right. Aelina's words have stirred up all those people we exploited, plunging many of our businesses into chaos and leaving them in a state of limbo. Some of our more neutral partners have even backed out of deals, fearing the Battle Maiden Sect's retaliation."

Zehir shrugged his shoulders, uncaring of these issues and eager to change the subject to something that actually mattered. "Alright, enough about that," he said dismissively, causing Nathaniel's fists to clench in agitation. "Instead of dwelling on these trivial issues, have you brought me my reward for fighting Mira?"

Nathaniel's brows furrowed, and a subtle smirk formed on his lips. "Reward?" he sneered. "I asked you to kill her, but not only did you fail, but now her face is all over the continent alongside our 'spectacular defeat'! Do you honestly believe you deserve a reward? I didn't know the Aporos family was so shameless!"

Zehir's eyes narrowed into slits, and a menacing aura surrounded him. He glared at Nathaniel, appearing ready to pounce and rip his head off. "Don't," he spat, "mention my family again."

A crushing pressure weighed down on Nathaniel's shoulders, threatening to bring him to his knees. But who was he? He was the Vice Leader of an entire Faction! How could he allow himself to be intimidated by someone he considered little more than a child?

Unfazed by the murderous intent radiating from Zehir, Nathaniel locked eyes with him. Tensions rose as the two men held their silent standoff until Nathaniel finally sighed and spoke up.

"You're right. The Aporos family isn't shameless."

Zehir nodded and eased his pressure, but Nathaniel wasn't finished.

"Only their young master is."

Caught off guard, Zehir froze for a moment before Nathaniel continued.

"The offer still stands. If you kill Mira—" He paused, a new idea forming in his mind. "No, let's change it up. If you kill those six in the video, I'll give you two beasts that are both 10% Dragon. However, you have to make it a public execution."

Zehir frowned at the proposal, falling deep in thought, which surprised Nathaniel. With Zehir's attitude, he assumed the young man would either accept or decline immediately.

As Zehir considered the offer, he remembered the video of Mira, Nova, Seraphina, Eden, Rayna, and Everly decimating an entire army. He hadn't seen much of Eden and Rayna's performance since they were mostly out of sight. Seraphina had focused primarily on defense, making it difficult to gauge her strength, leaving only Eden, Nova, and Mira.

He had already faced Mira and knew she was not to be underestimated. He questioned whether he could even kill her, let alone the rest of them.

'No,' he shook his head, 'unless I isolate my fight with Mira, it'll be nearly impossible to kill her.'

He could defeat her, sure, but killing her was another matter. Just like last time, if she really wanted to flee, there wasn't much he could do.

'Now, this old man wants me to fight five others who are supposedly on the same level as her?'

Usually, he would have accepted without hesitation, but he knew that even if he won, he was still on the losing end of the deal.

'If I do, somehow, manage to kill all six, Aelina definitely won't let me go. Having a Divine Sea Realm master after me, especially one as old and strong as her, aren't worth the gains.' 

Zehir then thought that maybe if he asked his father for help, he wouldn't have to worry about the consequences, but he doubted the man would accept. Not to mention, how pathetic would it be for him to go crying back to his father to help him out with a mission he willingly accepted?

'At most, Father would accept the mission on my behalf and reap all the rewards himself.' Zehir thought before he shook his head and answered Nathaniel's proposal.

"No deal. The reward is too lousy compared to the risk."

Nathaniel opened his mouth, a little shocked. 

"W-What?! But aren't you going to kill Mira anyways?! Why not just add on a few extras along with her?"

Zehir snorted coldly, crossing his arms across his chest, "Hmph! Mira is a worthy opponent. But the others? Killing them will only put an unnecessarily large target on my back for little to no gain."

"But-!" Nathaniel shouted. However, Zehir had no intention of carrying on this conversation. He rose from his seated position and turned around to leave while shaking his head.

"I already know that your Faction doesn't have anything that'd actually make such a mission worth it. Let's just stick with our original deal and forget about this."

"Oho? I think I just heard something interesting." Suddenly, an ethereal voice appeared out of nowhere, causing the two to tense up. Before the two of them could move again, a beautiful woman with luscious pink hair descended from the air in front of Zehir and asked, "Are you saying that if the price were high enough, you would kill those six?"

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