Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 664 End Of An Era Part 1

High above the Crimson Slayer Sect's Headquarters, Cyrus surveyed the vast sea of disciples gathered below. Their strength spanned across various realms, from the Foundation to the Soul Transformation Realm. The disciples were strategically divided into battalions based on their abilities, expertise, and favored weapons. The weaker battalions had larger numbers, while the stronger ones were smaller in size. Cyrus and the Elders had painstakingly balanced each group to minimize casualties.

Though they had the advantage in numbers over the Battle Maiden Sect, Cyrus knew that their individual strength paled in comparison. An average Battle Maiden Sect disciple could likely face off against two of theirs, while the more gifted disciples could handle even more. This was the price of practicing Unorthodox Techniques – greater cultivation speed at the expense of Qi purity, physical strength, and rationality.

Nevertheless, being a weaker Nascent Soul cultivator was still better than not being one at all. Furthermore, they possessed various auxiliary techniques that could augment their power, depending on the sacrifices they were willing to make.

Surrounded by Mortal Shedding Realm Elders, Cyrus gazed at the disciplined ranks of disciples, their expressions resolute and unyielding. The atmosphere was thick with tension as everyone awaited their Sect Master's words.

Inhaling deeply, Cyrus infused his voice with Qi, ensuring it would reach every disciple present. "My fellow disciples!" His voice reverberated through the mountains, momentarily freezing everything in its path.

"Today marks the end of an era!"

Expressions below him grew steely, as they hadn't anticipated such an announcement. Undeterred, Cyrus continued his speech.

"For countless years, our Sect has strived to ascend! We have struggled, battled, and shed blood to reach this point, all in pursuit of the heights once reserved only for heaven's chosen!"

The disciples and Elders tightened their fists as Cyrus' words stirred their emotions. They knew intimately the pain and despair they endured to achieve their current standing. These feelings were shared by nearly everyone present and were the very reason they joined the Sect in the first place.

"Like many of you, I began my journey as a homeless orphan, without wealth, power, or status. I joined an Orthodox Sect early in my life, but my limited innate talent meant my future there was bleak. Eventually, I was given a choice: train future generations or leave the Sect. Driven by my desire for power, I chose the latter and stumbled upon the Unorthodox path!"

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ The disciples listened intently, and their emotions stirred. Although their stories weren't identical, their humble beginnings were strikingly similar. The Unorthodox path was seldom their first choice. However, when they discovered their lack of natural talent, they sought alternative paths to power.

"The Unorthodox Path enabled me to chase my dreams, to one day stand at the pinnacle of this world and glimpse what lies beyond! That dream has never faded, but as I stand here now, my wish has evolved. I yearn not only for my own ascension but for that of future generations as well! To demonstrate that talent isn't a prerequisite for strength, only an unquenchable thirst for power and the will to endure adversity!" Cyrus proclaimed, his gaze piercing the sky, as if seeing something beyond their wildest dreams.

Moments later, Cyrus refocused his attention on the disciples, their postures rigid in response.

With a deep, menacing tone, he declared, "Today, our very existence and pursuit of strength are threatened! Our Sect, our reason for living, has been cornered by the very people who told us we are nothing and will never amount to anything! Someone seeks to obstruct our ascent, to monopolize the summit for themselves, and deny us the view from the top!"

"That damn Battle Maiden Sect! How dare they?! I'll kill them all!"

"Let's go, Sect Master! Lead us to teach those bastards a lesson!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The area was covered in a dense layer of killing intent, each and every disciple wanting nothing more than to tear those women from the Battle Maiden Sect apart! Cyrus had properly stirred their emotions enough to further increase their hatred toward his enemies while simultaneously boosting their morale.

'Good,' Cyrus nodded, with a slight smile, 'With this, they'll give their all in the battles to come. However, it's still not enough. Once they experience the difference between them and those with actual talent, their morale will take a significant hit. I need to prevent that from happening at all costs.'

Releasing a bit of his Qi, Cyrus swept away all the killing intent and shut up the disciples. The surroundings fell silent as they regained their rationale and turned their attention back to him.

"That's right! Our enemy this time is the Battle Maiden Sect!" Cyrus announced, and nobody was surprised by his words, "Many of you have heard the rumors about them, but let me be the first to say that they are strong. Each and every disciple from the Battle Maiden Sect is a talented warrior trained to fight and kill."

Some of the disciple's eyes drooped a little as they slowly came back to their senses. 

That's right! The Battle Maiden Sect isn't some 3rd-rate power. It's a top-tier force that has withstood the test of time. Fighting and subsequently winning against this will not be an easy feat.

Many speculated it to be impossible.

"You might be thinking that such a force is impossible to overcome, but I assure you, it is not! I have gathered people and accumulated resources from other Sects, all so we can remove this scourge from the earth! Do you think they have a chance of winning against the might of two or even three major Sects? All of whom are carrying the burden of their Sect's future on their backs?!" Cyrus yelled, beginning to erase the doubt in their heats!

"Stand tall, my disciples! This is not a battle we can lose! It is not a battle we are allowed to lose! To ensure that others in this world have the same opportunity as us, we must stand against our oppressors! Every single one of you is not just this Sect's hope but the hope of all future children who are just like you! So long as even one of you can live through this, the future of our Sect and what we stand for will not be lost!"

"Fight with all your might; strive to protect your fellow disciples. In death, you will be immortalized. You will be remembered as heroes who safeguarded the future of humanity and gave those who aren't powerful enough a voice to decide their fate!"


The crowd bellowed after Cyrus finished his speech. Their desire for battle was palpable at this point, and Cyrus knew exactly how to capitalize on that.

"Now, let us march toward our first destination, where we will start this war off with a bang!"

The Elders each gave each other a nod and descended down toward their respective areas, where they began giving out commands. 

The disciples, now filled with renewed determination and vigor, prepared themselves for the impending conflict. They checked their weapons, adjusted their armor, and ensured their cultivation resources were secured. The air was thick with anticipation as they readied themselves for the battle of a lifetime.

As the sect members made their final preparations, Cyrus turned to his most trusted advisers, the Elders. He gave them a nod, acknowledging their unwavering loyalty and dedication to the sect's cause. These individuals were not only exceptional cultivators but also skilled tacticians and strategists. Their combined wisdom and experience would be critical in the battles ahead.

"Remember, we must fight not only for ourselves but for the countless generations to come," Cyrus reminded the Elders. "Our victory will ensure that those who are deemed untalented will have a chance to prove themselves, to rise above the limitations imposed upon them by those who believe themselves superior."

"And let's teach that bitch, Aelina, a lesson she'll never forget."

With a resolute nod, the Elders returned to their positions, overseeing their respective battalions and ensuring that everything was in order. 

Although Cyrus and the Elders knew that most of what he said was bullshit, they were still affected by his words nonetheless, caught up in his speech.

The sect's formation was impressive, with each battalion perfectly aligned and ready to march.

The atmosphere was electric, and the ground seemed to tremble with the anticipation of what was to come. The Crimson Slayer Sect was about to embark on a perilous journey, one that would test its limits and potentially change the course of history.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden hue over the sect's headquarters, Cyrus gave the signal. The entire sect, united in their pursuit of justice and power, began to march. They moved as a single, cohesive unit, their steps synchronized and their spirits indomitable.

As they disappeared over the horizon, the Crimson Slayer Sect's headquarters fell silent. The once-bustling stronghold now stood empty, a testament to the fierce determination of those who had embarked on this fateful journey.

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